The greatest moment of your life

I can't say that I've had many noteworthy moments in my life despite all of the math competitions I participated in. Still, winning a spelling bee in a 6-8 middle school as a 6th grader comes first to mind. I could have defended the title, too, had I not fallen ill the day of that bee. ><
When I was 11, I was sick on one the day of one of my scholarship exams, but I did it anyway and got the scholarship! I did sleep for about 18 hours straight afterwards though.
When I was in fourth grade I won first place in a speech contest. That was a good day...

I wasn't really thinking too much here but it was also the day that my boyfriend finally kissed me, and we got together. After laik years. .-.
proudest moment; getting 89/90 on my first politics AS module even though I was really unwell for the exam itself and the months preceding it.

greatest moment; hearing my love say pretty things to me.
A few are up there:
Accepting the Award for Individual Excellence in an Ontario-wide inter-school play competition. Not only was I good, but I was better than everyone else in the province. P. fucking cool. Also me taking the mic from the dude presenting people with the awards to thank the academy, my parents and god.

it was fun
My greatest moments are when I spend time with my family and friends of course... I love them so much I would never give them away for anything.

My proudest moment was being elected as a student body vice president! I was the only female out of 10 council members, and going to a male dominated school (like 4/5 people are male), I was really happy! XD
Getting third place in a Regionals event for Magic the Gathering. The top 4 received an invite to Baltimore, which qualified me for US Nationals 2005. The regionals event I played in was 419 people, 10 rounds of swiss; cut to top eight. It was a thirteen hour competition with no lunch break. Basically, the most amazing, fun day of my life.

Unfortunately, I was only sixteen and broke at the time, which prevented me from making the trip from Iowa to Maryland for Nats. Probably one of my biggest regrets was not having the means to go to that.

I repeat top eighted the very next year, and conceded to my friend so that he could go. Ever since then, I've played like shit and been terrible at the game. >_<
Well, since we're going that route, I might as well throw this in for the Yu-Gi-Oh! fans...

I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh! quite a bit before the local tournament I went to stopped running (until recently, but I haven't kept up), but there weren't many tournaments in my area to begin with.

Then in 2005 one organizer started to run Regionals in my hometown. I went to my first regional with my trusty Stall/Burn deck (no attacking/direct damage, for the ignorant) not knowing what to expect. The regional had ~120 players and consisted of 7 rounds of swiss with a top eight cut.

I won my first four matches... then lost my next two before winning my last one. A 5-2 record--good enough... for 9th place.


It was still fun. I got some booster packs for the effort and pulled a card worth about $20 at the time. (For the curious, it was an Ultimate-Rare 1st Edition Winged Kuriboh LV10 from Cybernetic Revolution.) I still have that card to this day--and have kept it in a hard sleeve for over two years. Too bad it's not worth quite as much now... :(
Proudest Moment: Winning a national soccer tournament in Las Vegas. Really felt good.

Greatest Moment: (after reading bayou's post i almost shit myself) smokin' a bowl with my best friend who got shot three weeks earlier. knowin' he was alive was the greatest moment on its own.
Proudest Moment: I would have to say mine would be me being on the honor roll ever since I was in the 6th grade until the time I graduated from high school.

Greatest Moment: When I found out that all of my family and friends made it safely out of New Orleans in time when Hurricane Katrina hit some years back.
Can't think of the absolutely BEST one, but there are still some great ones and that was going to Hong Kong in 1998 where I was in Kindergarden where I was overjoyed and actually landing in Hong Kong was even better. Then it got even better when I went to Toys'R'Us in Hong Kong with like the biggest load of toys ever. Good old times when I was 5 years old.

Then again those were childhood times and I'm sure there are more great times during primary school, where we were always inmature and doing just stupid stupid things.
This thread made me cry...

I have severe depression. I don't think I remember what happiness feels like. Reading about all these happy/proud moments is kinda overwhelming...

It did make me smile though, thanks everyone.

I haven't had any proud moments that I can think of... I was elected house captain in primary school though, but the fact that the only other candidate was some fat bully who was only in it for the popularity/authority kinda took away the sense of achievement.

I managed to net myself a boyfriend somehow... but I love him more than anything, and I think I'd have a mental breakdown if he weren't there for me sometimes.

Good times for me are when I don't have commitments or responsibilities to worry about, when I'm alone and I can think about stuff (it helps) or when I'm eating something yummy. Good food always cheers me up (I'm not fat.)

You know, I can't find a moment in which my life in which I would consider the best I've experienced. My life is generally fine as is, and stays about the same. If I had to pick, it would either be:

1. When I opened my Wii on Christmas day. Fucking awesome.

2. When I started taking pills for depression. Made everything fucking awesome.
Nice, getting a Wii! I was so hopeful... but no, I got a fancy electric shaver that I didn't want or need o_O

........pills? tell me more
Haha, a razor isn't so bad. I'm a 20 year old guy and I still don't have a decent razor. Every year I ask for one and I never get it because people don't consider it a "real" gift. I don't know why I haven't just gone out and bought one, disposable razors mess my face up something fierce sometimes =(

More seriously, be happy having someone who loves you and cares about you, someone you can love in return as well. This is more valuable than any material good. It's something that can last much longer, and mean much more than a Wii, a razor (lol), or random accomplishments.

Food is good.
Heh, thanks.

And yeah, food is good.

Now that I thinkof it though, a proud moment would be breaking up with my girlfriend peacefully. She was a previous relationship, and she turned out to be a complete narcissist. I had to break it, so I sat her down and had a long talk with her, and she completely understood my point of view. No yelling, no complaining, but it made some of her firends hate me... heh
Getting me and my cousin's picture taken the night before the Chelsea/Manchester United football match (or soccer, as you may call it) with John Oshea. The rest of both teams had gone to their hotel rooms, so only him and his mates were left in the bar..... and my mustache starting to grow when I was in year 6. but now am 14, year 9.

I wish there were more shops around where I live that sell Yu-Gi-Oh! card boosters. Then I would devise a strategy and probably join a club.... secretly.
just time with my best friends. there are 3 guys that i met in early high school that are still my best mates. we don't even live in the same country now, but we meet up for a few weeks every year. i remember running through the school corridors with them. it wasn't anything special, but we were on such a high :D. somehow, that just sticks out to me. stealing condoms from mannings, filling them up with soya milk and chucking them on new years eve is another memorable event :D.
In retrospect, one of the greatest experiences of my life was entering forensics state qualifiers for impromptu on a whim, going on to place fifth when three slots were available, and finding out that places one and two were going in extemp rather than impromptu. But that took place over the course of an entire day, and the culmination is hardly what I'd describe as positive. I think my initial reaction was disbelief, and it wasn't until the following morning that I realized, "holy crap, I'm going to state."

On my high school Mock Trial team, I only do pre-trial. One of the things that I love most about pre-trial attorney is that you can do all of your work independently, meaning that you don't have to attend any meetings. Also, the fact that little research has to be done and little preparation is necessary to give a legal argument is nice. However, the part that I love most about it is that rather than waiting until after long deliberation has been done to hear a verdict, you get to hear whether the pre-trial motion has passed immediately. This also has a direct impact on the rest of the team. Even though the verdict doesn't affect your score, learning that you've just won the motion is really awesome, especially when the opposing pre-trial attorney happens to be an old forensics adversary from a rival school that you vowed to "fight to the ends of the earth."

Another notable experience would be in FIRST Vex Competition. At a national qualifier, our team advanced to elimination rounds by pure fluke and opposing malfunctioning robots, and we got a first-round bye, but was eliminated in the following round after two consecutive losses. That was pretty disappointing. However, we figured that we still stood a chance at winning an award based on our community involvement, and watched other teams compete until the awards ceremony. Sadly, the awards ceremony was equally depressing, as awards were distributed without us as a recipient. The last award given was the champion's award, given for "best of show." We were nearly certain that we would not receive this, given our less-than-optimal robot design and lack of FIRST Robotics Competition experience. However, as the MC read the description for the winning team, we realized that the description being read matched many of the responses that we had given to our judges during interview. Just as we were beginning to realize this, our team number was read, and our faces lit up with the realization that we would be going to Atlanta.

Probably the best moment of my life was at a regional Science Bowl event, starting the first round off with an interrupt and a correct bonus. Scoring a large percentage of my team's points and getting a 14-point lead in the first three minutes and my teams accompanying reaction (gratitude, not envy!) was awesome. In retrospect, it wasn't that amazing, but given our mental state for most of the morning, it was relative heaven. And we ended up missing advancing by two slots.

Other contenders for "best moment of my life" are probably debate tournaments. I recall one Congress round where my argument on funding the advancement of hydrogen fuel technology suggested bringing William Shatner and Patrick Stewart out of retirement so that they could help us get our hands on some dilithium crystals (or pure hydrogen, failing that). Later, I found out that I had placed first in that round, which made me happy. And nothing gets the adrenaline rushing like a good debate on capital punishment, unless it's an argument about whether UN's valuation of national sovereignty over individual rights is misplaced.

Every time that I consider experimenting with illicit drugs, I consider that I could probably attain an even higher level of euphoria if I just undertook another scholastic endeavor. Or, you know, got around to playing the next Gyakuten Saiban game. But that wouldn't have the added effect of enhancing my humility.


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High School Tennis. My best friends were on the team and tennis is probably my favorite thing in the world. It was simply amazing every year for 3 years.
Finally have an answer for this. Probably driving down the highway alongside the beach, listening to "Otherside" by Red Hot Chili Peppers. We were going to San Diego.
Proudest moments: getting 103/105 for my design & technology project, which I put my blood sweat and tears into. Of late I'd have to say getting offered a place at Cambridge, which was pretty cool considering the course I applied for is one of the most over-subscribed.


April Fools 2009 Participant
VGC '10, '11, '12 Masters Champion
Well, since we're going that route, I might as well throw this in for the Yu-Gi-Oh! fans...

I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh! quite a bit before the local tournament I went to stopped running (until recently, but I haven't kept up), but there weren't many tournaments in my area to begin with.

Then in 2005 one organizer started to run Regionals in my hometown. I went to my first regional with my trusty Stall/Burn deck (no attacking/direct damage, for the ignorant) not knowing what to expect. The regional had ~120 players and consisted of 7 rounds of swiss with a top eight cut.

I won my first four matches... then lost my next two before winning my last one. A 5-2 record--good enough... for 9th place.


It was still fun. I got some booster packs for the effort and pulled a card worth about $20 at the time. (For the curious, it was an Ultimate-Rare 1st Edition Winged Kuriboh LV10 from Cybernetic Revolution.) I still have that card to this day--and have kept it in a hard sleeve for over two years. Too bad it's not worth quite as much now... :(
My greatest moment would have to be yugioh related too. I guess my greatest would be getting my first invite to Nats, as that was pretty cool. Too bad I quit yugioh a year ago due to how at the time, having 3 Il Blud($200 a card X_X) was necessary and you couldn't win without it. When I last checked Metagame, the game is all about OTK's and the cards needed are way to expensive. Oh well, yugioh was good back in the day. i have a lot of good memories. Also, where did you play yugioh? I live in NJ and played in tournament all over the area, so I might have played you once if you live somewhere close to NJ(Not very likely, lol). If you ever checked the Upperdeck rankings before I quit, I was around 6th in the state.

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