CAP 11 CAP 11 - Part 9 - Art Poll 4

What art should be used for CAP 11?

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Okay, my final vote is for DougJustDoug. Every pokemon is based off something you can recognize, and while Voodoom is obvious, Kukem's is called the Dark Loris Pokemon (I think its pretty obvious that its based off of a Ninja and that its concept preevo is based off of some quadrupedal nocturnal animal with black spots around its eyes), and I fail to see the resemblance. I also think Volt Absorb/Lightningrod is exectued better in Voodoom.

Also, we don't have a pure voodo pokemon yet, though Banette is similar.

But, if we consider CAP11 to be a ninja:
Nicada: the Trainee Pokemon
Ninjask: the Ninja Pokemon

Different body style, same inner concept. So I don't think that "Banette is too similar" is a good reason not to vote for DougJustDoug. Just some thoughts, both concepts have their own pros and cons, but most have been stated already.
Technically speaking, every Ghost-type that learns Curse is a Voodoo Pokemon. And it truly doesn't make sense to have a "Voodoo Doll Pokemon" who can't use "Curse" for its Voodoo technique.

Loris refers to its pre-evolution concept which is based off of a Loris.
Venator, I know you're passionate but please, please stop it. Just like Tennis said, vote for what you like. There are no logical arguments in this thread. Stop harping on specifics. For the record, DJD's doll looks more "like a Pokemon" than Banette does in my opinion...

To me, the concept of voodoo is very much a "dark" concept even if the pokemon games traditionally label it Ghost. The color scheme and body type also suggest a sort of Fighting type. I loved it from the start, and my vote most definitely goes to DougJustDoug.

Not that yours is bad Kukem, I just really like Doug's :)
DougJustDoug has had my vote from the start.
3 reasons why:
1: Classic black magic such as voodoo is great for a dark type. Its coloring and bulky appearance gives it fighting type characteristics.
2: Flavour, check the supporting material. The needles in its body make Volt Absorb and Lightningrod make sense.
3: It looks more like a real pokemon.
Definitely going for Kukem's DarkLoris, as his not only emphasizes the special attack and speed stats, but also retains his Fighting/Dark typing visually. Doug's, on the other hand doesn't look like a fighting, and just somewhat looks dark. Not to mention Doug's Voodoom seems like it would be a slow and physical hitter.
Also, Kukem's seems like it could be a real Pokémon, whereas even though Doug's looks good, it doesn't seem practical as an actual Pokémon.
Voted for Kukem i love both peices of art, DougJustDoug did a remarkable job but Kukem's fighting type pops out more to me, and DougJustDoug looks more ghostly to me, although ill agree it looks more like pokemonish. It was a tough decision.
I voted for Kukem's design. In my opinion, Dougs Voodoom does not appear to be fighting type, or dark type. True, it is a fascinating design, but in my opinion, it is a design that would fit a ghost-normal, ghost-psychic, or, for that matter, ghost-anything typed pokemon. Kukem's pokemon looks aggressive, fits the typing, and fits the stat spread better.


one on one
If you read DJD's background info, he explans that a voodoo doll represents Dark/Fighting as using it is like a dark/mischeivous way to fight/injure your opponents. I loved that explanation. Kukem's design certainly looks brilliant, but when I see it my first thought is Shadow the Hedgehog.

Speed I can see the issue (but still it's precedented for a bulky looking pokemon to be fast) but anything about special/physical offense doesn't make sense to me. Neither design looks any more special than the other. In fact, I think that Kukem's looks more physically oriented than Doug's. (how many times have you seen Shadow the Hedgehog use a non-physical attack?)

I've voted for Doug the whole way, and if memory serves he's never won a concept art poll. Hopefully this will be his first!
so what does it mean when snorlax uses curse?
Ghosts have their health drained by half to reduce the foe's health by a fourth every turn...non ghost types have an attack and defense raise and a speed decrease. He's saying that Curse most resembles voodoo on a GHOST type, instead of a dark type.

Anyways, Just wanted to wish Doug And Kukem luck :) (go kukem!)
Unfortunately I will not be here to see the end of this!
Also, can't any Kukem voter put a substance to his vote which doesn't include the words Dough's design doesn't look fighting type?
Also, there are reasons for Voodoom's stats, and ability, and types (not so much the fighting type, but still looks fighting).
Also, for those who give the reason Kukem's would look cool riding on Togekiss's back, how could it ride on Togekiss's back if Kukem's is a night poke, while Togekiss is a Sun poke (lolshinystone).
I voted DJD for this one.

Why? Eh - number of reasons, but to sum it up simply:
1) How a Pkmn looks does not and should not denote stats or typing. If we went solely with looks to denote these things, then Gyarados wouldn't be Water/ Flying, and other Pokemon would have to be altered.
2) Even if we use the stat-spreads - it turns out that our CAP11 is actually a Sp. Atk aligned Pkmn. Huh... so the typical look of a fighting type, i.e. muscular or physical, doesn't really make any sense on this sort of Pkmn.
3) Neither of them jump out as particularly being the end-all of ideas for artwork: on the one hand, we have a ninja-esque bipedal hedgehog-lookalike, due to the way the design was created; on the other, we have a fairly stereo-typical voodoo doll, which doesn't jump out to look like a Pokemon either at first glance.
4) Anyone advocating the idea of a ninja should think thus: Ninjas aren't exactly known for being fast or powerful, but rather, deadly and unseen. That means unusual methods of death, or ones which cannot be traced. Despite what Naruto and other media portray, ninja were assassins, not warriors.

In the end, I simply thought that we should have a more Pokemon-esque Pokemon design, but to be honest, I cannot understand where the super-badger or the heartless raccoon failed if these are the last two designs.

Bull of Heaven

I completely fail to understand how Doug's art doesn't "look Dark/Fighting" or even "like a pokemon". The supporting image of "Voodoom" next to a prevo looked more to me like actual pokemon art than any other CAP design, past or present, that I can recall right now. As for the typing, nothing's more "Dark" than a voodoo doll, it looks ready to fight (especially next to the prevo), and I'm not buying any of the "it looks too much like [other type]" arguments that pop up in every CAP. You know, when Buizel was first revealed, some people on another site speculated that it would be a Fire-type just because of its colour. People always place too much emphasis on exaggerated stereotypes when it comes to typing and art. Doug also has the abilities explained better than Kukem, and both fit the stat spread reasonably well (and the art that fit it best IMO has already been eliminated).

Plus the voodoo doll design is just more interesting than whatever Kukem's is, and has the unique flavor Doug always provides with his backstories.


Believer, going on a journey...
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
About 30 behind as usual. Damn it, guys.

At this point, the reason I'm supporting Kukem is that his design looks like a badass superhero, and I'm quite fond of superheroes. Go Kukem!

EDIT: Four votes in for Kukem. We can still win this!
I went into this round supporting DougJustDoug, and I continue to. But since I've already explained a few times why I like his design and voted for it. I guess I'd better give a reason I'm NOT voting for Kukem's. My reason would be that. It looks like a steel type pokemon more than a fighting or dark type. Maybe a dark/steel or a fight/steel, but a steel nonetheless.
I've voted for Kukem's all the way since it became an option. Glad to see many of us are in agreement.

However, with no offense whatsoever to anyone, I think a few too many people are voting purely out of design bias, without paying much attention to CAP11's actual build. I really like Doug's design, but seriously, while it conveys the given abilities very well, Ninjalemur does a far better job at conveying the types & 110 Speed we've given it while still looking like it can get away with said abilities.
How does it look like a Steel-type.. ?

Anyway, voted for Kukem. Personally, I feel a CAP Pokemon should try to match the parameters put down for it, such as typing and stats. Doug's certainly has.. charisma, but it's just not doing it for me. To be frank, it creeps me out. An Quimic, it's a big reason to many people, so obviously they'd put it in their post. Kukem's design is stream-lined, for Speed, and actually looks devious instead of downright frightening. I also don't see how a gracious fairy-bird would have anything to do with a pinned-up doll out of hell. How tall is "Voodoom" anyhow? Does Voodoom vs a Rhyperior make ANY sense? Haha.

Anyway, Doug, your design is excellent. It's a brilliant piece of artwork, but I just feel Kukem got down all the requirements a little better.

Good luck~ :)
Voted for Kukem, though I was displeased by both designs.

Kukem looks too far out to be a valid "Pokemon" design, it looks like a superhero/ninja mouse. DJD on the other hand, does not have the design to pull of a fighting type at all. The design obviously points out ghost and says nothing about fighting, which is its main typing.

Kukem was the only design to successfully portray the fighting type.
Wow. These are both very nice designs. Can't say I'd be disappointed with either outcome.

Let me just say, DougJustDoug has provided a lot of art submissions I greatly enjoyed in the past (especially the Ice/Bug for CAP 1, I want one of those!), and Voodoom is no exception here. Bonus points for a prevo. And I can't knock it for saying "it doesn't look like a Pokemon". I've had creepier Pokemon concepts, and Black/White are including a goth and an encapsulated teddy bear skeleton as new Pokemon, so that isn't too far out. Great job, it pegs that macabre funny/creepy balance well, as well as providing good reason for Lightningrod.


I had to vote for Kukem here. Something about the art just reaches out and grabs me. It conceptually has just about everything down, too. It screams sleek and able to move and attack. The orbs on the palms look to me like some kind of energy focus, perhaps usable to both draw in electricity (Volt Absorb) or emit energy (Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, etc.), but it looks like it could still dish out a straight physical hit in a pinch. The trailing red belt really adds to the "in-motion" feel of the Pokemon, and I think the color palette employed there just screams out "Dark/Fighting". Sure, it can be accused of having design elements of other Pokemon, like Lucario, Zoroark, and Luxray, but not in any bad way. As far as the base concept, it looks like the dark, mysterious hero that would rush to Togekiss' aid. and while the mental image of Togekiss looking all determined and playing with a voodoo doll to try and get ahead is amusing, this version feels cooler and more practical in the pairing.

Best of luck to both artists, though. This one is gonna be close, and rightfully so.
The voodoo doll looks like you could slap it and it would die. It screams I AM A DARK TYPE ONLY. Kukems looks fast and looks like a fighting type. It gets my vote.
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