Recent content by BenVdd

  1. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    we should get a plugin that kills or at least knocks mobs off of tracks when they get hit by a cart allowing the cart to move on...
  2. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    Then lets just make an arena with leaderboards fighting for ultimate glory on the server. winner gets something nice. also this mod looks like fun for SSP
  3. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    We should make better use of jail. Make an arena out of it. The one who survives gets to keep the belongings in his inv. and all the loot he can get from battling other inmates.
  4. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    Haha i kinda went overboard in my reaction to this. my bad, very unprofessional. I still think that exploding rails and not wanting to put them back is against the rules basically , unlit tracks or not. But its a SMP world where as far as i know trespassing is not on the list of ' don't do's '...
  5. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    Ok.. so iirc if you make a creeper explode it is your responsibility to repair the damage that has been done. And still going up there not acknowledging the signs is something i personally do not like one bit as it is a violation of privacy if you will. I'll let the other admins decide what to...
  6. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    I updated the server to 1.2.4. Also but the correct end world back up (edit2: ok it really is back up now :) ) :) have fun!
  7. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    sorry that i didnt have time yet buddha. I will do my best to get it back up by sunday (unless enough people ask not to upload the old end i guess? in wich case i will pay back the stuff u lost with a significant bonus :) )
  8. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    Also expect the server to be on 1.2.4 much quicker and smoother than 1.2.3 ... I had to completely whipe it to get it running decently again so there mustve been something wrong deep down in the files.. server is now officially back online (but on 1.2.3) i've just looked up devs build for...
  9. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    i suggest not updating to 1.2.4 yet as i have just got the server working on 1.2.3 , just waiting on forks to put the backup worldmap back up and redo the whitelist. for those who did i uploaded a 1.2.3 jar file :
  10. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    Trolling : successful
  11. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    Its against the rules. rollback or no rollback and rules are there to be enforced.
  12. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    new server population: old one - childish bitches
  13. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    if logblock was enabled i would go on log every bit of griefing and swing the banhammer around. Rollback or not. the server was put online in vanilla so people could still enjoy themselves in the meanwhile.. not to see their shit burn down. If you wanna torch the map just ask for a download -.-
  14. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    the server does not care if its online or not. It is paid on a monthly basis.
  15. Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

    His smogon name is TrogRage also, now that the bukkit team is a part of mojang i hope they start using bukkit as the standard minecraft server client so the shit will be released at the same time releaving everyone of this unneeded grief...