Recent content by Chaoswaffles

  1. looking to do random egg run challenge in ss

    hey guys i was just wondering if you could help me out. i read online about doing a random egg run challenge where people online donate eggs from there collection to a player and he plays the game through only using those eggs. i think this would be awesome in ss. so this is what im looking...
  2. Ask a Simple Question; Get a Simple Answer & General Resources (OU Edition)

    I like lucario and zoroark and I would like to make a team of three but I need a pokemon to compliment them
  3. Totally new to all of the math side of Pokemon. Have questions

    Hi my names tony. I've been playing Pokemon since us launch of blue/red and I've normally only played the game to collect and for the story. I'm just getting into the breeding and raising side of the game. I hate math. I don't know where to post this so I'm starting here maybe someone can...