Recent content by Dj_latios

  1. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 10

    there are for them.
  2. CAP 2 Part Deux: Poll 14 - Spriting Time

    ^shiny ones???They can also help...I apologize for the inconvenience.
  3. CAP 2 Revenankh Spriting Thread (aka Part 12)

    we should add a voting system now to see the best sprites...... ~DJ~
  4. RMT: Disturbed

  5. CAP 2 Smogon "Create A Pokemon" Part Deux: Poll 10

    1 and 9....'nuff said
  6. What kind of Pokemon (type, ability, role, moves, etc.) do you wish existed? Fire/Water pokemon...classified as "hot spring pokemon"
  7. Nanananananana Batman!

    Ta-nananananana BATMAN!!!!! but your biggest problem has to the infernape
  8. CAP 2 Smogon "Create A Pokemon" Part Deux: Poll 9

  9. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 10

    ok thanks...also do you happen to know if a DS has a 1 year warranty or something
  10. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 10

    in the PC boxes can one use the L button to move from box2 to box1
  11. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 10

    Why is poison heal+thunderpunch breloom considered illegal?????
  12. CAP 2 Smogon "Create a Pokemon" Part Deux: Discussion 8

    thanks for making my life easier.....same post.
  13. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 10

    where else can I get everstone in emerald other than in dewford cave