Recent content by Dratios

  1. Dratios

    Hi! Sorry bout the delay, but as you've seen I'm subbed out lol. Gl on your match!

    Hi! Sorry bout the delay, but as you've seen I'm subbed out lol. Gl on your match!
  2. Dratios

    CAP34 - Part 12 - Name Poll 3

    Chuggalong Choolong Trainrex Allaboros
  3. Dratios

    hey thanks for ur patience this week, on and ready to go whenever

    hey thanks for ur patience this week, on and ready to go whenever
  4. Dratios

    CAP 34 - Part 11 - Prevo # Poll

    One Two None
  5. Dratios

    actually sorry, i realized i'll be busy most of saturday sunday would be best, 10am is fine

    actually sorry, i realized i'll be busy most of saturday sunday would be best, 10am is fine
  6. Dratios

    both are fine! sunday 10am works for me as well. whatever's more convenient for you

    both are fine! sunday 10am works for me as well. whatever's more convenient for you
  7. Dratios

    sunday would be great!

    sunday would be great!
  8. Dratios

    any day except friday yeah

    any day except friday yeah
  9. Dratios

    -8, later in the week is better for me but ive got a lot of availability otherwise

    -8, later in the week is better for me but ive got a lot of availability otherwise
  10. Dratios

    CAP 34 - Art Poll 1

    Scizivire Gravity Monkey Quotidian BupArts Sunfished T-Okay Shadowshocker Yokaiju sun_dew Explosion Badger EnderTrenton HealthGage Gaboswampert Felis Licht breadstickslug ausma Chillie Scepticskep StephXPM Yu_IOTJ Amamama Reiga
  11. Dratios


  12. Dratios


  13. Dratios

    [IMG] top 10 horror movie intros

    top 10 horror movie intros
  14. Dratios

    hirly bestie

    hirly bestie
  15. Dratios

