Recent content by Gandalay4

  1. Mono-Electric Team . . . AWSOME

    Does this team have to be 6 electric types? Most monotype teams are based around 4/5 electric types. If you can use 1 poke thats not electric then you should consider running a machamp or another bulky fighter just to ensure your check on blissey.
  2. My Xbox controller is broken, so I made a new team. (OU RMT)

    I run basicly the same set Infernape. If I were you I would try running fire punch over flare blitz. Recoil + LO Damage really rips infernape a new ass hole.
  3. Cannon Cup Top 8 Round 6

    It's uploading now. Lol, I'm uploading but it doesn't have any editing, so no music. It's processing.
  4. Cannon Cup Top 8 Round 6

    I was asked to do the above by CW. I'll gladly do it.
  5. Amazing team, needs work

    Try running starmie over donphan, it makes your ice/water weakness go down to 2 and also helps because it can damage other bulky waters with thunderbolt.
  6. I Pawnch/Kick Babies (OU)

    Scizor keeps ttar in check as everyone is saying. I don't need bullet punch on my metagross. I almost always get rocks up at sometime in the game so it isn't that big of a deal. I always atk first so it will be at 1 hp regardless. Most aero leads taunt as I MM and then SR while I tpunch. It's...
  7. I Pawnch/Kick Babies (OU)

    The 32 EV's in sp.atk was a typo. I'll try your suggestion to switch Latias to Cress. I will never use a wish bliss as it is very cheap and this current blissey has saved me in alot of occasions. I don't like explosion over thunderpunch on metagross just because one of the most common switch ins...
  8. I Pawnch/Kick Babies (OU)

    This Team has been doing well overall. Good coverage, nice defences, and it wins me battles. My friend and me made this team and it works really well for us. Originally there was a specs mence instead of latias but since latias came into OU, it works just as well as mence. There's no real big...
  9. RMT- OU - Team That Needs A Lot Of Help (Great Name right?)

    Surf over grass knot on Latias. Hidden message, D9 likes men.
  10. Chrono_Trigger RMT!

    Indra, change gyra's nature to jolly because you said that jolteon switchs in alot, with a jolly nature you can outspeed it and EQ.
  11. Double battle Tourney - Round 2

    Hopefully round 3 gets posted soon.
  12. Double battle Tourney - Round 2

    Very close, 1-0 him. I could've exploded and kill all 3 of our pokes but idk if there was self-ko clause or not and comp was being gay.
  13. Double Battle Tourney - Showdown Style - Round One

    I beat burnspy 3-0. GG
  14. Double Battle Tourney - Showdown Style - Round One

    I'm supposed to be battling my opponent tomarrow but my friend needs to me to help him set up his comp so I probably can't battle tomarrow so hopefully saturday.