Recent content by GeniusFromHoenn

  1. GeniusFromHoenn

    Hey I'm calling activity win, please respond to your opponents in future tours early in the week

    Hey I'm calling activity win, please respond to your opponents in future tours early in the week
  2. GeniusFromHoenn

    The Ubers Open X - Round 1

    Calling act, opponent never responded unfortunately
  3. GeniusFromHoenn

    Signups RUGL I - Player Signups (Auction May 11 @ 2:30PM -3!!!)

    Name: Geniusfromhoenn Tiers Played: SV RU Tiers Not Played: n/a Foreseen Inactivity: first 2 weeks
  4. GeniusFromHoenn

    Tournament PSPL XII - Pools Week Three

    Won vs inder, gg. Vamos sports
  5. GeniusFromHoenn

    Hey, we play for ubers open tournament, please let me know what your time zone is and what hours...

    Hey, we play for ubers open tournament, please let me know what your time zone is and what hours of the day you're free (on which days) so that we can decide a time to play for the tournament
  6. GeniusFromHoenn

    Tournament PSPL XII - Pools Week Two

    Won gg
  7. GeniusFromHoenn

    Let's try 11 pm +7 today then

    Let's try 11 pm +7 today then
  8. GeniusFromHoenn

    I'm available from then to next 4h, js lmk

    I'm available from then to next 4h, js lmk
  9. GeniusFromHoenn

    Uh something came up expectedly wtf is this day, can you in an hour from rn dude, so sorry about...

    Uh something came up expectedly wtf is this day, can you in an hour from rn dude, so sorry about this
  10. GeniusFromHoenn

    Let's play now?

    Let's play now?
  11. GeniusFromHoenn

    I guess scheduled time it is

    I guess scheduled time it is
  12. GeniusFromHoenn

    I'll be back in 30 if you're down for the game

    I'll be back in 30 if you're down for the game
  13. GeniusFromHoenn

    Play early? Rn or in1h

    Play early? Rn or in1h