Recent content by happymanhappy

  1. Ask a Simple Question; Get a Simple Answer & General Resources (OU Edition)

    I really like muk can i use him in OU?
  2. Team help

    Awesome also I would maybe suggest protect on Latias so for that one turn that it takes for wish to work you can be protected.
  3. Team help

    First off I would suggest wish on your latias, it is a very important move that heals anyone on your team or latias (I'm assuming you know what it is but if you don't look it up.) Also another problem with latias is that Latios is alot better for special sweeping Latias is more for support of...
  4. Ask a Simple Question; Get a Simple Answer & General Resources (OU Edition)

    why does it say communication error when i try to battle
  5. Rain Team

    Azelf is the best ever.
  6. World Torn Asunder (peaked at 1335)

  7. New to battling please help!

    alright thanks man!
  8. Winter is Coming!-a 5th gen hail team

    I've used many hail teams and it is about using abilities like snow cloak and abuse the hail thing well thats how I used to play ;D. For the most part I really think its pretty solid maybe find a spot for vanniluxe its acually not to shabby it's just pretty under rated i used at vgc and got VERY far
  9. New to battling please help!

    As far as run your own weather how about abombasnow for the ice type and landorus and dragonite or other flying or dragon types?
  10. New to battling please help!

    Alright buddy THANKS SO MUCH!!
  11. New to battling please help!

    Hi guys! As the title says I have had success with this team but I would really like your personal opinions and idea's! Also it's my birthday(I'm really being serious) and this is my first post I read the rules I have tested it and like I said I would love idea's or opinions...
  12. New to comp, need advice

    Change chansey to blissey!
  13. Hey want to battle?

    Hey want to battle?
  14. Mixed Team

    How do you like azelf? One thing that might just be an opinion but instead of flamethrower I use fire blast, try it out it really can do some damage especially with nasty plot!