Recent content by Jakubowski53

  1. Jakubowski53

    The LC Open XI - Round 3-A

    contacted waiting for a response
  2. Jakubowski53

    Hey I got matched with you in the LC open. I am in EST what times are you available

    Hey I got matched with you in the LC open. I am in EST what times are you available
  3. Jakubowski53

    The LC Open XI - Round 2-B

    Contacted, never got a reply
  4. Jakubowski53

    The LC Open XI - Round 2-B

    contacted, waiting for reply
  5. Jakubowski53

    Hey, I play you in the LC open. I am in EST when are you available to play?

    Hey, I play you in the LC open. I am in EST when are you available to play?
  6. Jakubowski53

    The LC Open XI - Round 1-B

    Contacted, waiting for reply
  7. Jakubowski53

    Hey I am in EST when can you play against me when are you available

    Hey I am in EST when can you play against me when are you available