Recent content by Kalob

  1. Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    that seems hard
  2. im bored :(

    im bored :(
  3. boooored! </mood>

    boooored! </mood>
  4. meh

  5. Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    Ok Typist: Your pokemon belives it's type(s) is best, so, you may only use moves of that pokemon's type; no status moves, as for witch pokemon u have to use, make sure u don't use a mono team! But really tho, at least use 1 grass type (dual typed or not) as for evolution, if your pokemon is a...
  6. Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    I just want 1 now
  7. Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    Ok i'll start it and keep you updated! Can I give you one after i get to the end (and can the end be after sunnyshore gym? it's just, it takes long to get o the pokemon league without saves
  8. Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    Ok thanks! Could you please give me a scramble challange? Under my rules, of course! ^_^
  9. Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    1: whats doubble posting? 2. sorry i was putting alot of effert into that post.
  10. i want a scramble challange! also i wanna give one too!

    i want a scramble challange! also i wanna give one too!
  11. Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    hi i want a scramble on diamond, i'd like the game to end when u beat your enemy and i can't do any saving cuz im not gonna delete my save file diff:easy (this is my 1st scramble so yh) i don't want any soloing nonsence, nor any stupid ev or nature traning/finding. i want 6 pokemon- or...
  12. Suggestions for Pokémon Showdown

    eh i see your point
  13. Suggestions for Pokémon Showdown

    ok so here's my idea: when you log in (one time only) it will ask you if your conpetetive or casual, and you can only see other people who chose the same as you. Or just make a casual player server
  14. Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

    ok so i had to reply to this comment cuz there's no "post" button but anyway the bug is i saved a replay and watched it a little while ago and it was the wrong one! it wasn't even the same user! and i'm sure i was on the same replay i wanted to share!
  15. Suggestions for Pokémon Showdown

    ok so my suggestions are: 1: make it so ANY pokemon can learn ANY move.(even starly learning dragon accent!) 2: could u make it where the max ev's u can put on ur pokemon is 252 for all stats? example: like where u could max out ALL of ur stats.