Recent content by lazy gh0st

  1. lazy gh0st

    Hello! When would you like to play our Round 1 match for OST?

    Hello! When would you like to play our Round 1 match for OST?
  2. lazy gh0st

    cool sounds good, I will be on tomorrow, and I will let you know if I'm running a bit late b/c...

    cool sounds good, I will be on tomorrow, and I will let you know if I'm running a bit late b/c of work
  3. lazy gh0st

    Hey, we play in round 2 of Smogon VGC tourney, when's a good time for you? I'm free weeknights...

    Hey, we play in round 2 of Smogon VGC tourney, when's a good time for you? I'm free weeknights after 5 pm Mountain US.