Recent content by LordPinecone

  1. LordPinecone

    CAP 26 - Art Poll 3

  2. LordPinecone

    CAP 23 CAP 23 - Part 7 - Art Poll 4

  3. LordPinecone

    CAP 23 CAP23 - Part 7 - Art Poll 3

    DougJustDoug Quanyails Reigaheres
  4. LordPinecone

    CAP 23 CAP 23 - Part 7 - Art Poll 1

    LordPinecone Garbagery DougjustDoug Falchion Golurkyourself Magistrum Darklatias92
  5. LordPinecone

    CAP 23 CAP 23 - Part 6 - Secondary Ability Poll

    Strong Jaw Mold Breaker Early bird
  6. LordPinecone

    CaP Prevos - Bolderdash - Art Poll 1

    Garbagery Ladish SilvanRaptor
  7. LordPinecone

    CaP Prevos - Rebble - Art Poll 1

    SilvanRaptor Garbagery ladish
  8. LordPinecone

    CAP 23 CAP 23 - Art Submissions

    FINAL SUBMISSION Ok so I know you aren't supposed to delete then repost these but when i deleted my initial illegal post i didn't plan on doing another i worked hard on this so I'd really appreciate if an exception were to be made to make this one official i've edited it and checked with mods...
  9. LordPinecone

    CAP 23 CAP 23 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 2

    New Toy Syndrome Wait! It's a Trap Move! Maximum Compression
  10. LordPinecone

    u r a cunt

    u r a cunt