Recent content by Porygon

  1. GTS Cloning Trick

    As far as I know the double save pretty much covers it 99 percent of the time. I've heard maybe 2-3 cases of Pokemon vanishing completely, but that may have been from turning it off while receiving the Pokemon off of GTS. Anyway, I made a ton of attempts today with no luck. If I turn of off...
  2. GTS Cloning Trick

    Okay, I know this has been addressed a few times in this thread, but I just want to make sure it's still relevant now so I don't get shafted trying to clone things. If I put up a Pokemon onto GTS and attempt to clone and ask for Shyamin or Arceus (or Darkrai until that event happens) I'm ensured...
  3. What kind of damage can messing with the clock do?

    I've heard Pal Park makes you wait an additional day every time you do this, and I imagine there are some berry issues that go along with this, but has anything bigger been reported? Anything that punishes you in a more permanent way? (Animal Crossing anyone?) And how does the game determine if...
  4. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer.

    Is there any permanent harm in messing around with your clock? I've heard that you get an extra day for the Pal Park thing, but is there anything more than that?
  5. I need some help for a D/P Avatar Calculator

    Has anyone ripped the sprites for the characters you can be yet?
  6. I need some help for a D/P Avatar Calculator

    Check the four options you have in each game. Because if you get the same four for each game- that might mean it goes by character name and not ID number (doubt it, but worth a shot)
  7. I need some help for a D/P Avatar Calculator

    Metalkid needs: -character gender -the four things you can choose from in the Oreburgh Pokemon center from the woman -your ID number
  8. Underground, etc. character avatar?

    I don't know if non-battle related questions are even allowed here, but I'll try: How does D/P's a hidden avatar system work? (like you would see from other's secret bases, and in the union room) I've heard something about being able to change your underground avatar from four options - is...