Recent content by RaRe555

  1. RaRe555

    Big (Official) Cyberpunk Mafia - Signups

    In because I haven't played mafia in forever
  2. RaRe555

    Big Everybody Votes Mafia Game Over; Democracy and Communism win

    wow fine. anyone who'd like to work with us please contact me asap before I'm too much of a bloody pulp to talk with you guys!!
  3. RaRe555

    Multifaction/FFA BIGS 2 - Game Over! NPC alice Wins! SC1 Winner: jumpluff; SC2 Winner: Ullar

    Upon my life, by some device or other You villains are o'er-raught of all my money. They say this town is full of cozenage, As, nimble jugglers that deceive the eye, Dark-working sorcerers that change the mind, Soul-killing witches that deform the body, Disguised cheaters, prating mountebanks...
  4. RaRe555

    Multifaction/FFA BIGS 2 - Game Over! NPC alice Wins! SC1 Winner: jumpluff; SC2 Winner: Ullar

    A heavier task could not have been imposed Than I to speak my griefs unspeakable: Yet, that the world may witness that lapine's end Was wrought by nature, not by vile offence, I'll utter what my sorrows give me leave: lynch lapine, whose name brings about unrest and imbalance.
  5. RaRe555

    Multifaction/FFA BIGS 2 - Game Over! NPC alice Wins! SC1 Winner: jumpluff; SC2 Winner: Ullar

    Under the unreleting insistence of thy beloved host, I come forth to brandish my opulent vocabulary, praying to the gods that be that they deem me worthy of not dying to their thundering wrath in such a way that all that'd be left of me is a withering seared rotten and disintegrated corpse.