Recent content by Servaos

  1. Servaos

    Sure, that works

    Sure, that works
  2. Servaos

    I'm free tomorrow, how's 7 pm GMT sound?

    I'm free tomorrow, how's 7 pm GMT sound?
  3. Servaos

    The LC Open XI - Round 2-B

    Won 2-1 vs The_Link_Ning, ggs
  4. Servaos

    The LC Open XI - Round 1-D

    won vs mastermine9 ggs
  5. Servaos

    How does 7 pm MT tomorrow sound?

    How does 7 pm MT tomorrow sound?
  6. Servaos

    Hey hey looks like I'm your first opponent! When are you free to battle?

    Hey hey looks like I'm your first opponent! When are you free to battle?