Recent content by sumginazu

  1. best way to eat steak

    dear god do none of you eat your steak with a side of fries er, chips that's how it's meant to be done also medium rare
  2. why did the baker have brown hands

    A man, unshaven and clad in rags, walks into a coffee shop. He sits down, calls a waitress over, and asks her for a cup of coffee. The waitress looks at the man, her eyes moving from his head to his toes and back again, and asks, "Sir, no offense, but you don't look like you can afford to buy...
  3. the simple things

    you know that feeling you get when you really have to pee i mean you really really have to pee and then you finally do
  4. why did the baker have brown hands

    hey guys i have a knock knock joke but you have to start it, alright? knock knock who's there? that's the joke
  5. caption this image

    "Ay, check out the breasts on that one."
  6. I'm assuming you're looking at the second post? There are links further on.

    I'm assuming you're looking at the second post? There are links further on.
  7. You're very welcome! I got the link from a forum full of stuff like that; there's more sheet...

    You're very welcome! I got the link from a forum full of stuff like that; there's more sheet music for other games, but it's hidden in a mass of posts. In case you're interested.
  8. You mean "give them nightmares with the Lavender Town theme," right?

    You mean "give them nightmares with the Lavender Town theme," right?
  9. It should be called It's all in that folder. It should be called It's all in that folder.
  10. It should be called It's all in that folder. It should be called It's all in that folder.
  11. Rank the trainer battle music across the generations

    so um I found a .zip on mediafire with piano sheet music PDFs from all the pokemon games (and by all the games, I mean gens I-V, Coliseum, and Pokemon Channel) so if you guys want I could post a link to it and maybe we could discuss more of the themes from the various games?? For example...
  12. caption this image

    They do that to keep the mercury sealed inside, that's what gives it its flavor apparently
  13. Hilarious Conversations You Overheard

    A girl in my grade a few years ago looked at some Algebra II homework (she was in a lower math class) and commented, "That looks hard. I'm glad I'm not smart." what
  14. How do you morally justify eating animals? (itt the OP discovers forum discussions)

    So I read a lot of the posts in this thread (particlularly part of Kristoph's penultimate post) as "if eating meat is justified because it's beneficial from a biological viewpoint, then rape/murder/assorted atrocities are justified because they've helped society progress to where it is now, and...