Recent content by TaxiCab

  1. TaxiCab

    Tournament UUWC II Format Discussion

    As someone who was on the midwest team last year I felt like I could offer some perspective on the situation especially considering I am not planning on playing. I'm not speaking on behalf of midwest and I haven't talked to any of those guys about it, this is just me. First of all the notion...
  2. TaxiCab

    Gen 4 HOT WIND BLOWS (Gen 4 UU)

    no offense but I challenge avarice to win a game without cheese -vivalospride some things never change
  3. TaxiCab

    ok what is your ps user

    ok what is your ps user
  4. TaxiCab

    ok we can do 30 min before

    ok we can do 30 min before
  5. TaxiCab

    yo im -7 how about thursday at the time of this post

    yo im -7 how about thursday at the time of this post
  6. TaxiCab

    SM SM OU Summer Seasonal #2: Round 3 (Loser's Only)

    won extension vs lotiasite 2-1 ggs
  7. TaxiCab


  8. TaxiCab

    yeah i can

    yeah i can
  9. TaxiCab

    that time should work

    that time should work
  10. TaxiCab

    UU SS UU Ladder Tournament 2021 - Week 3

    Forum name: TaxiCab Week 3 Alt: UULT83H taxi Does my alt for Week 3 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: yes
  11. TaxiCab

    we got the extension, i can play rn or we can try your tomorrow morning again, just give me a...

    we got the extension, i can play rn or we can try your tomorrow morning again, just give me a specific time that you would like and hopefully I don't goof it up again LOL
  12. TaxiCab

    shoot i messed up the timezone by an hour I'm good to go if you still are sorry

    shoot i messed up the timezone by an hour I'm good to go if you still are sorry
  13. TaxiCab

    yeah that should work

    yeah that should work
  14. TaxiCab

    yeah that works, is there a specific time on monday morning?

    yeah that works, is there a specific time on monday morning?