Recent content by The169Band

  1. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 11

    Does the Oak's letter, azure flute and member pass are items that CAN be traded via a pokemon olding it ?
  2. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 11

    How can you delete a thread, and I would love to get in a Joint thread but Im still a beginner breeder but I have an excellent larvitar and some exellent Shiny too such has adamant Meta and Adamant Charizard
  3. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 10

    If I get my pokemon EV trained by AR, is going to be accused from hack, or is it just like if I had EV trained it by myself ? And also, if my ditto haves 31/31/x/x/x/31, will it passes all those IV to the child ?