Recent content by TheMismatcher

  1. TheMismatcher

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Volcarona Banned]

    if a suspect test doesn’t make sense for this particular policy change, then don’t do a suspect test but a direct vote! Not a survey about should some action be taken, but a vote directly on which actions to be taken. I fear the council’s bitterness that the community voted to keep Tera which...
  2. TheMismatcher

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Volcarona Banned]

    Sleep no more! The council does murder sleep”- Macbethish The entire reason the council was initially put in place was simply to save the player-base time, with the understanding the player-base would still ultimately be in control, but on things that were incredibly obvious it would save the...
  3. TheMismatcher

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v2 [Update on Post #5186]

    Given quick claw is now getting attention, perhaps I can point out an error in it’s implementation on showdown. On showdown, quick claw overwrites mycelium might and allow spore to go first. On cartridge, this can never happen. I submitted a bug report which was acknowledged but as far as I’m...
  4. TheMismatcher

    Bug Reports v4 -- POST BUGS HERE

    A pokemon with Mycellium Might can never have a quick claw activate on cart, but it can on showdown BUG STATUS...
  5. TheMismatcher

    Bug Reports v4 -- POST BUGS HERE

    On showdown, when a spread move is used which activates two opposing pokemon's weakness policy, and one of the opposing pokemon has symbiosis, they are activated in an order of left to right (from the side of the trainer with the pokemon being hit from the spread move). Therefore, if the pokemon...
  6. TheMismatcher

    Research Scarlet & Violet Battle Mechanics Research

    On showdown, in a double battle when you use a spread move that activates the weakness policy on two opposing Pokémon, one of which has symbiosis, the weakness policies are activated in order of left to right. (From the perspective of the attacker) So if the non symbiosis Pokémon is on the left...
  7. TheMismatcher

    Online Competition Test Your Luck! (Metronome Battles)

    Is anyone else having a ton of trouble finding a battle? It often takes me 3+ tries to find one
  8. TheMismatcher

    Online Competition Test Your Luck! (Metronome Battles)

    that's interesting that that's such a divergence between cart and PS, because pressure abounds on PS. How many turns on average would you say most of your games were going on cart?