Recent content by Tsunami Papi

  1. Tsunami Papi

    Social The Smogon Photo Album

    random photos of me mainly to show off my shitty halloween costumes that i home-bake and uncle jeff
  2. Tsunami Papi

    the blue lagoon (_ _).。o○

    idk if you've heard of Shikwasa- but this is the exact coloration of the Okinawan lime (shiquasa/shikwasa)
  3. Tsunami Papi

    Hobbies awwwww, you guys made me iiiink (tattoo thread!)

    Halo energy sword, Snorlax cheek w/ Pecha, shiny mega char Y, japanese style gyarados, magnemite from different dimension, "hawks" and i now have a wizard i'll have to make a pic of at some point. Only magnemite and gyarados meant something to me other than "is tattoo- much fun!"