Tournament DLWC I - Signups

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Discord Tag attcris

Eligibility US North East

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed none
Discord Tag firecracker1195

Eligibility US South

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed none


Discord Tag genisuxsimp

Eligibility US West

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed none
Discord Tag Fernanch

Eligibility Brazil

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed N/a
Discord Tag vivienne._.

Eligibility Switzerland

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional /

Significant time missed 12:00am - 09:00am GMT+2
Discord Tag splashywashys

Eligibility US North East

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional not managing

Significant time missed Nothing that comes to mind
Discord Tag zden._

Eligibility Latin America

Interested in managing Yes

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional Mister McLovin

Significant time missed -
Discord Tag PaperRuby

Eligibility Canada

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed none
Discord Tag AfroJewMan

Eligibility US North East

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed 4-12 PM EST. Also will not be available during Passover but otherwise I’m good
Discord Tag pierini

Eligibility Portugal

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed None
Discord Tag metariolu

Eligibility US North East

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed N/A

Roller K

sangria and sunsets
is an official Team Rateris a Tiering Contributor
Discord Tag rollerk

Eligibility US West

Interested in managing No

If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional

Significant time missed Weekends during April will be busy, otherwise should be fully available
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