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  • "So where are you from?"
    "I'm from a place where we don't end sentences with prepositions."
    "Okay. Where are you from, bitch?"
    There is not really any rule against ending a sentence with a preposition though is there

    and I don't see why there would be either
    oh apparently it was because it can't be done in Latin, same with infinitives which are one word in Latin
    man the "love" triangle with Niobe, Morpheus, and Locke is really good too. Like in terms of their arcs.
    The problem with you posted good analyses like this is that there's nothing else to say from me
    oh I also find it interesting that Morpheus represents JOHN the Baptist and Jason Locke represents JOHN Locke. This is almost certainly just a coincidence though lol
    u could give me a like and subscribe
    The Council did a lot of dumb things. I think that was a major flaw of the prequels. In the originals, the Empire controlled everything so it was an uphill battle. But in the prequels, the Jedi have so much influence and so many members. So they have to just act in really stupid ways for anything to actually happen. The truth is they could have stopped Anakin from becoming evil at various points.

    Which is why I liked my idea that Anakin doesn't have problems in his training, he is tempted to become evil AFTER the Empire is already a thing.

    In the canon they are going for the idea that the Jedi council was becoming corrupt which I do like too. I like this idea but I don't think it was intended from the beginning. It is something that better writers like Dave Filoni and Pablo Hidalgo did to explain all the craziness that George made the Jedi do lol. Well, maybe to an extent. I do think parts of it in Episode III are intended, like when Mace wants to murder Palpatine without trial.
    I don't think it's so much that the council is corrupt, just that they are blind to the way the world is and can't act pragmatic. They really do nothing but fight a couple of mandalorians and stuff. Mace Windu should be jumping at the chance to duel a sith but he doesn't want to believe they're real.

    I don't think mace wanting to kill palpatine is out of the question. The "right" thing to do would be to have him stand trial but like whatever. The council is just supposed to show that the jedi are a shadow of what they used to be.
    yeah "corrupt" meaning like they just kinda have lost their way. Not corrupt in a way a politician is called corrupt, but maybe like how a computer program is referred to as corrupt.

    Another thing they are kind of "retconning" was the midi-chlorians. Now the opinion is that midi-chlorians are *a* sign of force sensitivity, but not the end-all be-all. However, the midi-chlorian focus was a sign that the Jedi were becoming too rigid, streamlined, and exclusive.
    Did you know Julius Caesar was possibly Brutus' illegitimate father, but nobody really knows? THE STAR WARS PARALLELS GROW DEEPER
    no Caesar is Palpatine. As in he takes over the republic and the senate and becomes the emperor? just like Caesar did?

    also tbh all of that is extra-canon. I'm just talking about what George Lucas put in ep 3 which is extremely ambiguous.
    But Cesar is generally considered to be an OK guy, and killing him made the empire worse

    but i'm just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point hehe
    Yeah, it's not a 1 to 1 correlation because obviously Palpatine had to win. I'm just saying that is part of the inspiration. I would also say the rise of the Japanese empire was an inspiration (George Lucas has said Samurai movies like The Hidden Fortress were inspirations as well). The Jedi are the equivalent to samurai which were done away with after the war, it was illegal to have a sword, etc.

    Both come about after a period of civil war, and Palpatine used the war as a pretense to gain more power, kind of like Caesar (I would not necessarily with Caesar it was a pretense though)
    the first one was kinda scary though. kept me up when i was 12 and made me sleep with the light on. and liek i slept in the living room so the whole living room light was on
    lol. I never saw it though
    it is pretty good but extremely violent. I mean it is Snyder so that goes without saying

    but it's really funny because the tactics and costumes are all historically inaccurate, but all the cheesy one-liners ARE accurate

    also it got Snyder the Watchmen gig and everything that came after that, so that's good
    first thing in the morning thoughts:

    Alt-right *should* be used to refer to white nationalists, and the "Young Right" should find a new name. (I actually quite like "Young Right", it sounds nice, it indicates that they are a newer movement, and young, nontraditional, conservatives)

    Why? Because Richard Spencer owns That's actually just it. In that sense, he controls the name more than anyone else.
    Obi-Wan: No Luke, it's too dangerous!

    sits there and does nothing
    when Luke is like "they must have found out who they sold the droids to"
    Hahahahaha that is a good moment
    nice im glad you agree now. yeah like what if the stormtroopers were still there lol. Obi-Wan should have just gone with him, not like that would have made any problems in the plot, he goes right back to him anyway. Also it would be cool seeing Obi-Wan with Luke and just letting him grieve and not say anything.
    can an ass pull / deus ex machina be fixed by later material?

    For example, the ending of Avatar people thought Aang taking away bending was a way to avoid a difficult choice. But then taking/giving bending becomes a significant and standard part of the universe in LoK and the Wan special. Does that make it acceptable, in the bigger picture
    yeah thats just a straight up retcon though.

    I guess what I mean more is universes that have rules to them. and then something dumb happens but that becomes a new rule

    one I can think of is Anakin's virgin birth. it was kinda dumb, but it's later imlied that that had to do with Darth Plagueis' manipulation of midi-chlorians to create life which itself had to do with Force Ghosts which were already established in A New Hope
    yeah I see stuff like that as "walking back" on something decided prior or "handwaving" to force something to work. I don't think you can get rid of the negative sentiment.

    Similarly, I think that lucas always knew it was gonna be midi chlorians, so he was always sticking with his guns. BUT I don't think it pacified anybody that just thought it was a straight up jesus thing (even tho it still is xd)
    Yeah but this is more a personal question for you. For me, I think if they do it like that, it can work.
    Is there any super villain that is in the public consciousness? I always thought it was amazing. Like if you take any sample of 100 people, all of them would know Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man. The only villain I could say the same for is The Joker. Maybe like 65% for Lex Luthor.
    I thought this was gonna be another low-effort "asian megacity dystopia future" (which I am a fan of but takes basically no creativity to make a game out of), in some kind of rpg/gamemaker background. Man it was nice to be proven wrong, this looks sick. My only hope is that it's not a low-effort cyberpunk gungeon roguelike clone now..........
    ok it's a "brutal action shooter" aka hell game, much better. looking forward to it
    The Amazing Spider-Man did have a really good theme, I will give it 1 point for the score
    the second one is interesting. definitely worth a watch just for the deconstruction. but damn is it fucking melancholy and depressing. like omg is it just so drab. Like people say Batman v Superman was too depressing or whatever, no The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was depressing.
    Killing off gwen Stefani was definitely stupid, felt like it had to "raise the stakes" for like no reason. It's like they knew they wouldn't make any more sequels. How could they shoot themselves in the foot so hard
    my new roommate is interested in drunk watching Ghostbusters 2016

    what are some good triggers for a drinking game
    what about references to other movies

    as well as dance numbers

    and won-tons?
    Oh yeah, every time you see a celebrity cameo. The ones you posted now don't happen that much
    the more the merrier though
    maybe a midi version of it could be I guess. Yeah I like this track, it's ok imo. I like highway the most, followed by chateu fight and the club hell 30 second shootout. The bit where Morpheus pulls the katana on the twins and fights them for like 10 seconds is great too.
    the track peaks at like 40 seconds tbh lol. The best part is at 25 seconds when it slowly ascends the scale. after that it's never as good
    You get invested in Jack and he dies

    anyway I'm pretty sure this is James Cameron still being salty that Newt and Hicks were killed in the opening credits of Alien 3 lol

    which to be fair is an ok thing to be upset about considering he was the creator of those characters
    Who's Jack btw
    Jack is Leo DiCaprio from Titanic
    Architect: As I was saying, Chaos stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly 99.9% of all users accepted OU, as long as they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level.
    The Architect - Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But, rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed VGC, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.
    hahahahahah this is great man
    hahaha glad you like it omg it just came to me
    Idea: in Iron Man 3, after it is revealed that The Mandarin is just a front set up by Aldritch, it is later revealed at the climax that Aldritch himself was a front, set up by Justin Hammer
    Isn't he in jail tho
    Yeah that's why it's a huge twist nobody would see coming
    In 1999, Dan Aykroyd wrote a script for a possible third film, titled Ghostbusters III: Hellbent.[17] In a 2004 interview, Bill Murray stated that he didn't want to appear in a potential third installment and for that reason, the cast considered replacing him with Ben Stiller.[18]
    is that true? I heard Bill Murray was the main holdout why they never made GB3 and had a bunch of silly demands
    Yeah, Bill Murray wanted to be a ghost. He was pretty weird about it
    They should've made him a ghost in the new Ghostbusters, since I hear he dies in it
    Is there anyone in the world who looks like Quentin Tarantino

    it will be like impossible to ever have a biopic made of him lol
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