Smogon Forums

Chicxy's Madness
Chicxy's Madness
Hello ! I'm UTC +2. If i understand correctly, we have 6 hours apart (with me being 6 hours ahead.) I can be free most days starting at 7pm to 10pm for me, or 1pm to 4pm for you. If this isn't compatible with you, I'll have my final schedule later today, so I will be able to tell you when I'm free with more accuracy haha !
I’m that time range I can do Wednesday at around 3-4 my time (so i think 9-10 you?) or anytime in that range on Friday.
Chicxy's Madness
Chicxy's Madness
Rasmuth (Im not sure how this forum works, so im assuming i need to ping you, if not, let me know haha) By wednesday do you mean tomorrow ? If so, I should be able to ! As I said before, I'll have my schedule later today, so I'll remessage you if this doesn't work out
Cool cool. Yes let’s plan for tomorrow at 3 (also known as 9). Also because it is on one of my posts you don’t need to ping me, but still better safe than sorry)
Chicxy's Madness
Chicxy's Madness
(Oh yeah right i forgot you posted the original comment haha)
I got my schedule, and yes, it works out ! See you tomorrow !