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  • (GOATed name fr)
    GMT+1, should be relatively flexible throughout the week with the exception of Sundays. Lmk your avaliability and I should be able to find a time for both of us!
    oh I am high asf I read that as June 10th mb. But yh that is right it is supposed to be ~40 mins ago
    Unfortunately I'm not able to do it for that time as I'm still having to get prepared for teams. However, I've still got a large amount of free time to fit it in. Just anything that's past Thursday would be ideal. All love
    Marked on calendar as proof of no bs. But yh, will schedule on Discord as it's far easier
    Of course! no harm meant by it! teambuilding is half of the battle, so take your time. Just hmu for scheduling, k?
    Hi we are on the same pool for LC Majors, im -3 and mostly available during 10am - 2pm and something after 10pm. Whats you availability? (I can also play rn)
    Always Edgy
    Always Edgy
    Can you play saturday or monday 11pm -3? That should be your 10pm which fits into your availability
    I can definitely pull that off! how about Saturday? also, my discord is diegos_wife if you wanna reach me there!
    Always Edgy
    Always Edgy
    Ok, saturday then, i'll add you on discord for easier communication
    Hi, we're in the same pool for LC Majors, when would you like to play? I'm GMT-4, and I'm quite flexible these two weeks. Ideally, I'd prefer to play the second week. I should be free most of my evenings. I'm also free during the day on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday this week, and Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday next week. Please let me know what day suits you best!
    Hello! sorry for the late reply, I'm GMT-4. I'm mostly available between 5-11 PM on weekdays and all day on Sundays. My schedule is basically empty after the school day, so we can work on your time! good luck to you!
    P.s. I'm not 100% sure what time zone is which, but I'm east coast US, so I think it's right..
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