Search results

  1. We, who are about to die, salute y[OU]!

    As you know, my server is problematic, but rather than stagnating, I threw together this team. The theme is simple-If a suicide lead can do all that havoc, think about what an entire suicide team could do! At a glance... The plan is simple-shatter my opponent's strategy from the start with a...
  2. Server problems

    Sup, smogon. I downloaded shoddy a few weeks ago, and every time I attempt to connect to any server, I get the following error message. An error occurred while attempting to connect to the server: Connection timed out: connect Help, please. I need to try my team... *Cries softly*
  3. Rate my sandstorm team!

    Sup, smogon. My local pokemon community, consisting of about 16 individuals are starting a tournament soon, and I just wanted to have a bunch of people pick my prized team apart with a sledge hammer. Just as a side note, most people participating run with a team something like this...