Search results

  1. Aquaa

    Done Bug Report - Showteam after battle ends

    What type of bug are you reporting? Battle-related What is the bug? Following the last PS reset, !showset and !showteam do not work. This is what I get (post-battle): "You are not a player and don't have a team." Are you able to replicate it? If so, how? Not entirely sure what this means. I...
  2. Aquaa

    Done When clicking 'Rematch', have it re-challenge with mods if there are any.

    Minor QOL change if it is possible, when re-challenging a user with the 'Rematch' button, to make the challenge include the mods that were part of that game. Currently, it only re-challenges with the original unmodded format. I tend to /challenge gen9hackmonscup@@@+nonexistent,+mega a lot. This...
  3. Aquaa

    Pending Allow to view who is playing who by hovering over a battle or replay link.

    This is already possible by hovering over a user who is in a battle: I would like to be able to do that for links posted like this if possible: If an explanation is required as to why this would be nice, it's because it's currently RBTT (Random Battles Team Tournament) season, which...
  4. Aquaa

    Rejected Allow users to adjust auto-idle to whenever they want to go auto-idle - similar to screen timeout options.

    Hi. In case my title wasn't clear enough, I'll summarize my proposal. I typically come on PS! arbitrarily, which means I sometimes come online, and don't stay on my keyboard consistently. So I was wondering if it would be possible to enable users the option to make auto-idle customizable for...
  5. Aquaa

    Done Rephrase the global promotion message to "was promoted to global rank".

    This is something I've been actually wondering, and considered to suggest for a long time, however, I figured this was probably brought to attention before, and was rejected for a reason. I'll give this a shot nonetheless. So, I'm one of those people; I highlight on promotion messages on PS...
  6. Aquaa

    Approved Specify powers/capabilities of Section Leaders somewhere.

    Hi, At first, I was unsure if SLeaders are capable of using punish commands. I also do not know what rank it is equivalent to in terms of power, and I would like that specified somewhere such as...
  7. Aquaa

    Done Add specificity to Sandstorm/Sand Stream descriptions

    Currently, it's common knowledge that Rain and Sun boost Water and Fire respectively, and that is mentioned in the descriptions when using /dt. It would be consistent, in my opinion, if we included the valuable detail of Sandy weather increasing the Special Defense of Rock-type Pokemon. For...
  8. Aquaa

    Tournament Hackmons Cup Extravaganza - [won by snorlax142857]

    Co-hosted by Aquaa (Aqua) and MultiAmmiratore (Chiori Mikami). Approved by Irpachuza. Logo by pisxel Welcome to the first ever edition of the new Hackmons Cup Extravaganza tournament! This tournament is meant to serve as a comparatively more luck-based competition, which will not grant...
  9. Aquaa

    Pending Room commands for "Would You Rather" and "Random Topic" ideas

    I would like to suggest a feature where staff members can submit "Would You Rather" or "Random Topic" ideas for the room, through PS itself. I'm aware some bots have this feature; however, there would be fewer limitations in terms of accessibility, and fewer flaws overall. Sometimes the bot may...
  10. Aquaa

    Tournament Hackmons Cup Extravaganza (SIGNUPS!)

    Co-hosted by Aquaa (Aqua) and MultiAmmiratore (Chiori Mikami). Approved by Irpachuza...
  11. Aquaa

    Pending Allow groupchats hosts to use !show (edited)

    I just wanted to build off of the group chat rank suggestion yesterday; I'm suggesting to allow group chat hosts to use the !show command. I think this is reasonable enough considering globally ranked users are able to use that command in PMs, so in a way, adding this to group chats would be...
  12. Aquaa

    Done Make "/ms thaw" show moves that get rid of freeze.

    Self-explanatory title and really simple change. The reason is no more than this: People will frankly think of typing "thaw" instead of "defrost".
  13. Aquaa

    Needs More Info Uno Suggestion: Signify unplayable cards

    When playing uno, would it be possible to make it a bit more organized by making unplayable cards gray (or something else) to signify that they can't be played? It would take less time for people when they are examining their cards (esp when stacked with +4, +2, etc), and it would even help...
  14. Aquaa

    Done Expand number of mons/moves that can be generated in /randpoke or /randmove

    Was thinking about this for a while. I like to use /randpoke (specifically with filters such as FE, undiscovered, etc) to assist me with ideas for teambuilding. Unless there is a specific technical reason, would it be possible to allow more than 15 mons to be randomly generated through that...
  15. Aquaa

    Pending Include tips: /randbats command and /rcalc at the start of Random Battle battle pages.

    I was thinking of a potentially long-term worthwhile suggestion where we could include two notably handy tips / commands at the start of each Random Battle. As rands staff, I find myself laddering vs a variety of players ranging from those who hang out in rands room to those who don't hang out...
  16. Aquaa

    Approved Alternate staffing method.

    I wanted to bring up an alternate way in which staffing, especially on phone/tablet staffing, could be made a bit easier. What I had in mind is being able to click on a username in the chatroom and then choose to either warn/mute/ban etc. Upon clicking the particular punishment you want to...
  17. Aquaa

    Rejected Specify which room needs backup in Help Tickets

    From time to time, I file help tickets so I can get backup for staffing in Lobby, which happens a lot. An important thing to note about staff being available for watching rooms is that it really depends on whether they are, in their current circumstances, able to keep an eye out on a room that...
  18. Aquaa

    Done Improve "spoiler" formatting

    Hi, I want to propose to somewhat change the way spoilers work on Pokemon Showdown. I was thinking adding ||word|| (the same way it works on Discord) or perhaps some other formatting option like {{ }} or whatever best works. The reason I am suggesting this change is because anything that goes...
  19. Aquaa

    Rejected - Inactive Show amount of turns of sleep left while not using Pokemon

    This happens fairly often and I really need to see how many turns of sleep is left while I'm not using the sleeping Pokemon so I can decide whether or not to bring it in. Would be extremely helpful.
  20. Aquaa

    Rejected Search for a replay by Pokemon

    Some of us have suggested to search for a replay by format and username. But, what I really think we remember the most about a particular replay we have in our collection is the Pokemon (I mean, obviously?). With that said, if we could have the option to narrow our search for a particular...