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  1. Wobblebuns

    Wobblebun's Wondrous Adventures with MS Paint (Closed for requests)

    [Closed for Requests] Hi there and welcome to my sprite thread! Wobblebuns here, you may know me from the Smogon XY Sprite Project heheh. Anyways, so I recently broke out from a long hiatus and I've been spriting up a storm these past few weeks. These, along with other old works have been...
  2. Wobblebuns

    Omen of the Meadow Butterflies

    O M E N---O F---T H E---M EA D O W---B U T T E R F L I E S ...for any poor soul who lays his eyes on the meadow butterfly, shall be a step closer to death's clutches... I N T R O D U C T I O N Hello there and welcome to my first ever RMT! I'm a rather stoic individual in PS! due in part...