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  1. sienide

    Two questions

    Hello ShoddyBattle Developers! I have two questions: 1. If I wanted to remove temporary battle statuses but persist statuses like Paralyze, Burn, etc. between battles, what would be the best way to do this via the Pokemon object? 2. When I attempt to add a rain effect at the start of a battle...
  2. sienide

    I was stating there was a problem, I was just curious :P Thanks for the info.
  3. sienide

    Would that not become memory heavy when there are a couple of hundred players? In past experience, the garbage collector ain't the quickest.
  4. sienide

    Ahh. Thank you, this helps a lot. Btw, the dispatcher thread is only launched when the server receives a battle message from the client? Am I correct?
  5. sienide


    I've never played NetBattle but I've played ShoddyBattle. And I saw this thread: Not to sound like a noob but why do a lot of people seem to want NetBattle back? Is ShoddyBattle not as good?
  6. sienide

    I'm just curious about this method: public void requestAndWaitForSwitch(int party) After it waits for the user, where does this continue into. I can't find where this is called from. Thanks for any help in advance.