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  2. RNG vs no RNG

    thanks a lot of the help, i think ill just continue using guys with perfect iv's in the stats that matter. While working on the strategy of the game more. Thanks a lot for the info :D
  3. RNG vs no RNG

    Im going to be competing in the dallas regionals. Which is in a little more then two weeks do you even think there's time to learn and remake a team of 4?
  4. RNG vs no RNG

    I've been prepping for VGC for a few months now. Soft reseting and breeding 31's into the IVs i know i'll need on certain pokemon. Playing against plenty of people and even winning my fair share of matches. I've never been the biggest fan of RNGing because i personally see it as cheating (not...
  5. yeah i am, FC:3567-3949-7312 yours?

    yeah i am, FC:3567-3949-7312 yours?
  6. yeah its not working for some reason ill try you some other time

    yeah its not working for some reason ill try you some other time
  7. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 22 (READ THE OP)

    So i've been trying to catch a timid(+speed,-attack) mewtwo for the past about 10 hours with good iv's . So far i've gotten nothing, but finally after what seems about the millionth time of throwing ultra balls at this purple homo, i get a hasty(+speed, -def) mewtwo with 28/12/0/30/13/30 as his...