Search results

  1. Welcome to the Space Jam

    Dat Chode status
  2. Chronicles of Width

    Hype Hype Hype [00:34]imperfectspider we reach beyond the poop in the hallway to find something greater 4 years. It’s been 4 years since the Chodes began with Duke, IPS, and I, sitting in the back of our high school Chemistry class ripping away at the...
  3. VGC '11 World Championships - San Diego, US - August 14th - WON BY BlueCookies & kamz

    [18:26] <Elmo> albert tts tad duke tds sixonesix spf joan zheng 2-2!! Zaki wolfey ray 3-1. ruben and fuego 4-0 [18:26] <Elmo> from ips
  4. VGC's Official Online Cornhole Tournament

    Dan Train and I are going to run this. Team gay alliance.
  5. Chodestory 3: Press A to Dirt

    Duke and I woke up at crack of dick (3:30) to catch our 6 o’ clock flight. I made sure to download Nickelback’s “The Long Road” the night before, as I didn’t want Huy to have to play it on his discman. We arrived at the airport and got some sandwiches from a homeless guy on the street outside...
  6. Top 4 Nats ChaudStory

    Duke I am coming for your ass at worlds. Your national pushup championship is going to be nothing compared to my upcoming world pushup championship. Also we had 10 representatives, you forgot babbytron on your list of chodes.
  7. VGC '11 US National - Indianapolis - July 8th to 10th - WON by superwolfe & Cybertron

    Man I read that as Mike Sankey at first and I was so confused. Nats was cool!
  8. Bittersweet Victory (VGC 2011 Nationals Warstory)

    The shirt and the push up contest! Both amazing parts of nats. What a great warstory!
  9. From the Bottom, to the Top, and Back Again: CHODESTORY

    asdkasfjklfjlafu. <3csmugs
  10. VGC '11 US Northeast Regional - Newark, NJ - June 18th - WON BY imperfectspider

    That's how it normally works. When IPS and I talked to Liesik about it in DC, he said that when entered into the VGC live competitions, the game never switches to wireless. It just stays on IR the whole time.
  11. VGC '11 US East Regional - Washington, DC - June 11th - WON BY superwolfe & Cybertron

    I'm going. I'll try to stream some of the event if there is wifi. Gotta capture the shenanigans.
  12. An Indian's 4th Place Warstory-Dallas VGC Representing LIKE A BOSS! ^_^

    Yea, I'm pretty sure Fish went to Fremont after getting 2nd in Seattle.
  13. The Switch That Redeemed IRC

    I love this. 10/10
  14. World Championships Thread - BLUECOOKIES WORLD CHUMP

    Way Wizzo Wowwd Champ
  15. World Championships Thread - BLUECOOKIES WORLD CHUMP

    Is that why I'm still opped and you had yours removed?