Search results

  1. CAP 29 - Part 13 - Movepool Poll 2

  2. CAP 29 - Name Poll 3

  3. CAP 29 - Name Poll 2

    Kuraion Regalleon Mantichrome
  4. CAP 29 - Name Poll 1

    Portfoleo Temperor Felidye Kuraion Lionoil Regalleon
  5. CAP 29 - Prevo # Poll

  6. CAP 29 - Prevo # Discussion

    Honestly the arguments based on design seem weak to me as they are all based on personal opinion. "Looks legendary" is awfully subjective, as legendaries don't share any design characteristics. We do have the 600 BST which is decidedly characteristic of a pseudo-legendary. Most of the...
  7. CAP 29 - Art Poll 4

  8. CAP 29 - Art Poll 3

    House_of_Radiance Gravity Monkey
  9. CAP 29 - Art Poll 2

    House_of_Radiance Gravity Monkey
  10. CAP 29 - Art Poll 1

    Gravity Monkey House_of_Radiance paintseagull
  11. CAP 29 - Part 6 - Defining Moves Poll

    Make Only Quiver Dance Required
  12. CAP 29 - Part 4 - Typing Poll 1

    Flying / Ground Flying / Steel Fire / Fighting
  13. CAP 29 - Part 4 - Typing Discussion

    My apologies if this is answered somewhere; I could not find it myself. Question: is color change activated when the pokemon it hit by a damage-inducing move to which it is immune? For example, if sylveon is hit by a dragon-type move, does it become dragon type?
  14. CAP 29 - Part 4 - Typing Discussion

    I'm not sure whether it's been mentioned, but typing also interacts with entry hazards. We can always count on our typing affecting our response to hazards, and hazards can detract from our role as a bulky setup sweeper, effectively decreasing our bulk. Perhaps 29's typing should resist or be...
  15. CAP 29 - Part 2 - Primary Ability Poll 1

    Color Change Slow Start
  16. CAP 28 Prevo - Part 1 - Art Poll 3

  17. CAP 28 - Name Poll 3

    Mockjaw Miasmaw