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  1. Cynical Toast

    Some straight like you, giant stick up his ass, age what - 60? He's just gonna Pokemon DP...

    Some straight like you, giant stick up his ass, age what - 60? He's just gonna Pokemon DP Galactic Battles?
  2. Cynical Toast

    Bet Your Avatar, Round 12: To Ketchum Or Not To Ketchum, That Is The Question

    In the wise words of Walter White “I won.”
  3. Cynical Toast


  4. Cynical Toast

    Bet Your Avatar, Round 12: To Ketchum Or Not To Ketchum, That Is The Question

    A new protagonist will be introduced, I'd bet far more than my pfp on that.
  5. Cynical Toast

    Research Does anyone in the world play any Pokemon game older than Pokemon sword and shield?

    Yeah cuz the old ones are better:totodiLUL: I still think the older games, DS era in particular, were a lot more fully realized and content filled than alotta the 3d ones tbh. I haven't touched Sword since I played it cuz the game really gives me no reason to. No meaningful postgame content, a...