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  1. Excadrill

    So what's the best move for the last slot? Return or X-Scissor?
  2. Excadrill

    I don't think Zuruzukin can take a +2 LO boosted, STAB earthquake coming from 405 attack. That's not even considering SR damage.
  3. Excadrill

    So any ideas what Pokemon would go well with this thing? I'm thinking standard BaitTar with Ice Beam over SuperPower to lure in Gliscor, Skarm, the Ground/Flying legendary, etc., while at the same time getting sand up. After that send this guy in, get a SD up and bring out the brooms. The...
  4. Tyranitar

    Do you guys think will MixTar as a lure can work with Doryuuzu, similar to how in Gen 4 it baited Lucario's counters?
  5. 2009, Gaming, and You.

    2008 was a good year for video games, indeed. Hopefully, '09 will be just as good or even better :) As for game's I'm excited about are: Killzone 2, Resident Evil 5, and Street Fighter IV for obvious reasons. inFamous, Prototype, Heavy Rain, and Brutal Legend look promising as well. Finally...
  6. Persona 4

    My PS3 is is in dire need of a good RPG, and I'd rather not get an inferior Fallout 3, compared to the 360/PC ones (No DLC, more glitches, no mods >.>) So it's between this or Valkyria Chronicles. I only have enough money for one of them right now, so what do you guys think I should get?
  7. Best games of 2008

    Here are my best games of the year. Keep in mind I only own a PS3, Wii, and a DS, so that's why I did'nt include 360 titles: Metal Gear Solid 4 (The PS3's pride and joy. This game was absolutely awesome, and my personal GOTY. The graphics, the exciting boss battles, the story. I loved the final...
  8. Shooter disappointment

    Well, I'm a PS3 & Wii owner, so I can't comment on the 360 shooters. When playing the PS3, I alternate between the PS3's amazing "Big 3", (MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, and Resistance 2). Now R2, is an amazing game, mostly thanks to it's online 8-player co-op. Seriously, image a raid in WoW, in the...
  9. Houndoom: Overlooked Anti-Lead?

    Beat Up sucks. Just tested it on Shoddy. It reveals the Pokemon's nicknames AND their original name in parentheses next to it. =/
  10. PS3 or Xbox 360?

    Wait can you get the SOCOM headset seperately?
  11. PS3 or Xbox 360?

    No I haven't played the full game yet, I'll be getting it Tuesday during Election Day. The game is already getting high scores on many gaming sites. It's being praised for having a solid campaign, so I'm just assuming the SP is as awesome as they say it is.
  12. PS3 or Xbox 360?

    I have a PS3, and I'll be honest. At first, I thought I "gimped" myself game-wise. But now, I couldn't be happier with my purchase. Most of the good multi-plats are on both consoles (GTA IV, Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, BioShock, Fallout 3, etc.). So you need to look into the PS3's exclusives...
  13. Fire Emblem Tactics Online

    Hmm, does anybody know what would be a good stat spread for an Adept? I know I have to put points in Res., anybody have any suggestions?
  14. Fire Emblem Tactics Online

    Yeah, apparently the only way to end a match is to have an admin end it for you, Kira >_>
  15. Fire Emblem Tactics Online

    That was me, sorry lol. I thought you leave the battle when you leave the site.
  16. Super Smash Brothers Brawl Discussion #3

    My main right now is Olimar. I picked him up shortly after I got Brawl, and I'm just used to his insane grab range and smashes :) I'm in the same situation as you Kira, I always spam grabs and smashes when playing as Olimar. I feel that by not using stuff like Pikmin Throw, I'm not playing him...
  17. A team filled with the badasses of Final Fantasy...

    Well, I replaced Spiritomb with Bulky Salamence to help cope with my Heracross weakness and still reliably counter Lucario. Even though now I don't have a ResTalker or a Spin Blocker, Salamence has been much more useful than Spiritomb since I added him. I have Bullet Punch merely for...
  18. CAP 3 CAP 3 - Part 5 (Build)

    Offensive: Physical Defensive: Mixed Speed: Fast Actually, physical will be cool, as most are special-based already. Something like Flare Blitz/Seed Bomb/EQ/Filler would be awesome.
  19. A team filled with the badasses of Final Fantasy...

    ...The Espers. I've been doing pretty doing decently with this team on Shoddy, but I think there's a major flaw I'm not seeing lol. The strategy is simple, get Stealth Rock down to set up a Lucario sweep late-game, while Gallade/Heatran alternate on hitting stuff hard. It's based on the Espers...