Search results

  1. Et Tu, Brute? - A RMT from Raikizen

    TEAM AT A GLANCE - In depth - EDIT: So, apparently either my team, or my format (I know you dig the format.) would be considered "Good" by copying standards as even I have fought a few mirror matches on Shoddy. While it's a bit disconcerting when people recognize me for my RMT, I can say...
  2. F.E.A.R: Not just a game.

    Are you afraid of the dark? It's a pretty fun website that I use when boredom or the urge strikes me. It can find unique things on the internet that I (being lazy) may not have found...
  3. <Insert Catchy Title Here> [OU]

    TEAM AT A GLANCE - In depth - Ever since I fought a Scarf lead Jirachi on Shoddy, I've fallen in love with it. So, I decided I wanted to build a team that incorporates Jirachi into it. Thus, how this team was born. I realize there are some flaws with this team. (What team doesn't have a...
  4. So... yeah.... a little problem.

    Everytime I try to post my new Trick Room team into the RMT forum, I get sent to a page that says I am either 1) Not logged in, (Which I am) 2) Trying to acces privledges beyond me, (I don't think I am. o.O) or 3) Not registered yet. (I am. :/) So, what do I do? And sorry if this is the wrong...
  5. Smeargle Thoughts For D/P

    Ok, so I was thinking of using a Smeargle on my team for D/P, but not as a coventional one. My Idea would be on a sweeping Team of Attackers. Here's how it would go, Smeargle - Quick Claw EVS: 252 Sp (-Att/+Sp) [The rest don't really matter] - Spore - Mean Look - Memento - [Filler] So, the...