Duplicate showing enemies moves when using ditto

When using Ditto, it transforms (most of the time due to imposter, if you didnt mess up during the teambuilder) and then you will see the 4 moves the enemy mon has. That is great knowledge, you see the coverage, see which set is used, see what moves it is lacking, if it has a healing move, etc. You can prolly even guess the item. If you see SD or CM, the enemy prolly wont have a choice scarf, which is, again, very important knowledge. But when your Ditto switches out, it "forgets" the enemies moves. And then, you need to open a .txt file to write them down. Why arent they shown, like when an enemy uses a zoroark?

i suggest that you should see the emeny moves when hovering over the pokemon you already "imposered" with your Ditto. Its quality of live.

Atm, you either need to pay attention EVERY battle. Doing some 1h laddering with a ditto? Gl hf, remembering all the moves during EVERY new battle. OR become a .txt pro user and write and write every duel^^

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