Australians Are Worse Than Americans When It Comes To Obesity


Thu Jun 19, 8:17 AM ET

Australia has a higher proportion of obese people than the United States, with the health system facing a "fat bomb" unless action is taken, a study warned Thursday.

The report from the Baker Heart Institute found that 70 percent of men and 60 percent of women aged 45-65 had a body mass index of 25 or more, meaning they were overweight or obese.

Titled "Australia's Future Fat Bomb," the study compiled the results of height and weight checks carried out on 14,000 adult Australians in 2005.

The institute's head of preventative cardiology professor Simon Stewart said the results meant Australia probably had the highest rate of obesity in the world, outweighing even the United States.

"As we send our athletes off to the Olympics let's reflect on the fact that we would win the gold medal problem now in the world fat Olympics if there was such a thing," he said.

Stewart said obesity was the major threat to Australia's future health, with an estimated nine million of the 21 million population obese or overweight.

"That is a whole million more obese adults than we had thought," he said.

The study predicted there would be an extra 700,000 heart-related hospital admissions in the next 20 years due to obesity and almost 125,000 people would die because of the condition in that period.

The report calls for a national weightloss strategy on the scale of smoking and skin cancer campaigns, including subsidising gym memberships and personal training sessions.

It suggested hospital waiting lists could be prioritised on the basis of weightloss, to give obese people incentive to slim down.

"These are some of the controversial things we need to deal with because the healthcare system is going to be overwhelmed by weight-related hospitalisations from knee replacements through to heart attacks and strokes," Stewart said.

The report was submitted to a federal government inquiry into obesity.
Source: Yahoo News

Wow and everyone says us Americans are the leader of obesity! Shame on you, Australians!
USA is still high on obesity ratings, even if number 2...

Overall, i think there is a lot of countries with high obesity ratings, due to fast food and sedentary habits (mostly).


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Obesity has peaked in the US - hopefully oil prices will convince people to take up healthier habits.
^ it's a crime for your car's drink to cost more than your drink

anyways, I live in houston, the fattest city in the U.S., which used to be the fattest country in the world. I'm relieved to know that I no longer live in the fattest city in the world. or maybe I still do, and the Australian obese people are more spread out *does research*

be back whenever I figure it out.


Obesity has peaked in the US - hopefully oil prices will convince people to take up healthier habits.
No kidding, though I can't find the source, I read somewhere Airlines are now charging people for their plane tickets by weight. That should be another incentive to drop a few pounds if you are a frequent flier, ha.
^ that's unbelievable. airlines charging people for weight? I guess it's a good way to make a few (million) extra bucks.


God Bless Nintys Incompetence :*)
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First Aussie to post?

Even I'm still in a bit of a denial mode about this. I'd be interested in seeing how they got their statistics, except I'd still be denying it... >.>

I guess as long as I don't fall into that category then it doesn't really matter to me how fit or fat the average joe on the street is. The worry for me is how easy it seems to be to slip into obesity in middle age these days. The second I stop exercising I know I'll have to be incredibly careful about what I eat or I'll end up pileing on the kilo's...
i actually heard that thing about the airlines charging by weight too, i think it was on some talk show i listen to in the afternoons.

i'm really not worried about ever being fat due to my excessively high metabolism that all the men on my dad's side have.

you'd think the tasmanian tigers would eat all the fatties down under but apparently they aren't doing their jobs
Lol, i think that the Baker's study is inherently flawed due to a number of reason:

  • the Baker Heart institute is a large research facility located in the suburb of prahan, melbourne, at the Alfred Hospital (Australia'a busiest hiospital). that being said, it has an inner city location.
  • That being said, most of the people that come to the Baker institute (assuming that these are the 14,000 that have been 'surveyed') would have some form of heart problem. As we know, obesity is a major cause of heart problems. Therefore i propose that the data collected is inherently biased towards the Baker institute's clientele.
  • Furthermore, assuming that most of these 14,000 are living in an inner city area, this study overlooks the fact that there is a much lower rate of obesity in rural areas. Melbourne has a population of 3.5 million, and in many ways is not representative of the 22 million people that live in australia.
  • The BMI index in itself is inherently flawed, Although BMI is based on weight and height, it doesn’t distinguish fat from muscle. An athlete may have a high BMI because muscle is heavier than fat. Furthermore, it would be interesting to see the number of people between 25-30 (overweight) compared with 30+ (obese). I would bet money on the fact that americans would still top everyone else in percentage of people that are 30+
heh I swore this was a Steelicks joke.. haha. I guess we should feel good about ourselves now that we are less fat than someone other country?


Tree Young
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Heh like Caturday said its BMI, and plus we have Steelicks so that greatly boosts our average. Take him into any country and they will take number one! Lol seriously though, I don't really notice that many fat people here. Also how can a study of 14,000 people seriously prove that we are fatter then the US when we have 21 million people? Lol this is stupid, theres nowhere near enough proof to show that we are the fattest nation as a whole. Whats that like 1/2000 of our population? Seriously people read the whole article.
Lol, i think that the Baker's study is inherently flawed due to a number of reason:
  • the Baker Heart institute is a large research facility located in the suburb of prahan, melbourne, at the Alfred Hospital (Australia'a busiest hiospital). that being said, it has an inner city location.
  • That being said, most of the people that come to the Baker institute (assuming that these are the 14,000 that have been 'surveyed') would have some form of heart problem. As we know, obesity is a major cause of heart problems. Therefore i propose that the data collected is inherently biased towards the Baker institute's clientele.
  • Furthermore, assuming that most of these 14,000 are living in an inner city area, this study overlooks the fact that there is a much lower rate of obesity in rural areas. Melbourne has a population of 3.5 million, and in many ways is not representative of the 22 million people that live in australia.
  • The BMI index in itself is inherently flawed, Although BMI is based on weight and height, it doesn’t distinguish fat from muscle. An athlete may have a high BMI because muscle is heavier than fat. Furthermore, it would be interesting to see the number of people between 25-30 (overweight) compared with 30+ (obese). I would bet money on the fact that americans would still top everyone else in percentage of people that are 30+
Quoting in agreement.


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Also how can a study of 14,000 people seriously prove that we are fatter then the US when we have 21 million people?

Take a statistics class. 14,000 is a great sample no matter if your population is 1 million or 1 billion.
Also note that it only measures ages 45-65, i.e. the likeliest to be overweight.

Yeah, I think some researchers needed some attention...
Also how can a study of 14,000 people seriously prove that we are fatter then the US when we have 21 million people?

Take a statistics class. 14,000 is a great sample no matter if your population is 1 million or 1 billion.
14,000 is a fantastic sample size, but i believe that is still not representative of the population as a whole for the reasons i stated above.
I think Americans should feel smug, anyway.
Did anyone see that Japan has instituted mandatory waist measurements? If your waist is too big, your doctor makes you diet, exercise, etc.
Imagine if they tried that in America.


rid this world of human waste
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Obesity is just a result of a lot of people not using their brain half of the time. Half the obese kids out there just do shit without thinking anyway.
Obesity is just a result of a lot of people not using their brain half of the time. Half the obese kids out there just do shit without thinking anyway.
or they are sitting on their asses surfing the web, playing videogames and watching TV eating while they do so. Then they don't ever go outside and do what kids usually did when they went outside.. play and get exercise usually by doing so.
US is not 'number two' because Australia is not 'number one'. I not sure where either the US or Oz sit in the BMI rankings, but Tonga has the largest number of obese people for its population.


rid this world of human waste
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or they are sitting on their asses surfing the web, playing videogames and watching TV eating while they do so. Then they don't ever go outside and do what kids usually did when they went outside.. play and get exercise usually by doing so.
I don't get enough exercise either, actually. I'm just one of those people that has a natural predisposition for not putting on weight. But yeah, I'd say industrialised countries have so many distractions in the form of electronic devices that there really is no need for outside self-amusement anymore.
That's why our geneartion is having such problems with obesity. Back in previous generations, if they wanted to amuse themselves they had to go OUTSIDE and EXCERSISE, whereas these days loads of kids just sit around watching TV all day.


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this has the US comfortably first

Back in previous generations, if they wanted to amuse themselves they had to go OUTSIDE and EXCERSISE, whereas these days loads of kids just sit around watching TV all day.
yeah because TV is a 15 year old invention.


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Obesity rates are increasing though, Australia's results are considerably older than the others.. Though I am kinda surprised that Australia are ahead of New Zealand.

I guess part of it is because of how urbanised Australia is, they dont have large amounts of country folk living more physical lives.

Have a nice day.

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