CAP 8 CAP 8 - Part 15a - Sprite Submissions

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Wow, I really like Wyverii's design.
I have to agree with Joatmon about the eyebrows though.
I also think the necks should look slightly thicker and more jagged IMO.

The set's finished with minor tweaking. I hope I managed to cater to people's suggestions well enough. I decided not to change the bolts too much for two reasons, a) the classic bolt shape is very little like real lightning and b) if it was not solid then it'd lose all of its heads and legs. ;p

Changes are: Tweaked eyebrows, changed necks and arms, moved leftmost (our left) head, changed tail, lightened yellow slightly.

Female difference is currently longer eyebrows but that can be changed easily. Shiny is because someone wanted something pink and fluffy... plus I like candy floss, mm. This design is not very kind towards sprites so the backsprite is going to be interesting.
Well, I changed it up a bit:

Note: The color change was just to see what it looks like... I personally like the green and pink better. :P

But, yeah, fixed the eye, and will probably redo the heads tonight so they aren't so... not-official looking. Any more tips?

And, Wyverii, I am really starting to warm up to your sprites! They're amazing! It's kinda hard staying in the race! :P

The set's finished with minor tweaking. I hope I managed to cater to people's suggestions well enough. I decided not to change the bolts too much for two reasons, a) the classic bolt shape is very little like real lightning and b) if it was not solid then it'd lose all of its heads and legs. ;p

Changes are: Tweaked eyebrows, changed necks and arms, moved leftmost (our left) head, changed tail, lightened yellow slightly.

Female difference is currently longer eyebrows but that can be changed easily. Shiny is because someone wanted something pink and fluffy... plus I like candy floss, mm. This design is not very kind towards sprites so the backsprite is going to be interesting.
Looks even better now! The neck and limb changes look great, I also like the fact that you moved the head and tail. It was something I didn't notice before but it definitely makes a big difference now.

I really like the long eyebrows, you should definitely keep them.

Also, the eyebrow on the far right, of the far right head looks a little awkward perspective wise. Maybe move it more to the right or move it to the other side of the head completely, or add a glimpse of the other eye? I think moving it slightly to the right and showing a bit of the eye is the best option IMO, especially since you moved the tail, so that the eyebrow won't clash with it if you move it.

I also think that the shiny should have a different colour than purple. I can understand why you chose the pink, but the purple doesn't give the same "pop" to the design as the blue on the original, if you know what I mean?
In terms of "living things", you don't find "symmetric/perspective" that often, rare I guess...but just my opinion. Carry on by ignoring me~

I definitely prefer wyverii's!

The set's finished with minor tweaking. I hope I managed to cater to people's suggestions well enough. I decided not to change the bolts too much for two reasons, a) the classic bolt shape is very little like real lightning and b) if it was not solid then it'd lose all of its heads and legs. ;p

Changes are: Tweaked eyebrows, changed necks and arms, moved leftmost (our left) head, changed tail, lightened yellow slightly.

Female difference is currently longer eyebrows but that can be changed easily. Shiny is because someone wanted something pink and fluffy... plus I like candy floss, mm. This design is not very kind towards sprites so the backsprite is going to be interesting.
A really good sprite. But something about it throws me off on the head. The cloud looks like an actual Nintendo sprite, no doubt. But the shading on the head sort of contrasts. It seems a little flat to me, especially against the cloud, but I dunno if that's the effect you intended. Just a little bit bland in my opinion, but that's an awesome sprite.
AgentLym's sprite is absolutely amazing. I digress though; Wyverii's detailed design looks good as well.
Wyverii, could you play around with some different color schemes for the shiny sprites? I'm not a huge fan of the pink clouds, and I'd just like to see what some other colors might look like on the shinies.

The set's finished with minor tweaking. I hope I managed to cater to people's suggestions well enough. I decided not to change the bolts too much for two reasons, a) the classic bolt shape is very little like real lightning and b) if it was not solid then it'd lose all of its heads and legs. ;p

Changes are: Tweaked eyebrows, changed necks and arms, moved leftmost (our left) head, changed tail, lightened yellow slightly.

Female difference is currently longer eyebrows but that can be changed easily. Shiny is because someone wanted something pink and fluffy... plus I like candy floss, mm. This design is not very kind towards sprites so the backsprite is going to be interesting.
Now I had absolutely no idea as to what people liked about the first one.

This is a pretty nice improvement but I do think the necks are too long...

Initial draft. I'm really tired so i'll do more extensive work later on. I've checked this against all types of backgrounds to prevent that strange halo look against the lightning parts.

I'm not keen on doing an action pose for this particular design. The way it's set up could make it very easy for it to look too cluttered or make limb placement confusing. I'm also using pretty large heads which'll complicate action poses further but i'll make one if people want one.
You may want to adjust outline shading for the head. Typical objects seem to cast a shadow in the game's style. A darker shade, if black is too dark. If the heads are made of lightning, they would be a bit lighter, I think.
I really like Wyverii's design, but I think it would look better if the head/neck looked more angular. Otherwise, it's great.

If anyone has any critique or wants to improve upon it, feel free. Two heads down, one to go. Last one will be 3/4ths or facing forwards.

Ash Borer

I've heard they're short of room in hell

If anyone has any critique or wants to improve upon it, feel free. Two heads down, one to go. Last one will be 3/4ths or facing forwards.

I would like to the second head a bit higher up and back a bit on the cloud, also the tail a bit higher up. It is good though.

I'm not sure about the placement on the heads (and the colours are temp, since I just stole them from dragonz for now >>)

Oh and the outline is pure black atm, so that needs to change


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Looks like work kept me from getting a preemptive jump on my spriting.

Well, considering what my art sabbatical did for my hand drawn art, you must all be in suspense wondering how my pixelling improved. Well, ya'll are going to have to be patient.

Unlike past sprite polls, I'm going to work at a more careful pace rather than pump out every crappy pixel I come up with immediately. Sure, I might still be the "grandpa spriter" of CaP, but I will still show all you whippersnappers what's what.

Of course, my rivals are top contenders like always. Wyv and Atyroki, let us all come down to an epic threeway battle of madness!
<3 Atyroki's entry.

Wyverii, something just seems......well, wrong with your entry.

Also, most animals are actually symmetrical, whoever said they aren't. No, I'm not going to link it to you.
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