CAP 8 CAP 8 - Part 15a - Sprite Submissions

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Though the necks look awkwardly long, IMO...
A bit jagged as well... Especially the ones on the sides.
They point outward a bit too much.

Mostly, it's the neck that's strange. The rest looks pretty good.
(Although the back seems rather U-shaped... And the feet are a bit small.)

This is definitely my favorite at the moment.
I don't think I really have too much to say about it...
Er... The middle head's spikes seem bigger than the others...?
That's a stretch, at most.
I seriously don't have much crit to give.
Great work! ^^

DougJustDoug's& Atyroki's are 2nd/3rd (currently tied) for me.

The (temporary, or so you said) shading looks plain, to me...
Although you said your changing that, so... Yeah.

Well, the head on our left. That pose looks awkward...
Also, the necks are too straight...
...And it seems to be lacking a tail?

That's probably it. I guess, if I had to say something else...
The two on our left... The noses are a bit pointy...?
They look somewhat beak-like.
Can't really think of much else.

I'm very nitpicky... o.o
Ok, did a little editing according your guys' critiques:

<--NEW (with same colors)
<--NEW (with deeper colors)

Well, yeah, I see most of you guys like the more 'solid' look, so I tried a more solid approach when I redrew/recolored the heads. Hopefully you like! ;) Next up, I think I'mma add some swirlies to the cloud...


... sorry. *starts jumping around in excitement*

More tweaking of the sprites. Tried to fix that problem eyebrow, added an extra layer of shading to the yellow and changed shiny a bit. Real cloud dragons wear pink. :P

Backsprites are coming up soon. I'd recommend to anybody entering this to see if they're comfortable with the backs before seriously contending because this is really difficult with the three heads.
The male eyebrows are fine, but the far right female eyebrow just looks awkward imo. It looks like if you were looking at the head straight on it would overlap the center? My only suggestion would be to try and soften the tone and move it just a pixel or two over to the right, so that it doesn't stand out too much or looks like it is going diagonal over the face.

More tweaking of the sprites. Tried to fix that problem eyebrow, added an extra layer of shading to the yellow and changed shiny a bit. Real cloud dragons wear pink. :P

Backsprites are coming up soon. I'd recommend to anybody entering this to see if they're comfortable with the backs before seriously contending because this is really difficult with the three heads.
Wyverii... I'm speechless... These are my absolue favs ATM. Maybe give the middle head a mouth? A dropped yaw or something? Just thinking out loud...

@Doug: Great job on the heads, and the new color looks good too. That touch of warm yellow makes it more pleasant to look at, not so cold anymore. Don't change too much now, it's a great set of sprites!

More tweaking of the sprites. Tried to fix that problem eyebrow, added an extra layer of shading to the yellow and changed shiny a bit. Real cloud dragons wear pink. :P.
Love the changes on the shiny, but the color of the electricity seems strange...

...That's about it.
Wyv's is my current favorite atm and I can't wait to see what she does with the backsprite. I have absolutely no complaints on it at this point, all my problems with it have been fixed.

Kudos to anyone who seriously enters this. The design we picked is cool, but is a serious challenge to sprite.

(I really just wanted to show off what Addie did to my avatar of course)

I made the heads on my sprite a little smaller. When I rounded them out, it made them a little bigger, and made the body look less bulky IMO. By sizing them down, I think it improves the overall proportions of the sprite.

I also heeded KOA's advice on the use of yellow. I agree that the bright yellows really wash out the details on all these sprites. To fix it, I pulled the colors from Pikachu and used that as a starting point for the yellows on my sprite. I was really surprised how bad my old color scheme looked by comparison. So I'm sticking with the "Pikachu palette" for the yellow fills and border colors.
i feel like the cloud is too elongated and that it should more ball like
A lot of these remind me of King Ghidorah (Godzilla character for those who don't know) in particular Atyorki's, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. some minor details I have noticed are for AgentLym's your cloud looks more like a rock to me, but that may be that I can't pick out the details in in. Chomzloh I absolutely adore your design but I have problems making out the forward most foot's leg, but my eye sight may just be going on me. Darth Vader, I thin the heads need a more defined outline on yours but if you haven't got to that yet just ignore this comment.

More tweaking of the sprites. Tried to fix that problem eyebrow, added an extra layer of shading to the yellow and changed shiny a bit. Real cloud dragons wear pink. :P

Backsprites are coming up soon. I'd recommend to anybody entering this to see if they're comfortable with the backs before seriously contending because this is really difficult with the three heads.
the only thing i don't like about this is that where the heads come out of the cloud there's not spiral like in the art work
DSDark, the spriters have quite a bit of artistic freedom with this sprite, otherwise the would have to pretty much do the exact same pose too. I am sure that the lack of a "spiral" is perfectly fine :O

And that spiral you see anyways is supposed to be a lighting effect, which is present in the sprite anyways e_e
hmm doug, i think you should change the necks to a shorter stubbier version. And the body should look more fluffy than the elongated dog body.


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I changed the necks after hearing multiple critiques that they were just too long. Hopefully, this looks a little more compact, while still having the zig-zag look of lightning.

I'm not sure if I'm going to make this a full-blown submission or not (backsprites, shinies, the whole nine yards). I've intentionally taken quite a few liberties with artistic license. That's a very risky tactic in CAP sprite competitions, since most people want to see the sprite rendered in close accordance with the base design. But, I simply can't figure out a way to do that, and achieve the look I want with this sprite.

Like Wyverii said -- this design is very difficult from a spriting perspective. The whole reason I made my sprite was to try and put a spin on it that would make it look less awkward. But, I'm finding that VERY hard to do. Almost everything I try, just doesn't look "right".

For those of you that have never sprited before -- spriting isn't really the art of drawing something -- it is the art of making a collection of pixels that looks like a drawing. For most details in a sprite, that means placing pixels in such a way that the observer's eye is tricked into thinking it is seeing a certain thing. The key to tricking the eye, is that the viewer has an implicit idea of what they are supposed to see in the first place. The spriter just places a few key pixels to "nudge" the viewer to see what they want to see anyway.

With this design, that is incredibly hard to do -- because very few things in this design look "normal". The body and feet are big and amorphous, which means there is no inherent sense of proportion like in organic pokemon. The legs and necks have no organic analog at all, and they are intentionally asymmetrical in the design. So, there is no real anchor for the spriter to work towards. Basically this design is a big free-form blob with free-form appendages. At least the heads are organic-looking...

The sheer number of appendages present problems as well. Considering that we only have 80x80 pixels to work with, it's incredibly hard to work 8 appendages into the frame. We had the exact same problem with Fidgit, which almost put me in the nuthouse trying to fit in all those arms and hands. But at least with Fidgit, all the hands looked like, y'know, HANDS.

On top of that, all the appendages are supposed to be made of energy and be "not solid". That takes another tool out the spriters bag of tricks -- shading and highlighting. Without the ability to shade, you lose the ability to convey shape. So, you'll notice that all the sprites fall into two categories -- those that are shaded and therefore the sprite is "too solid". Or those that do not use shading, in which case the sprite looks "washed out". There's not much middle ground.

So this whole design presents an enormous challenge for the spriters. It's certainly a challenge for me, and I think I'm a fairly competent spriter. As you can see from all the great submissions, obviously the spriters are coping with the challenge and coming up with some awesome stuff. But, keep the above points in mind when issuing critiques and suggestions. Lay advice is fine, but you might be able to help the spriters more, if you understand the challenges they are facing with this design.
XandZero, Why is that one head facing away? It would be better if they were facing down left so we get a sense of it actually being in the battle, instead of being a sprited piece of art depicting it. It is good other wise though, albeit the heads are rather tiny regardless.

Doug, for your drawing, it seems as if the right eye of the right head shouldn't be visible; only the eyebrow, like Wyverii. That perspective makes it look like the eye is smack dab in the middle of the face in my opinion.

Sorry for my little nitpicks everyone!


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Doug, I think yours looks great except that the right two heads look a bit...cross eyed. The left head looks awesome, but something about the eyes on the other two seems a bit off. Great work everyone!


Distilled, 80 proof
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Originally Posted by Fat DarthVader317

New shading and possible shiny.
I like the positioning of the heads. It looks pretty epic. The positioning of the feet seems off to me, though. Maybe don't overlap the front left and back right feet so it doesn't like like a tripod. Also, is it lifting up the front left leg? It doesn't fit with the perspective if it isn't, and if it is, why?
Well, I've darkened the yellows, as suggested. Personally, I prefer the paler colours artistically, but I must admit its much easier to make out the details on the darker yellow. I've also thrown in a really imaginative preliminary shiny sprite made up simply from a colour switch. Any thoughts?

- Old

- New
- New (shiny)
that's really good DV17, but I can't say that I really love the shiny sprites.

EDIT: wizwum, that's also nice, but for some reason, the cloud lacks depth. (or I'm just crazy)

New shading and possible shiny.
Okay, time for some super-nitpicks that I think would help increase the overall quality feeling of the sprite, if that makes sense.

The middle toe of his right front paw is (on a 2D plane) tilted too far down. Make it more parallel with the horizontal to make it look like he has a firm footing on the ground.

Shift his left front paw over a bit to our right, and make the claws look like it's directed a bit to the right (not to mention the middle claw is too short in comparison), allowing us to see a bit more of that back leg in the back and not make it seem tripedal.

If you want, lower the middle head just a smudge, and make it look like its coming from inside the cloud body. Right now it looks like a lightning bolt just placed over the cloud.

Looks nice, otherwise. XD


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Several people mentioned the long body on my sprite. I thickened the body and shortened it, to make it rounder. I think this looks bulkier and improves the sprite overall. Let me know if you think this is an improvement.

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