Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

Well, not faster than the fast radio method (tune in your station, then just switch between the map screen and the radio screen to keep advancing the frame, then detune the station once you're done).
IMO, an even faster method for someone with two hands is to hold Down* on the D-pad with your left thumb and tap the bottom-right button with the stylus in your right hand.

(*Down for bottom stations, Up for top stations)

Like, say my desired time is 2:00:16 on 2010 07 03 with a delay of 634. I'm hitting only odd delays and have no GBA game. By switching to 2009 07 03 at 2:00:16, would I still hit the same seed and an even delay or just a totally different seed?
Yes, the day and time stay the same. All that changes is your target delay.
hey right now im trying to breed for ivs in HG (shiny naive murkrow) for some reason though it seems that you cannot use elm to search for what seed you hit when abusing for IVs? I may be mistaken but it only gives you the elm responses of your target frame on the first page of the rng reporter. I tried looking in the time finder egg iv's section but I can't find where it would give you the elm responses, like in the shiny egg finder tab. Just want to know if theres another way possible to see what seed you hit as soon as you entered the game.
IMO, an even faster method for someone with two hands is to hold Down* on the D-pad with your left thumb and tap the bottom-right button with the stylus in your right hand.

(*Down for bottom stations, Up for top stations)

Yes, the day and time stay the same. All that changes is your target delay.
Wow that's actually a good method. But I'm left handed so I can't really do it...I feel so left out :(
Wow that's actually a good method. But I'm left handed so I can't really do it...I feel so left out :(
The button is big enough that it shouldn't matter that much, as long as you can actually use your hands. If you can type, you're good.

Or just flip your DS upside-down.
My left thumb is all bandaged up... I can't use it for the d-pad at all. :(

I am trying to RNG for the 114th frame of d2140289, for latias. When i stop progressing the frame at 105, i hit frame 115, yet when i stop progressing the frame at 104, i am hitting frame 113 when activating latias. (I have only caught latias 4 times, so these results aren't scientific). I am saved in the fan club just before the door. So the way it is looking to me, it is not possible for me to hit this frame, or am i just getting bad luck?
The amount of advancements you do doesn't relate to the frame Latias is on in a 1-1 manner. It might be that 106 advancements is over your frame, 107 advancements is over your frame, and then 108 advancements hits your frame. The only real way to get it is trial and error.
Showsni, while I was RNGing for Raikou, how come the delay I got when I check with RNGReporter fluctuated so wildly? First trial, I got it really close to my target delay of 1110 (the delay I got was 1106). The second time, however, the delay dropped to something like 1044-1046. I got the delay results using search roamer method.

I'm RNGing it at E4 right before Lance, btw.


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It doesn't count as a domestic parent. I transferred some eggs from my American Diamond to my Japanese SoulSilver and tried to use an Everstone but none of the pokés would have the same nature as the mother.
Just wondering if this happens to anyone, with certain dates and times you can easily hit the desired seed/delay, but on others it seems impossible? I was just trying to RNG IVs of a Numel and consistently hit a delay of 487-491, normally I hit a delay of 485. After an hour I tried it at a different day and hit the delay on my second try. I failed to RNG for the IVs that time so I tried again and this time I hit the delay/seed perfectly on my first time and got the IVs I was trying to get.
Showsni, while I was RNGing for Raikou, how come the delay I got when I check with RNGReporter fluctuated so wildly? First trial, I got it really close to my target delay of 1110 (the delay I got was 1106). The second time, however, the delay dropped to something like 1044-1046. I got the delay results using search roamer method.

I'm RNGing it at E4 right before Lance, btw.
That might happen because you're using a very wide range of delays when you're searching, so you got a false positive.
Well, not faster than the fast radio method (tune in your station, then just switch between the map screen and the radio screen to keep advancing the frame, then detune the station once you're done).
Where did you find this brilliant method?!! I love to use it, especially on higher frames.
Hey, I've been trying to RNG for a Suicune on Cerulean Cape for awhile now. Every so often I caught the Suicune and checked its IVs to see where I landed in terms of delay, and to my surprise, actually hit the seed I was looking for - of course, it was already too late and I had to reset. It was all to my frustration though, I had the wrong Elm pattern written down.. now though, I'm a little confused.

In the Elm column there is an "E," and the pattern is down at the bottom (which you can see in this screenshot):
What does that mean? Why is there an "E" in the Elm column and the seed pattern at the bottom? Which do I follow? I have no roamers out and I have my target time and whatnot. I just want to make sure I'm going for the right pattern this time, meaning, no matter what, it's going to be correct if I manage K,K,E,K,P,E,K,E,K,E, and then call Elm 79 more times (leaving me at frame 89) before continuing with Suicune.
I have hit my delay for IVs and have confirmed that my egg is shiny and the correct nature. If I fly somewhere, save the game, and SR, will the egg still come out shiny, with teh right nature, and with my desired IV spread?
That might happen because you're using a very wide range of delays when you're searching, so you got a false positive.
Thank you for confirmation Pehu, I was suspecting the same thing.

Guess I should narrow down my range, been using +/- 99 delays since DPPt time because my fingers are occasionally unreliable.

@Saints Fan: The only way to make sure that your egg will have the correct IVs is to collect the egg right after you finish advancing the frame. That way, it doesn't matter where you hatch it. Shinyness/nature/ability was determined when the egg was conceived (in other word, when the old man found the egg and hold on to it for you to collect).
Hey, I've been trying to RNG for a Suicune on Cerulean Cape for awhile now. Every so often I caught the Suicune and checked its IVs to see where I landed in terms of delay, and to my surprise, actually hit the seed I was looking for - of course, it was already too late and I had to reset. It was all to my frustration though, I had the wrong Elm pattern written down.. now though, I'm a little confused.

In the Elm column there is an "E," and the pattern is down at the bottom (which you can see in this screenshot):
What does that mean? Why is there an "E" in the Elm column and the seed pattern at the bottom? Which do I follow? I have no roamers out and I have my target time and whatnot. I just want to make sure I'm going for the right pattern this time, meaning, no matter what, it's going to be correct if I manage K,K,E,K,P,E,K,E,K,E, and then call Elm 79 more times (leaving me at frame 89) before continuing with Suicune.
The pattern that you see on the bottom is the sequence that you follow to confirm that you got the correct seed. After you confirm that you got the correct seed, then the sequence doesn't matter.

The column that says Elm are the calls that show what frame you are currently on. You will need to uncheck shiny only in order to follow your correct frame. For example, if you sequence e,k,e,p,e,k,e,p,e for frames 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 and you call Elm and get E,K,E,P, then that means that you just passed frames 20,21,22,and 23. You will now be on frame 24 and should you call Elm his response will be E.
My left thumb is all bandaged up... I can't use it for the d-pad at all. :(
Then use one of your other fingers. Or your palm with the DS sitting on your lap. Or a clothespin. Or whatever you want to use. Don't take it so rigidly.

Hey, I've been trying to RNG for a Suicune on Cerulean Cape for awhile now. Every so often I caught the Suicune and checked its IVs to see where I landed in terms of delay, and to my surprise, actually hit the seed I was looking for - of course, it was already too late and I had to reset. It was all to my frustration though, I had the wrong Elm pattern written down.. now though, I'm a little confused.

In the Elm column there is an "E," and the pattern is down at the bottom (which you can see in this screenshot):
What does that mean? Why is there an "E" in the Elm column and the seed pattern at the bottom? Which do I follow? I have no roamers out and I have my target time and whatnot. I just want to make sure I'm going for the right pattern this time, meaning, no matter what, it's going to be correct if I manage K,K,E,K,P,E,K,E,K,E, and then call Elm 79 more times (leaving me at frame 89) before continuing with Suicune.
It doesn't match up because you're looking at Frame 90, not Frame 1.

Use the bottom pattern.
Then use one of your other fingers. Or your palm with the DS sitting on your lap. Or a clothespin. Or whatever you want to use. Don't take it so rigidly.
Can you explain this other technique with radio RNGing, using D-pad, to me please? I don't quite understand how you press/touch the bottom station thing at the same time yet.
Then use one of your other fingers. Or your palm with the DS sitting on your lap. Or a clothespin. Or whatever you want to use. Don't take it so rigidly.
I know, I was just complaining about my injury.

Go to the radio screen. Using the stylus, tap the bottom right station (for example). Now hold down on the D-pad; it will detune and slide off the station. Use the styluse to tap it again (keep holding down). It will tune it in, then detune again.

This does look like the fastest method... Nice idea!
I know, I was just complaining about my injury.

Go to the radio screen. Using the stylus, tap the bottom right station (for example). Now hold down on the D-pad; it will detune and slide off the station. Use the styluse to tap it again (keep holding down). It will tune it in, then detune again.

This does look like the fastest method... Nice idea!
Hold Down while you tap the bottom-right radio button. You'll get it.
Ah thank you to both of you. Seems to be a pretty neat technique btw.
Edit: Wow, the technique is amazing lol. one hundred frames advancement is like a joke. Thank you for sharing it.
I have hit my delay for IVs and have confirmed that my egg is shiny and the correct nature. If I fly somewhere, save the game, and SR, will the egg still come out shiny, with teh right nature, and with my desired IV spread?
No. Once the daycare man has the egg, it will be that nature, ability, and shiny for as long as he has it. From there, you can easily just start RNGing for IVs.
Hi! I'm trying to RNG for a palkia in HG, and I've been having some trouble when it comes to the Elm pattern. I seem to SR at the right time, 14:38:46, and I press continue at the right time, 14:39:00. My Elm pattern is supposed to be EEKKEPPPPE. But I'm not hitting my seed. What am I doing wrong? Oh, and my frame is 267 and I have all roamers out.

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