Does professay (site) work?

Hello there... I have a final essay coming up next week and I'm not quite sure if I can write a damn nice essay and it's the only assignment that will bump my "D" grade to a "C". I searched online for example essays and came across The writers from that site could write me a "custom" essay and would be top quality for a essay for a fee. I was wondering if I should do this or get real help on writing my final essay? I know it's cheating, but I'm in an emergency here and this essay will decide if I fail the class or not.



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what makes you think you wouldn't be able to write a decent essay on your own?


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Fail the class. Retake it. Maybe this time actually learn something. Time to take responsibility.

Not to mention your writing clearly needs work. I'm going to give your prof some credit and assume they'll know you can't write at the level you're going to get from that website.
Cheating is never the answer, and if you get caught, you could get expelled or fail the class (and often there's a note on your transcript saying exactly why you failed the class). It's not worth it.

If you're really having trouble, talk to your teacher, or at least someone who you know is good at whatever the subject your paper is on. If it's English, you can use Sparknotes as a guide for where to begin, but don't actually quote it or anything. Wikipedia is a good place to get a feel for a topic and find sources (but never use it as a source). But trust me, it's a lot better to get real help than cheat, as you will learn from real help and you don't suffer the risk of getting expelled.
that site sounds awesome: they can hand you back any shitty essay and if you don't get the grade they tell you you'll get there's nothing you can do. who are you gonna tell? you're gonna say you bought an essay for an assignment and get done for plagiarism? genius
Fail the class. Retake it. Maybe this time actually learn something. Time to take responsibility.

Not to mention your writing clearly needs work. I'm going to give your prof some credit and assume they'll know you can't write at the level you're going to get from that website.
THat isn't my writing. I'm just typing out as I think and call it a day, but for writing essays or papers, I have to sit down and I can't really do that right now. "Just do it" won't help me since the thought of "failing" the class and having to retake is scaring me. I need all the help I can get in this situation and it looks like that site can get me past this situation. I'm sure this won't happen again as it costs money.

Maybe I could write a rough draft and bring it here tomorrow for a better and revised final essay? Will you guys help me?
Is this a good section for me to post my first draft? I know this is a pokemon forum and that I'm asking help on writing some essay, but you guys are one of the intelligent people and your writing are excellent.

This is a review essay, by the way.
Eh, I guess I could help with spelling/grammar and perhaps word choice, but that's about it. It's about all anyone here will be useful for anyway, unless you're writing on a topic where one of us happens to be an expert.

But really, there's no way of ensuring the quality of something that comes off of one of those websites. You have no idea if you're getting what your paying for or if it'll just be another crappy essay. I've looked at those websites from time to time just trying to think up topics (and nothing else), and from what I've seen, the people there can't write for shit. And who's to say they won't completely misunderstand the prompt? And if the essay somehow did turn out to be well-written (unlikely), like Firestorm said, your teacher is probably smart enough to recognize that it's not your work because it'll be a completely different writing style. It's just totally not worth it on so many levels.

Just write the rough draft, see what you can come up with, and show it to as many people as possible who you think could help you. This includes your parents, your smart friends, and your teacher. In fact, I'd suggest emailing your teacher right away to set up an appointment for extra help. After all, that's what teachers are there for-- to help you learn!! And they're usually happy to see students take initiative to ask them for help when needed.
I'd suggest emailing your teacher right away to set up an appointment for extra help. After all, that's what teachers are there for-- to help you learn!! And they're usually happy to see students take initiative to ask them for help when needed.
I just did. :)

I hope my teacher understands and give me all his work just for me to pass. I can't just fail this class and retake the class. That's around half a year waste of time that could of been spent on something else. Just thinking this gets me all messed up. I passed my other classes, but this one... I need to pass it and get it over with. Pass it and get it over with...

I can sleep all day and wake up still worried about this. Laziness... I hate it.

EDIT: Topic is: Letting Teachers pack Guns will make America's schools safer

The essay needs a intro, summary of the article I will have to read before writing the rough draft, my reactions with my personal experiences and a conclusion. Easy... but how will I tell if I did a good job? Don't wanna turn it in like that feeling confident and found out I did terrible on it and failed the class like that. I will be writing the essay tonight and get back to you for criticism. :)


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Instead of sleeping all day, go to school and take advantage of whatever resources are available to improve your writing. Mine has a Student Learning Commons where they help with essay writing.
I just did. :)

I hope my teacher understands and give me all his work just for me to pass. I can't just fail this class and retake the class. That's around half a year waste of time that could of been spent on something else. Just thinking this gets me all messed up. I passed my other classes, but this one... I need to pass it and get it over with. Pass it and get it over with...
Just a tip: don't expect the teacher to do everything for you. Definitely bring whatever draft you have to the appointment, and have specific questions on things you think need to be improved. And instead of sleeping, put all the effort you possibly can into your essay. Read, revise, reread, revise, repeat as necessary. It'll pay off-- I promise :)
The writers from that site could write me a "custom" essay
When studies have been done, it's been found that many such websites will provide the same essay multiple times over. And it's not like you can do anything about it.

You know, if you posted the actual topic of the essay in another thread here, you might get some good ideas from the resultant discussion. Although if it's meant to be a literature review, that's less useful.
Obviously I agree with the consensus that using this site is a bad idea. Apart from the (idealistic) morality/education arguments, the point that the site will probably just fuck you over should be pretty convincing...

I hope my teacher understands and give me all his work just for me to pass. I can't just fail this class and retake the class. That's around half a year waste of time that could of been spent on something else. Just thinking this gets me all messed up. I passed my other classes, but this one... I need to pass it and get it over with. Pass it and get it over with...
I really need to emphasize what Lanturn said because of the first sentence here... your teacher won't be very happy if you go to him and you sound like you're trying to get him to write your essay for you. at the very least you want to have an outline that shows the logical progression of your argument, but a draft is a much better idea. apart from making your teacher more willing to help you, having something concrete will actually make it possible for the teacher to help you. you can't really comment on an essay that consists of "well, I was thinking I'd write about this"...

I asked my psych TA for a bit of help on my midterm essay this past quarter, and what I sent her was a draft of the essay that I'd already revised once or twice along with a few questions I had. Since the content of the essay was all there, she was able to give direct comments on different parts with Word's track changes/comments function) as well as thoughts on the essay as a whole. now, the mechanics for how your teacher / writing assistant will comment on your essay might not be the same, but the point remains the same: you need to send them real work to get something useful in return.

Easy... but how will I tell if I did a good job? Don't wanna turn it in like that feeling confident and found out I did terrible on it and failed the class like that. I will be writing the essay tonight and get back to you for criticism. :)
when you're proofreading the essay it should be pretty obvious whether it came out the way you thought it would come out. try to approach it from the perspective of a third-party observer -- is there a logical argument that progresses from one paragraph to the next, or does the essay jump around a lot? make sure you satisfy all the requirements if your professor gave you a sheet that describes the assignment, obviously.

since I am completely fucking bored over break I'd be happy to take a look at your essay... not gonna pretend to be great at writing, ymmv but better than nothing?


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Yeah, for the love of god get a full night's sleep. It's absolutely pointless to write the paper without sleep. There's a point where you will even feel your writing get significantly worse. Just don't "sleep all day" as you said.
LOL, I didn't mean it that way; he had said he was going to sleep all day instead of worrying about his paper, and I just meant he shouldn't get too comfortable and that he should put as much effort as possible into his essay. By all means, I advocate getting a full 8 hours (even though I'm obviously not getting a full 8 hours myself, seeing as I'm awake)
Yeah, for the love of god get a full night's sleep. It's absolutely pointless to write the paper without sleep. There's a point where you will even feel your writing get significantly worse. Just don't "sleep all day" as you said.
Did you go to university? If so, you clearly were never in sequence stratigraphy...24 hours of well log data interp (in a row), followed by a 5 page paper and then the lab final. 48 hours without sleep and I got a B. University is MADE for no sleep.


I did my best, I have no regrets!
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Did you go to university? If so, you clearly were never in sequence stratigraphy...24 hours of well log data interp (in a row), followed by a 5 page paper and then the lab final. 48 hours without sleep and I got a B. University is MADE for no sleep.
At about 5 AM my writing turns to shit and I need to sleep. Then I finish the paper on the way to school on the bus / skytrain.
I once handed in a paper for a 400 level course. He had a few complaints, among them were "the follow are not actual sentences". I got a great mark's easy to get around bad writing if you're making a good point.


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Yeah I wrote a 4000 word essay in 48 hours of pure no sleep. In times of stress and pressure, you're going to find ways to finish that essay. However, it does vary from person to person, so I guess, getting around 4-5 hours of sleep is essential.

And honestly, I hate people who try to justify using excuses. "I can't retake the course because it'll be a waste of time! I have to pass using any method!" Such bullshit. If you didn't want to waste your time with the course, you should've either stayed away from it in the first place, or at least pay attention to get a passing grade. You're failing for a reason; it's time to start asking yourself why.
Yeah I wrote a 4000 word essay in 48 hours of pure no sleep. In times of stress and pressure, you're going to find ways to finish that essay. However, it does vary from person to person, so I guess, getting around 4-5 hours of sleep is essential.

And honestly, I hate people who try to justify using excuses. "I can't retake the course because it'll be a waste of time! I have to pass using any method!" Such bullshit. If you didn't want to waste your time with the course, you should've either stayed away from it in the first place, or at least pay attention to get a passing grade. You're failing for a reason; it's time to start asking yourself why.
This. Retaking course isn't that bad, we have a classic story here where a guy in our school failed engineering the first year, took it again for the next, and is now head of an electrical engineering firm making a lot of money. The only thing that remotely sounds off-putting is the fact the people around you are '1 year ahead'

You should have done the effort the first time, saves you the trouble of buying dodgy essays and requiring help from a poke forums
My teacher has not emailed me back or answered my phone calls or even graded my other essay I turned in 2 weeks ago. Working on the essay right now, but you can't really help besides correcting grammar and such because it's a review essay.

I decided to take a class on campus as Online classes are distracting me and get me too much spare time that it carries me away. Taking a class on-campus would get me in the "zone" to do my other classwork from other classes better since I would be at the school and library would be near by for my online classes. It's my first time taking online classes and want to do it again, but without distractions and all.

Apparently my teacher responded back and gave me three essays for me to turn in within 2 days to make up points for my grade. I just found out I passed my other classes, so I better be damn sure not to pass this chance up.

So lucky...
I managed to write ~2000 out of a 2500-word essay during an all-nighter from about 7pm until ~6am in the morning, but I did already have a rough outline of the plan so idk

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