Pokémon Pinball

A pinball game, based on Pokémon? I'm not quite sure what the logic was there (Pokémon uses balls... Pinball uses balls! Let's do it!) but the end result was a pretty fun game. I was never that great... I always used to go for the Blue table, since the ball would automatically go into Cloyster or Slowpoke when they were open. I could never get it into that stupid Bellsprout on the Red table. The Pikachus also seemed to mock me most of the time, letting out an annoying squeak as they let the ball roll past...

So how did you find these games? Did you manage to catch all 151 Pokémon in your dex?

And what about the innovative rumble feature - a neat invention or a distraction?
i've got them all!! first i also played only blue table, but now (yes, i still play this game) i prefer the red one
damn now I want to play this again. I used to play this game a lot, was pretty good at it. Played it enough to get all the Pokemon in the game I think. Damn, I really do want to play it now but it's too late and I should go to bed D:

We should compare high scores sometime later, I know I have some pretty good ones but its been a looooong time so I don't really remember what they are XD
Omg, I remember this game! I used to love playing it, although i could never figure out how to evolve a Haunter into a Gengar. Hell, any of the trading Pokèmon couldn't evolve in just one game, I don't think. I could never find Mewtwo, lol.
Omg, I remember this game! I used to love playing it, although i could never figure out how to evolve a Haunter into a Gengar. Hell, any of the trading Pokèmon couldn't evolve in just one game, I don't think. I could never find Mewtwo, lol.
No no, they evolved like everything else did, you just collected link cables instead of EXP or evolutionary stones. That's if I remember correctly anyway... 90% certain you weren't required two games to complete the Pokedex.

And fuck it, I am SO playing this. RIGHT NOW.

EDIT: Just started it up and apparently I don't actually have a complete Pokedex on the original one. Must've been the RS Pokemon Pinball I was thinking of. I also can't figure out how to check my damn high scores... gimme a minute I need to find the damn instruction booklet, I know I still have it stuff away somewhere (yes I still have instruction booklets for decades old games, why do you ask?)
Did anyone else pick this up and start playing it right after this topic was made? because I did and I've become somewhat obsessed with it :P trying to complete the Pokedex on it is freaking HARD! It took me 3 days and an insane amount of frustration to get all the red board exclusives. I wanted to do the red board ones first because it's the harder board and I just wanted to get it over with.

Funny thing is that the final time that I do it and finally get the last few red board exclusives I was missing, I get a zillion extra balls and by far the best game I've ever had. Now you can actually get Mew if you beat all the bonus stages 3 times and then get to Indigo Plateau, and with the 3 or so extra balls I have I figure this is my best shot. I just beat Mewtwo's bonus stage for the first time this playthrough (3rd time ever, it is fucking HARD. Hard as diamond I tell you). Beat it twice more is not going to be easy, but as long as I don't screw up majorly I have the time to do it. Taking a break now though because I'm starting to get tired and screw up and I do NOT want to lose now. Not a 14 BILLION points.

Yeah, that's my current red board high score... 14 billion and counting. Good luck beating that everyone :P
I don't think you can actually catch Mew. You only need to go through each bonus stage twice and then be at Indigo for a chance of it appearing; but hitting it with your Pokéball doesn't cause the CATCH! to light up, and the best you can do is jsut keep hitting it until time runs out, at which point it will be added to your Pokédex.
I don't think you can actually catch Mew. You only need to go through each bonus stage twice and then be at Indigo for a chance of it appearing; but hitting it with your Pokéball doesn't cause the CATCH! to light up, and the best you can do is jsut keep hitting it until time runs out, at which point it will be added to your Pokédex.
Ah, well I have 3 sources, one says 3 times and two say only twice, so I'm guessing the only twice is correct (which is a relief because just beating Mewtwo once is ridiculously hard). As for whether you can actually catch it or not... I've only got two sources that say whether you can or not. One says you can catch it if you hit it like 20 times, the other says it'll never be caught, but will be added to your Pokedex anyway. I think you MIGHT actually be able to catch it, but thankfully it's not required for a full Pokedex entry. If it was and I got to Mew but didn't catch it I might just throw my Gameboy Pocket into the wall.

I've played the Ruby & Saphire one. It was LOADS of fun.
Countless hours of my childhood.

I also have played the RS version a lot (probably more than the original one). I think I have better scores on it and maybe all the Pokemon... I don't know, I'd have to check. I haven't played it in years in any case, not since I got really good at it and could keep going for hours. It's definitely the easier of the two games, because a lot fewer of the elements are random and the tables are better designed (leading to fewer unstoppable losses when the ball happens to bounce just the wrong way). If we were going to do a score contest I'd be for this one over the original, since there's more skill and less luck. And also most of the points for bonus stages are only given AFTER you complete them, so you can't just just barely not beat the highest bonus stage 30 times and get ridiculous scores like you can on the original (Mewtwo stage gives like 500mil-1bil every time you even TRY it, so if you're careful to never beat it you can rack up so many points).

I think after I finish the Pokedex on the old one I'll probably find the RS one and complete it too if I haven't already. It's technically my sisters' game but she never plays it soooo I should be able to do whatever I want with it :P


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Okay so I just obtained this game yesterday for the first time since 1999 and I must say that this game is ADDICTING. I've been mostly playing Red but I just started playing the Blue table this morning. I'd say that Red is easier for getting Field Bonuses (Poke->Great->Ultra->Master Ball) because the lights above the Voltorb don't toggle off like the ones above the Shellders, but harder in just about every other way. Getting high scores is impossible without these field bonuses; I went on a rampage last night with multiple Master Ball bonuses, three captures, and two evolutions, and here is my result:
I can't remember my highest score, but I think it was something like 90 million or so. But every time I got really high, my little brother would take it and reset my scores. >_< Still, I wish I could find my old Pokémon Pinball game. :D Only problem is I don't have anything to play it with, since my GBA SP is long gone.
Just started a new RS savefile (first time in years) and played 3 times: 1 on sapphire table, 2 on ruby.

The one on sapphire is my highest score with 292.603.940 points with Kyogre caught and some cool evolutions. I had to go through ruby twice because I didn't catch Groudon on the first try. Highest score there is 276.082.700. I didn't like ruby's table at all and now with Groudon caught I'll focus on sapphire to catch Rayquaza.

Btw, anyone knows how to go to the Ruins location? Serebii says to travel 5 times on the same direction but I did it and it didn't work (unless I miscounted xD).

EDIT: Played more, defeated Rayquaza's stage and got to 1.189.801.599 points. Ruby table

Destiny Warrior

also known as Darkwing_Duck
is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
You need to travel 5 times, then Ruins appears among the list of locations you can visit on the "roulette" I believe. My memory is shaky though, since I haven't played the game for more than a year.

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