Overwatch - Brigitte used FLAIL!


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
Anyone know how to practice killing pharah? >_> Pharah is just frustrating to hit because she's moving both horizontally and vertically all the damn time and if she knows you're there you literally only have one chance to headshot her or you die. I wouldn't let it bother me that much normally, but making sure pharah is having a bad time is a big part of widow's job sooo. Idk is there any trick to it or something? I wish I could practice against pharah bots in custom game but they don't exist ;-;


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Anyone know how to practice killing pharah? >_> Pharah is just frustrating to hit because she's moving both horizontally and vertically all the damn time and if she knows you're there you literally only have one chance to headshot her or you die. I wouldn't let it bother me that much normally, but making sure pharah is having a bad time is a big part of widow's job sooo. Idk is there any trick to it or something? I wish I could practice against pharah bots in custom game but they don't exist ;-;
Don't really have a fixed way to practice that per se. Unless you get a friend to help.. haha. Anyway are you referring to hitscan or projectile? If widow specifically, I'd recommend double bodyshots. Full charge half charge done, dead. Assuming no pocket heals. As a Pharah that likes to bomb Widows and the likes, it depends on map and how you're positioned. Pharah can't really bomb a Widow that's wayyyyy behind the team because the E jump doesn't go that far. Basically if you're far enough that an E jump can't reach you, you have the advantage. It's much easier to hit a floating Pharah than one that's going straight for your face. Also don't recommend going for headshots on floating Pharahs cos their heads move a ton when they turn and stuff.

Does that make any sense? haha. If you really want to practice those clutch shots on Pharahs who somehow get to jump to you, it's pretty much purely flick shots and whether they manage to knock you back, and how much they're air strafing or hovering.


I love weather; Sun for days
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I don't want to rain on the parade (nice job man) but elo inflation is fucking huge this season. I don't know if anyone has caught any other GM Top 500 saying it but apparently it is a thing.

As I said I don't want to hurt Joim, he plays a fucking mean Lucio


@ Everstone
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I don't want to rain on the parade (nice job man) but elo inflation is fucking huge this season. I don't know if anyone has caught any other GM Top 500 saying it but apparently it is a thing.

As I said I don't want to hurt Joim, he plays a fucking mean Lucio
hence him saying "they sure let literally anybody in" :^)

but srsly elo inflation really only happened on the first few games (maybe 15-20) and joim's played way more than that so I think it's legit. same case for me, tho im climbing way slower than joim is


Pixels matter
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Yeah there's a lot of inflation, that's sure. It's taken me a lot of work though, so I'm glad I achieved it alongside the inflated plats! :P


I love weather; Sun for days
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So I think a fair question is: do you see a lot of people playing in that tier that you don't think have the skills (mechanical or technical) that are in there? Turns out my PC can't run OW so I'm still stuck as a plat console pleb (which is actually pretty good given the leaderboards).

From the pros I've watched they lament lower masters because of skill. Is that really a thing or more wishy-washy

This was supposed to be in the first post but laziness you know


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Indeed. I know my hitscan skills are about high diamond, but they are somehow still better than the majority of masters players I play with. GM is still top 98% percentile in Overbuff, which means more than 99% in the real distribution, but on s2 the top 500 started even before GM, whereas it now starts 270 points after getting GM. Lower masters is kind of mid diamond last season right now, but a pinch more of communication. Of course, the higher you go, the matches are still better, there's more communication and more mechanical skill.

There's the odd guy feeding and ignoring how to switch heroes, but as the season goes on they are dropping.


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A couple of days ago some people started speculating that Blizz would give free lootboxes on da present giving day under a tree.

Turns out they did!!!! :O!!!!!!!!!!!! wowsssssss
I'm pretty close to silver, only about 15 levels away. Although both my sister and I play on the account which is why haha.

Still only have one gold gun though RIP, I need to play more comp >.>


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
Yaay I got back to mid plat (about 2750) I'm really happy with myself. Hopefully I can keep climbing this time around and not tilt.


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Erm so I've duoed with golds for a couple of games and my rank took quite a beating ahaha... I dropped to 2.8k at some point too woops. It's quite frustrating when team tanks are like all over the place, and people blame gaming here and there S_S so I had a friend who's good and his main account literally never played comp, so we partied up in 3, with a gold, him and me.

It led to some of the funniest games ever lmao. People at gold level, no offense. We've seen those level 20+s in comp and playing mainly Junkrat in QP. We just thought of it like they're in the phase where they think Junkrat is op and all. Somehow they haven't reached the Bastion phase yet ! Hey some of them were pretty nice playing Rein and stuff even though they had no clue how too. I've seen my team's Rein just charge off the map for no reason like twice xD Completely unbalanced games since we were unintentionally smurfing them, but we got to see what the game looked like to new comers. Hope we didn't put people off lmao.

I've said it on Discord, but I'll say it here too. I have a heavy dislike for this season and their bell curve flattening shenanigans. I think it'd be perfectly fine if they only did the flattening part for bronze-plat and not touch diamond and beyond. I haven't played that many games yet but by far this season have been met with most people with over inflated egos thinking that they improved and are good where actually the system just did them a favor with the flattening and artificially boosted some people :/ or maybe just Asian things, that could be it. Initially I thought that even top 500 would probably not be affected since it's an absolute thing that doesn't care about curves etc, but there's also the possibility of ranks in the upper region being more compressed and nearer to each other leading to more fluctuations in the top 500 than it should have. I don't know personally, just thoughts.

OW is such a different game at all the different ranks and stuff, even different region. I feel like Asia region are slightly more skilled than SEA given the same SR? Maybe??

e: forgot to mention, troll picking and tilt picking man those are the worse :( ripperino pepperino. when in SEA, turn off voice and text chat cos I don't have thick enough skin dealing with annoying people xD aha.

e2: also highlight of the day, a gold roadhog hooking the new players off the map in nepal sanctum xD rip them.
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is it recommended to go ranked even though i have only 15 hours in the game
Do you have previous similar genre game experience? Do you think you've sufficiently learned about the game? What is your goal of playing ranked?

If it's just for fun, IMO QP is still more fun for casual games haha. Saying this as a mainly QP player who only plays ranked for gold guns and then proceeds to ignore the rest of the season :D


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Hmmm 100h on TF2 isn't really suffice to learn much of the game unless you spent a lot of time watching VODs etc. 15h on OW, probably not enough to learn about all the different maps and typical push routes etc. On preface, since your goal is to climb in ranked, purely based on your time spent on the game, I personally wouldn't recommend it.

Just in general, ranked mode is a horrible place to learn the game. It's more for applying rather than learning as you go. How to determine if you've sufficiently learned about the game? The basics for sure is knowing most/all game and hero mechanics. Knowing how to play with and against, and varying it based on the situation. If you want to climb, then definitely knowing simple concepts of ult management, team fight management, spawn management, etc. If you're just soloqing then you don't really need to know the more intricate things like team-based positioning and more team oriented strats. Also you should be able to play most/all roles well enough or you might not enjoy playing ranked. Best way to learn is imo watching tournament VODs and some reviews. Personally recommend flame.

As a disclaimer if you watch tournament reviews, some things, especially strats used in tournaments aren't applicable for soloq because it's not feasible to do so. Things like Sombra strats in general are obsolete, and difficult to pull off due to the largely uncoordinated nature of soloq. Also, there are definitely things that are beneficial or legit to do in soloq but are actually bad habits, such as forward holding defense on some maps.

Sarcastic or not, #1 any region is impossible to reach unless you're a streamer and have that much time to spare playing the game. Part of playing ranked is the investment of time into playing it, which is also one of the reasons why I barely play comp. Just playing a ton of games is generally a good way to climb as long as you know your stuff.
Quick play is not a competitive environment by any means. Anything learned in quick play is not applicable in ranked outside of mechanics, and even then you cannot train them + learn good habits due to how much of a clown fiesta it can be which just slows your growth (you see those guys at lv 600+ in low elo? thats why) in the game and leads to frustration if you enjoy competitive environments and actually trying to win games. Overwatch is not an outright hard game to learn, its just a matter of getting simple concepts into your head at all times like not feeding ult charge and not poking your head into the choke when people are respawning > getting caught. Ranked can be a toxic playground yes, but it is still far better than QP if you actually want to improve at the game. If you just want to have fun (not a bad thing but you have to acknowledge this to yourself) then quick play is fine, but that doesn't seem to be what he is after.
Honestly it's worth playing Competitive ASAP for the golden guns... They're so pretty!

Speaking of which, I just got my golden Symm gun <3 I played way too much in one day to get it though, and I lost quite a bit of rank and am only #15 Symm in comparison to the previous #3... Went from 3830 --> 3630 :x Well whatever, at least I'm prettier than before haha.
honestly getting into competitive earlier is probably better. You might end up with a low rank, but its the only area where you will learn a lot of the fundamentals in the game. Quick play is good for mechanical skills, but its hard to get better at positioning and pushing there unless you play with an organized team

Also I'm getting close to my 3rd gold gun, not sure what one to get this time :o


@ Everstone
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I'm so close to getting all unlockables for mercy.. I'm at 66/68. Only two things I'm missing are her golden guns and the fucking summer games voice line... bought like 80 lootboxes and it didn't drop -_-

I might get her or pharah's golden guns. I don't even use mercy at all anymore but I just love her :3 but I also love pharah a lot and use her way more so idk,,

Already have genji's and ana's and those are my 2 favourite heroes to play.
I'm so close to getting all unlockables for mercy.. I'm at 66/68. Only two things I'm missing are her golden guns and the fucking summer games voice line... bought like 80 lootboxes and it didn't drop -_-

I might get her or pharah's golden guns. I don't even use mercy at all anymore but I just love her :3 but I also love pharah a lot and use her way more so idk,,

Already have genji's and ana's and those are my 2 favourite heroes to play.
As someone who has Mercy's golden staff, go with Pharah for sure (especially if you play her more). Soooo many people have golden staff.

Also, I only need three more Mercy skins until I have all her unlockables, and they're all non-event too! I'm going to buy them after I get the Winter Mei skin
I make for a great S76/Merc/D.Va (Junkrat in Ilios and Liang tower specialist) if you play on the European server, X5Dragon-2242.
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I don't think anyone said qp was a place to learn things beyond mechanical and map stuff. At the very least though, qp does force you to learn to do things according to situation rather than purely following the meta and hoping your team executes it better, unless you're playing qp purely for casual fun then ye.

Also I personally think it's a joke to learn through playing comp. 'You don't know what you don't know' and comp does nothing but inculcate bad soloq habits. Comp is hardly organized at all though occasionally it has a semblance of front lines and stuff. It's more of making the best out of a mess if anything. I'd personally recommend learning the game at a 6 stack level (not through playing 6stacks but watching) then progress to understand the difference between 6 stack and soloq. Unless whomever prefers and likes playing the soloq comp then yea whatever the preference is. But yea comp is a much simpler game to pick up and learn if that's all whoever wants to play. There's no necessity of learning how to play the game beyond that level if there's no interest in that.

And to be completely honest, there's really limited things you can learn from playing purely playing competitive alone and it doesn't really help anyone who's trying to get better and tell them to 'play more' cos it's really not the case.

I'm so close to getting all unlockables for mercy.. I'm at 66/68. Only two things I'm missing are her golden guns and the fucking summer games voice line... bought like 80 lootboxes and it didn't drop -_-

I might get her or pharah's golden guns. I don't even use mercy at all anymore but I just love her :3 but I also love pharah a lot and use her way more so idk,,

Already have genji's and ana's and those are my 2 favourite heroes to play.
Woahhhhhhhhhhhh how'd you get that many for Mercy O.o was it purely coincidence or did you actually purposefully collect em all for Mercy :0 Also yea have to agree with LL that gold mercy is pretty common :C Apparently Mercy is one of the most played heroes on overbuff I think? Can't rmb if Mercy maid it to top3 for golden guns, I know genji is #1 ofc ahaha. Most ppl go Witch + Gold staff Mercy so ye gotta be hip and choose another skin if you buy for Mercy. I use the summer games skin whatever it's called !!!

Yesh Genji is really fun to play :O!!! headshot dash for instakills is one of the most satisfying things in this game.

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