Overwatch - Brigitte used FLAIL!


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
I can't stand koth for whatever reason. It feels like every game snowballs massively in the favor of one side, and the maps are too open in design for my tastes. I prefer payload and hybrid personally.

I like a lot of the 2cp maps tbh I know that's not exactly a popular opinion but I think they can be pretty fun to play. the only really unfun part to me is capping point b on attack and the draws you get. I think they could make draws a lot less common by scoring the individual ticks toward taking each point.

13 more wins to my first gold gun. I'm so close it's exciting


@ Everstone
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I feel like if they slow up the speed of gaining % for koth it'd be better. right now I think its 1 second = 1% or even more, it feels too short a lot of the time, like you only have time for two coordinated pushes after the first main fight :/


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon

new ptr patch. Ana nerf we all knew was coming, sombra buff is ok i guess??? not sure how 0.2 seconds faster hack is going to be enough to put her in a good place though. The other 2 changes are just... ugh...

I dont think dva was ever a serious problem. Dva was only really overwhelming when ana was pocketing her but otherwise she wasnt super hard to deal with. This change quite frankly killed dva. I would literally prefer to have pre buff dva to this dva. thats how bad she is. All the armor is what let her do her job. shes actually fucking useless in this patch, at least before her initial buff she was a niche option for an off tank, whose viability was limited by the prevalence of zarya. I hope this change never makes it to live. Just knock off the extra 100 hp or something. right now she gets melted ridiculously fast i feel like im playing fucking winston with no barrier zarya bubble or heals this was a TERRIBLE change.

the roadhog change was ok for fairness of course but i honestly think this putting the target directly in front of him actually makes him stronger, at least at lower ranks. Things like ana will not get a chance to escape you anymore, you one shot every 200 hp hero now without fail at least from the testing ive done. Pretty much 1 hook = 1 guaranteed kill on a squishy. I think his hook range should be sharply reduced, it just goes too far right now. He can hook widowmaker out of sniper positions on some maps which is just insane.


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Rip my love of playing Ana.

Oh well she's still by far the greatest support for tanks by leagues. Ana can still heal a Road and Dva faster than anyone so she's probably not going anywhere. I actually think it makes Ana Zen more viable, since Nade healing doesn't buff Lucio's subpar healing anymore. Though he's mostly used for Speed it also hurts him.

D.Va was a big problem IMO. I can't put my finger on it, but if the tank buster, Reaper, can't beat D.Va if he surprises her then something is amiss (though 76 CAN technically 1v1 her now if he puts his heal down at the right time and crouch spams and adads).
Ding dong the witch is dead. Love playing as Ana but she was getting annoying af to play against... seriously, getting a D.va / Rein / Roadhog to 100 - 50 HP just to be grenade'd back up to 450 was infuriating lol. The D.va changes aren't exactly what I was expecting but hopefully they'll help? The majority of her health is still armor though, however her slight nerfs + Ana's slight nerfs should hopefully make her less difficult to kill / easier to beat. I think the Roadhog changes are good, but I do think Ana and a couple others can still escape though. To my understanding the reason they were escaping was because they were being placed farther away from Roadhog in comparison to other characters, not that they were being placed not directly in front. Overall though it's a step in the right direction to making the hook more consistent, both when playing as and against Roadhog. Sombra's changes will hopefully make her less of an ultbot and allow her to start team pushes more consistently. I'd rather it be minor than something large, especially when her ult is so powerful (it doesn't really have any counterplay outside of not bunching up). All the being said the REAL best change is the Emote Wheel, I'm so excited! Especially because it will be so nice to have the sit emote + another emote for every different scenario :)

EDIT: Ok wait after looking at some reddit posts I'm realizing she has 200 armor and 400 health and not 400 armor and 200 health. Yeah, uh, that's a lot bigger change than I thought. I wonder if Defense Matrix will be enough to make up for it? I always did like her large armor pool though... I would rather she have 500 total health with 400 armor rather than how she is now :/
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my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
btw they stealth nerfed defense matrix apparently. they increased the range where you can be too close for dm to work (used to be pretty much point blank, now it's about melee range for god only knows what reason, thanks blizzard)

I would be amazed if dva was even viable now, just by playing her in ptr she feels around junkrat/torb level viability, she's really trash.

I pray this dva change never comes CLOSE to being implemented in live, though it's really what I should expect coming from Blizzard Balance™

Dread Arceus

total cockhead
btw they stealth nerfed defense matrix apparently. they increased the range where you can be too close for dm to work (used to be pretty much point blank, now it's about melee range for god only knows what reason, thanks blizzard)

I would be amazed if dva was even viable now, just by playing her in ptr she feels around junkrat/torb level viability, she's really trash.

I pray this dva change never comes CLOSE to being implemented in live, though it's really what I should expect coming from Blizzard Balance™
lol hailfall mad cus he can't cheese games with a busted character anymore


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Just some quick thoughts regarding PTR Patch.

Ana nerf definitely but it's not enough for sure. In no way is it going to shake the meta with just that 50% change. What it does do is Ana no longer resets fights for tanks in a second, which is good, but far from being sufficient. Heal block is definitely the stronger aspect of her grenade. It's still going to be regardless unless the radius is reverted (which I don't see happening), or the heal block gets nerfed to 50% or whatever. She's still in the strong position of 90+ usage pretty much. They have yet to address how strong her base kit is as well too.

D.Va nerf idk I think it's too early to tell. Some people say she's trash now and what not. I don't think it would be that straightforward. The problem with Live D.Va is that her power level is really high especially with Ana where she can contest with Zarya for a spot on the team. A more appropriate power level for D.Va would be to make her comparable to Winston. They are both aggression tanks where Winston is better at cleaving and D.Va has duality by being able to be useful while still with her team. Live D.Va is basically just better than Winston for the most part. The changes would probably make her even more heal reliant than ever, and she's already the most heal reliant tank to be effective. I think there's still a good chance she'll still be useful, just not omnipresent like she is now, which is a good thing. The bad thing is well less things to zone S76? I never quite liked the damage buff S76 received and we might be able to see the effects of that buff more if D.Va declines in usage.

Hook 2.0 idk haven't played with or against it yet. Some people dislike the idea that you can dislodge the hook if you manage to hide before the stun takes into effect. Some call it a straight up nerf and I can see why. Other people call the more consistent OHKO with M1 a buff, but imo it's just also a fix so players don't need overly complicated techniques or whatever to secure a kill. I am personally fine with the hook change but I'm surprised they probably didn't do anything regarding hook hitbox, unless they stealth changed it then 9.9 patch notes pls. Is being able to juke hook after getting hooked a good thing? This is something that's very subjective and comes with the design problem that is Hog. At the current state, Hog is a really badly designed hero who is a fat mid range bodyshot sniper that shoot buses, not a tank, whatever. Just exactly what I said. The game wouldn't lose anything of importance if Hog gets removed but that's just my very biased statement :p By being able to juke hooks after getting hooked, it indirectly changes the purpose of Hog. You can't punish people who poke you around corners or obstacles as much. This removes Hog from being in the sniper archetype that he never should have been. this changes his purpose to punish people who stay in the open for extended periods of time, similar to S76. Still overall a dumb hero concept but less dumb. I don't think it's a bad thing having Hog go from a sniper to a zoner which is more appropriate.

Sombra Hack change, idk feels unneeded but I don't hate it. I don't have difficulty hacking heroes since I generally either hack from above or behind. At pro level they'd probably have enough awareness to be able to do something about it I guess. It's a w/e change but it'd make hacking from the front easier, especially with bad aim.

Most importantly though, more emotes and voice line slots :D


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Blizzard got it wrong. D.Va's only problem is that she can go crazy because Ana is on her back healing. Was the nerf enough? Definitely not. The most OP part of Grenade is 100% heal block, making Ana counter Zen's ultimate and basically making picks fucking easy. I'm glad Hog is butchered, though, bs hooks were tilting.
Ana already has ridiculous single target healing, and the fact that's she's the only hero that can prevent healing in an AOE makes her a must pick in nearly every comp. Ana will always be relevant until they nerf that aspect of her. A 12 second cooldown AOE ability that straight up neuters other healers and self healing? Okay seems balanced ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


@ Everstone
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Ana already has ridiculous single target healing, and the fact that's she's the only hero that can prevent healing in an AOE makes her a must pick in nearly every comp. Ana will always be relevant until they nerf that aspect of her. A 12 second cooldown AOE ability that straight up neuters other healers and self healing? Okay seems balanced ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
10 seconds actually \o/ the sleep is 12

but yeah the ana nerf does nothing. she's still really strong and tank meta will be at large. but not JUST because of ana, but because tanks themselves are stupid also. people need to realize that both tanks AND ana are broken. what COULD change the meta tho are the nerfs to dva and roadhog, wonder how they'll turn out.
Honestly I'm fine with Ana as long as she isn't healing tanks back to full in .05 seconds... I also think the anti-healing aspect of her nade is really cool. I almost wish they'd just remove the healing buff it provides teammates completely and make it just an anti heal tool, I think it would make her more fun. Also increase the cooldown of the nade.

I like Winston / Zarya rn, and Rein is only bad b/c of Ana imo, it's really just D.va / Roadhog who are a big iffy in terms of their damage / effectiveness. Think the D.va changes are going to push her out of the meta while the Roadhog ones are just going to change the way he plays. The LoS thing does suck for him but he can reliably kill heroes so much easier now when he does get them, in fact there was even a video posted on reddit which showed how with the new change he can one shot Zarya if he hooks her then aims for the head / neck (not sure if that was a thing before but I've personally never seen nor preformed that myself).


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
Well I'm down into 2200s. at this point I'm lower than I placed season 2. I've almost entirely stopped playing dva in comp. she's my best hero but with the nerfs coming that will drop her to f tier I figure there's no point in relying on her to climb any longer. Right now I'm having a very hard time winning games. I'm mostly playing rein lucio zen and ana to fill since now I don't need to autolock dva any longer. I'm pretty disappointed. right now I'm losing 3 games for every 1 I win, and wins feel very tight always. I'm trying my best to keep a good mentality for climbing and avoiding tilt but it's hard. my total inability to climb out of a rank 500 SR lower than my season high leads me to believe I only climbed because of luck.im trying to improve as a player but it's hard to figure what I'm doing wrong and how to improve. idk. I want to get better and climb but I'm not sure I've got what it takes. I'm still dropping and I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up in silver soon. oh well :/ rip my goal of getting diamond I guess
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Yeah one tip that I do is only play a couple of comp games a day... generally it's like if you win a few you should take your wins and leave, and if you lose a few, you should probably stop before you end up going on tilt. It's slower to rank up but it's easier I feel. I wouldn't worry about the meta too much also, just play who you know you can play (unless a teammate might tilt if you don't switch). That way you can at least feel good knowing you contributed as much as you could :)
I know Sym is good with the patch and I enjoy playing her on occasion but some people seriously need to fucking learn that Sym is not that good on control point and that if your team requires a change up, blaming everyone else on the team is not the way to go when it's quite obviously the Sym who cant even put up a shield gen until they've gone 95-0 up. Times like this make me wish I had a decent PC and didn't play console. So many idiots.


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
wow lmfao I just tried out hog in comp. for once I feel like I actually have a significant say in the outcome of the match. I love it. obviously you can't carry every game but damn I feel like I have a noticible impact for once and I love it. all you need is rein and a healer and you destroy everything. maybe hog can get me back up to 2700s. I'm not even an amazing hog player but holy shit I can do so much in these games it's incredible.

I've heard ana is a mediocre carry hero in gold/low-mid plat, but Zen is much better so I might give that a try too.

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