Pokémon Let's Go! - Pikachu and Eevee

For the record, I WAS personally annoyed by things like the Nugget Bridge reference in the Alola games (The Kantonian Gym from USUM not so much because they at least changed the mechanics a bit (with a fee plus there's no specific type) and its explained as more of a tribute rather than literally having Pokemon you can't catch like Pidgey and Weedle being used by Trainers for some unexplained reason). This game is its own contained thing rather than shoehorned references so I wouldn't say its EXACTLY like Malie Garden Nugget Bridge or Mega Kanto starters. Plus with it being its own contained game, and the announcement of Gen 8 games in 2019, both notable sides of the Pokemon fandom get their own game. (With this being for the casual Pokemon Go players (but wouldn't it be just a little bit nice to have SOME Johto and Hoenn Pokemon if that's the case?))
Now, this is something worth considering. Do these games mean we won't see excessive Kanto pandering in Gen VIII, as the job's already done by something else?

If so, then let's embrace these games.
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So apparently the game will "simplify things with how you level up, raise & train your Pokémon", and wild battles are gone in favor of Pokemon GO-style catching.

Because what I want in my 300€ console, 55€ games is LESS gameplay than what my 120€ console, 40€ games offer.

There's really only ONE thing that's iffing me... I don't want to be forced to pretend to be a 10 year old irl and "throw the pokeball" with the joycon. In the interview they say you still have to move the Switch even in handheld mode.

That's really... no, I don't want that :|
BRB, I'm going to go to a Karate class with my PS4 tied behind my back, because apparently that's what they think we want to do with our expensive appliances.
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So apparently the game will "simplify things with how you level up, raise & train your Pokémon", and wild battles are gone in favor of Pokemon GO-style catching.

Because what I want in my 300€ console, 55€ games is LESS gameplay than what my 120€ console, 40€ games offer.
Calm down, it's not like we won't see traditional games anymore.

This is the Football Manager Touch to the traditional games's regular Football Manager. Simplified, catering to another demographic.
I cannot fathom how disappointed I am. I know these games are catering towards a complete other demographic. But I just hoped for something I myself would've liked...

Let's hope 2019 brings something that'll please the die hard main series nerds :]
Here's what I don't understand: they're trying to pander to Kanto nostalgia, and appeal to younger players. Either one of these is understandable (perhaps not ideal for us Smogonites, but understandable), but they're trying to do both simultaneously.

I think it's a safe assumption that the target age for the Pokemon games is 9, plus or minus a couple years. The last games to feature Kanto as an actual region were HGSS, which came out eight years ago. Kanto hasn't been a main region since FRLG, more than 10 years ago. This means that these games will, at least partially, alienate both 'groups' of players: the kids will see a game that's a callback to a time before they were born (and thus won't be able to appreciate it), while older players will be turned off from the cutesy simplicity of the GO-like catching system.

And I know this has been said to death already, but why exclusively appeal to Kanto's nostalgia? There are plenty of older fans that grew up with Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova, that I'd imagine are feeling a bit invisible right now.
This means that these games will, at least partially, alienate both 'groups' of players: the kids will see a game that's a callback to a time before they were born (and thus won't be able to appreciate it)
I don't think this will too much of an issue

while older players will be turned off from the cutesy simplicity of the GO-like catching system.
This I think might be a problem. Are the really so many people that own a Switch and want to spend up to 60 bucks on what's basically a mobile game with an overworld?
I think it's pretty reasonable to understand what their "plan" with PLG is.

While they're still working on polishing the Gen 8 games, they give people something to kill time with, while at same time trying to give a bit more oompf to their Pokemon Go downloads / "sales", and also giving people who own Switch as their very fist console (which also includes the young kids that lucariomaster2 mentioned) a way to get a feel of the Pokemon world to drag their interest in buying the gen 8 games next year.

Going back to essentially what's a "Pokemon Yellow HD with some Pokemon Go mechanics" is questionable but I can see *why*. It's overally a familiar ambientation, much smaller and less complex than the games that followed, with an even more linear story and a reduced amount of Pokemon, which fits the "introductory" idea of the game.

They also get their chance to showcase the graphic and mechanic possibilities of the Switch on what'll be the main title, showing features that could potentially appear in the core RPG (let's be honest, who'd not love to actually have the wild pokemon show in the overworld rather than just having the battle music start while walking in high grass?) albeith in much simplified version.

Now, if this is a good plan or not, and if this will succeed, time will tell.

I really really don't think it's going to be worth it if they set the full 60 bucks price of a Switch game. Hell it might not be worth the 40 price tag either. But that's not for me to decide.

Also, I doubt that PLG will get the people who are literally waiting for the new Pokemon game to buy their Switch to actually do so. This is not what they were/are waiting, and honestly if I didn't already own a Switch, i'd still not be buying it for PLG and would still wait for gen 8.


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Honestly I'm pretty cool with this game since we're getting gen 8 next year anyways. I can wait a year longer, still got plenty of things to do online in Ultra Sun!

Now for the game itself, I'm not quite sure if I want it yet or not. I don't mind easy games and I might play co-op with some friends, but if the game lacks say, online battles, not sure if its gonna appeal all that much to me. We'll have to wait and see on that front.

Oh before anyone brings up the "no online" stuff, that appears to be a mistranslation, and we have no idea wtf the Pokemon CEO is talking about. Having "Wifi but no online" seems to indicate that! Plus, the 4chan leaker who got everything spot on mentioned the game having an "Online Hub", so I imagine there will be SOMETHING to do online. I'm just not sure if battling is one of those things. I'll admit though, if for any reason this game has a rated ladder, then I'm there, even with only having the origianl 151 lol. Only thing is, this game will be more "Let's Go Snorlax!" for me :P

Oh yeah speaking of Pokemon nerdyness, I looked at Bulbasaur and Pikachu's HP stat, and it DOES correlate with their current base HP! The Bulbasaur has to have a 0 HP IV, while Pikachu actually has some investment in HP o_O.

One last thing: Even if I don't get the games, I will get that Pokeball controller because I'm a sucker for weird game controllers and sorta want to beat Super Mario Bros on an emulator with a fucking Pokeball lol. Plus, I got hooked on Pokemon Go again, so thats a bonus!
Here's what I don't understand: they're trying to pander to Kanto nostalgia, and appeal to younger players. Either one of these is understandable (perhaps not ideal for us Smogonites, but understandable), but they're trying to do both simultaneously.

I think it's a safe assumption that the target age for the Pokemon games is 9, plus or minus a couple years. The last games to feature Kanto as an actual region were HGSS, which came out eight years ago. Kanto hasn't been a main region since FRLG, more than 10 years ago. This means that these games will, at least partially, alienate both 'groups' of players: the kids will see a game that's a callback to a time before they were born (and thus won't be able to appreciate it), while older players will be turned off from the cutesy simplicity of the GO-like catching system.
I think you got it the other way around.

New players are going to find a fairly simplified game so that they can learn some of Pokemon's mechanics. There are no "overwhelming" mechanics like (I assume) breeding, base stats of 800+ Pokemon, EVs, the massive amount of held items, natures, abilities, Mega Evolutions or Z-Moves. There was a fairly lengthy discussion in the "Little things that annoy you" thread about how many mechanics in the Pokemon game are never explained. Without lurking into websites, you are, at best, learning 10% of the game while playing. The simplifications in these games help solve this problem (by dodging it, not that they are actually fixing anything).

Old players that left Pokemon a long time ago "because anything after Mewtwo (sic) is not a Pokemon" are going to find... well, something clearly inspired by Yellow, with none of the new mechanics they may dislike, and only the "real Pokemon" are available to use. I can tell of many friends of mine that have not played anything after Crystal (at latest) who were brought back by GO, so they might be interested in the game (real-life circumnstances making anything Nintendo-related very expensive here in Argentina not withstanding).

So yeah, I think it works.
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is a Community Contributor Alumnus
I'm not a fan of this.

It's just lazy Kanto pandering after we've already experienced 5 years of games already jerking Gen I off. (Lol Gen V Megas, remember those?) The games also have some extremely questionable, if not stupid, design decision like mandatory waggle and the inability to evolve your starter. (It's not like Eevee's evolutions are a core part of its popularity or anything.)

This entire thing is unnecessary at best and tone deaf at worst. At least I can save $60 and spend it on Fire Emblem Switch instead.

Call me when Gen VIII is here or Sinnoh comes back.


Ranting & Raving!
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So, after thinking a bit on this and being everyone probably said what my immediate reaction is, here is what I'm going to say about this after viewing all the information we have available:

These games aren't for me, but I don't think they'll be bad. I have essentially nothing to say about Pokemon Quest. However I do have some quick thoughts for Pokemon "Let's GO".

Let's start this off that GF made a big mistake with the presentation. They should have started by announcing new main series titles were coming in 2019. If they had said that from the beginning, I don't think these games would be getting the major negative reaction they're getting. GF's clueless-ness never cease to amaze me; by announcing the "Let's GO" games first and saying they're part of the core series they shot themselves in the foot, than hastily bandaging it together by announcing the new titles we coming 2019. Like, did they think fans were really going to get excited about this?

Okay, maybe we would have if it was just a straight-up Yellow remake. But they combed it with Pokemon GO, a completely separate Pokemon property that play's differently from the main Pokemon experience thus having more a niche fanbase (yes, plenty of fans would be also fans of the main series, but those fans would see Pokemon GO as a novelty of the Pokemon series). Like, the reason Pokemon were made so easy to capture in GO is because no one would want to or might have not have been able to stand around in the same place to weaken a Pokemon in battle. But, that's not the case here, this is a console game and doesn't use GPS because we're playing in a virtual world. Why keep the "only need to throw a Poke Ball" mechanic? Infact, GF said they wanted to simplify a lot of mechanics in the game such was EV and IV training.

GF, THIS IS NOT A MAIN SERIES TITLE THEN! Sure, it's a remake of Yellow, but it's a remake of Yellow which was built around Pokemon GO's mechanics. This is a Pokemon GO game, one that's different from the GO experience we're used to, but if they share the same core mechanics that's how it should be looked at.

BUT... that's not necessarily a bad thing. Infact, if they were to remake Kanto yet again, I'm kind of glad this is the direction they took. Okay, not this exact direction, but I'm glad they're thinking outside of the box instead of giving us a straight-up Yellow remake. We don't need another remake of Gen I, I've said many times on here that if GF remade Gen I again they'd have to do something different because it got its remake with FRLG and telling the same story a third time, even with updated mechanics, wouldn't be enough especially after getting more story heavy games like Unova and Alola. Now, my suggestion was just having the revisit takes place where the timeline currently is (thus having about 10+ years past), but I think "Let's GO" gives a new opportunity (even though it'll probably have the same story as Gen I, cause GF would rather radically change game mechanics than write a new story. But I digress).

"Let's GO" give players (who have or will be getting a Switch) who have no interest in playing the normal Pokemon GO the chance to experience this Pokemon craze they were missing out on by placing it within a setting of a main series game. Gen I was the easiest to do this with since it's so bare bones, they can completely rebuild the Kanto region from the ground up and honestly it'll only add to it more than take away.

So, overall, while I disapprove the way they presented these announcements, I'm actually optimistic about the "Let's GO" titles. They're the Gen I remakes we saw coming BUT with a twist that'll change them to a completely new experience SEPARATE from the main series. Also it'll gives GF both time to develop the new titles a bit more and to play with the software and hardware of the Switch. Consider "Let's GO" a sort of demo to at least the graphic quality (though hopefully the actual main series titles will have graphics akin to Gen VII) and gameplay potential the new titles will be able to have. Also, take "Let's GO" for what it is and not comparing it to a main series game (yes, I am telling you to ignore what GF is trying to push it as since clearly they either don't understand or are worried if they didn't release a new main series title this year fans would tear them apart... even though I'm pretty sure fans wouldn't mind a year or so break between games).

Just wanted to get these thoughts off my chest. Now I'll read all the other posts and respond to any I think I'd like to comment on.

First, screw whoever decided having this at 3AM local time. Why are all Nintendo reveals and stuff done at a time that benefits Americans but screws over Europeans? Why do they hate Europeans so much? But I digress.
Yeah, this whole presentation was bad/questionable aside from the way they ordered the announcements. Instead of doing a Nintendo Direct, the presentation was only shown to a roomful of people while the REST OF THE WORLD got updated what's going on via TWITTER.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THIS? Who's bright idea was this? If it's a non-crucial GF staff member they should be fired. If its a crucial GF staff member they should be given a sturdy loud slap on the head by every other staff member and not be allowed to join in when it comes to making the next major announcement presentation.

Then... Wow, what a bad reveal. These games are everything "nobody" wanted from a Pokémon game let alone a main one. Kanto remake AGAIN, no new Pokémon past the original 151, capturing like in GO, anime voices, gimmicky accessory... Terrible, just terrible. And worse, this was revealed alongside Quest which was ANOTHER Kanto bias fest and a terrible mobile F2P game too. I lost sleep for this?
Gen I Pandering: This is by far the worst Gen I pandering yet. Two spin offs that only have Gen I Pokemon, one which has no reason to have that exclusion (Quest). I'm hoping that, now that they're getting their chance to remake the Kanto region again, we can finally MOVE ON and focus on Pokemon from all other generations. Infact, maybe for the next generation or so, when we focus on past Pokemon, it should be Pokemon from Gen II to VII and giving Gen I Pokemon a well deserved break (and this is coming from someone who's favorite Pokemon is Charizard).

Nobody Asked For: While you are right nobody asked for them, I don't think that's a bad thing. Had they started with saying the new Pokemon titles were coming in 2019 (maybe even revealing the titles and logo), instead of anger these games would have met with a shoulder shrug of "alright". They're just spin offs which GF had been working on at the meantime and meant to keep us entertained until the next main series titles are ready. Showcasing Pokemon is a franchise that they can do many things with giving experiences which are meant to draw in niche audiences (and sell merchandise). And I encourage this, I want Pokemon to be a franchise that can show off fresh ideas... they just need to work on their messaging... and get off the Gen I pandering...

The Pikachu and Eevee you start with have been confirmed to not be able to evolve, though you can catch other wild pikachu and eevee who can evolve. That said, a Q&A also confirmed that the game will only have the original 151 + some alola Pokémon (most likely the existing Alolan forms of Kanto Pokémon).
Hopefully they include a way to strengthen the starter Pikachu and Eevee so that, even though they can't evolve, they can still battle alongside the other Pokemon including their own evolutions. It would be very bad if they didn't, especially after including an option to customize them and having them sit on your head while running around (can you even remove them from your party? Actually, considering the mechanics are based on Pokemon GO, how will that affect the Pokemon you carry around).

I have a feeling a lot of people will buy or not buy it based on the actual price.

My thought (which I noticed is shared by a fair amount of the people I talked with so far) is that if PLG comes out at a full game price (so 45 bucks or even 60 seeing it's a Switch game) with no other benefit at all it quickly hits the "why would i pay that much for it", while a much lesser price of 20ish would even get me and others to buy/check it out if anything to kill time while waiting gen 8.
Don't think it'll be $20. But at the same time I also can't see it being sold for a full $60 price. Think it would have to be be $40 for Nintendo/GF/Pokemon Company to find it an acceptable price but also being a price most players would be willing to spend. Because it's not only the price tag that's the issue but how much have they added to this remake of Yellow and how well they balanced out the GO mechanics. You are right that I think most won't buy the game if its at $60 no matter what if offers as it's still a remake of Gen I, but if it boasts quite a package for $40 then I think it'll be palatable to the general consumer (especially to those who play Pokemon GO).

That said, everyone, do prepare for the new Pokemon titles to be worth $60.

At least give us a Mystery Dungeon game or something in-between to appease yet another part of the fandom :P
Yeah, probably would have gotten many more players on board with this announcement had instead of Quest they maybe did another Mystery Dungeon. Or, if they both wanted to surprise and appease us, new Pokemon Snap! Or how about a new Pokemon Ranger, if we're using Switch in console mode we can use the joycons to circle the Pokemon like the Rangers do in the game (while in handheld mode we'll just use the touch screen as always).

The good news is that this spin-off will lead to official pokemon themed Switches

hopefully I can buy a used one for 2019
Hmm, if Let's Go does get an exclusive themed Switch maybe will be the time I pick one up. Now if there's one for Pikachu and one for Eevee, should I go with my namesake and get the Pikachu version or go for Eevee which I'm actually more leaning towards. Maybe I'd go for the least favorite one... which would probably be Pikachu...

From what I'm getting at, this gaiden game seems to be something like Colosseum and Gale of Darkness but for a casual audience. I wonder how compatibility will work with our beloved turn-based stuff, assuming Bank is even compatible with Let's Go. This one might not be my thing until proven otherwise.
I can't see how Let's GO will be compatible with Bank since it's using GO mechanics. If anything, GO maybe the "Bank" for Let's GO.

Thinking about, if they want to try to spin Let's GO into its own side series, could we possible in the future see a Crystal version of Let's GO? Emerald? Platinum? Not sure what they would do with Gen V, VI, and VII, maybe do something unique. Man, I can only imagine the fury of fans if they do that and those games get the Battle Frontiers instead of the main series...

tfw you realize many people in this topic would rather have rushed out generation 8 games that likely would be awful because they are impatient fucks.

Anyway, if there is a enw, better way of doing what is essentially Ev training, then thats only good. EV training is an outdated, annoying thing that doesn't add anything but tedium, and replacing it with a better system can only be good
I'm good with the new titles not coming till 2019. Better to wait an extra year for them to fully implement and flesh out ideas and add some finishing polish than rushing them out and us getting games which feel like they're missing crucial elements we'd have to wait till the third version/second paired games to possibly get.

I'm all for revamping the EV and IV system... though let's not replace it with GO's mechanics which are largely luck based.

Nothing I wanted to reply to on Page 3.
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(It's not like Eevee's evolutions are a core part of its popularity or anything.)
Considering Espeon and Umbreon (and Sylveon if we consider the anime) are the only eeveelutions with some kind of spotlight... I'd beg to differ.

In the history of ever in Pokemon, it was Eevee who got the most attention - rival's starter in Yellow, gift Pokemon in several games, playable Pokemon in Mystery Dungeon, owned by two female leads in the anime... after all, there's got to be a reason it got an exclusive Z-Move, and none of its evolutions do, as much as I find Eevee repulsive.

BTW, I'm calling on Johto-themed Let's GO game as a sequel, though I can't think of who would be the lead Pokemon (Togepi for sure, but the other... Pichu? Marill?)
The good news is that I can put off having to get a Switch for another year.

They aren't. Later-generation evolutions are not in the game, period.
That's actively dumber than FR/LG's "you can't evolve this Pokemon because you can't" somehow (especially since I'm pretty sure there are at least Johto Pokemon in Pokemon Go). I'm almost... I'm not sure "impressed" is the right word here.
The good news is that I can put off having to get a Switch for another year.

That's actively dumber than FR/LG's "you can't evolve this Pokemon because you can't" somehow (especially since I'm pretty sure there are at least Johto Pokemon in Pokemon Go). I'm almost... I'm not sure "impressed" is the right word here.
Johto? We're halfway of clearing Houen legendaries, with only just 2 more regular mon family line unreleased due to technical complexity.
Still, while it is certainly not something I like, I can see why they do that, because of this being Yellow remake, confined to Kanto, although denying Crobat, Vees, and others are still....
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Ok, so, from what I've gathered in this thread some people seem to think this isn't a core game. Why is that? Game Freak has never developed spin-off games, so where's that coming from? Genuinely curious because I might've missed something.

Now, about the games: It's... meh. There are some new cool features like apparently being able to interact with various pokemon in the overworld and soaring through the region a la ORAS ( the flying charizard ), but it's not visually impressive, really. I expected much more from the new Switch title. Hell, Detective Pikachu, a game made for a 7 years old system, had nicer overworld models so this seems really lazy to me. Nintendo better not be charging full price for this game because it seriously doesn't seem worth it.

*sigh* Maybe someday pokemon will finally get a AAA-worth title, but not this time...
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Ok, so, from what I've gathered in this thread some people seem to think this isn't a core game. Why is that? Game Freak has never developed spin-off games, so where's that coming from? Genuinely curious because I might've missed something.

Now, about the games: It's... meh. There are some new cool features like apparently being able to interact with various pokemon in the overworld and soaring through the region a la ORAS ( the flying charizard ), but it's not visually impressive, really. I expected much more from the new Switch title. Hell, Detective Pikachu, a game made for a 7 years old system, had nicer overworld models so this seems really lazy to me. Nintendo better not be charging full price for this game because it seriously doesn't seem worth it.

*sigh* Maybe someday pokemon will finally get a AAA-worth title, but not this time...
It's a biiit murkey. But from reading the Pokemon website (I'll find the link later, about to go to bed lol), Let's Go is considered a "mainline game", but not a "traditional core" game. The Pokemon company's CEO recently made a comment about this too, basiscally saying that this is a "bridge series" or something like that for the more complex traditional games.

I'd liken it to how the mainline Mario platformers are split up into 2D and 3D entires, and the 3D entires are split off into linear and non-linear games as well. They're all mainline games, but they're distinct branches of what Mario can be. You got the linear obstacle course 2D Mario games (not gonna list them all LOL), you have the Sandbox syled 3D games of Super Mario 64, Sunshine, and Odyssey, and then you have the inbetween 3D games that are linear like the 2D games, but still 3D (Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Super Mario 3D Land, Super Mario 3D World).

Pokemon seems to be attempting something pretty similar, but in reverse. You got the traditional, complex Pokemon games, the casual game that reachers a wider audience (Pokemon Go) and a bridge game that attempts to get these userbases interested in games outside their comfort zone (Pokemon Let's Go). I'm not 100% sure it will work the way Nintendo, Gamefreak, and The Pokemon Company want, but I'm pretty sure this game will do gangbusters regardless!

Oh yeah one last thing about the Mario comparsion: 2D Mario often massively outsells 3D Mario, yet Nintendo keeps both going because it makes them more money to diversify, especially since they often have distinct userbases. So I imagine if this game does as well as most of us expect, Pokemon Let's Go isn't in danger of "killing" our beloved competitive Pokemon, because those games sell super well too!
That said, everyone, do prepare for the new Pokemon titles to be worth $60.
Well that is something I'm both prepared for and expecting anyway, so no fuss over that.

PLG better really have something else than what's presented though to make it worth the 40 bucks to me.

I suppose if that "mysterious mon" ends up being something worth moving (or even movable to begin with) to gen 8 games, maybe....
Welp it's on Amazon preorders already, and at the 60 bucks....

Guess I'm actually skipping this one unless price drops, I don't see it justificable as price at all.
Wow. Not worth it even if the mystery pokemon is a Zeraora patched to have dual electric/fighting type and Tough Claws that when sent to a core game triggers an Eternal Flower Floette encounter
Welp it's on Amazon preorders already, and at the 60 bucks....

Guess I'm actually skipping this one unless price drops, I don't see it justificable as price at all.
IMO it should be at around the same price as Mario + Rabbids.

I mean, it's a game meant to attract people who never played Pokemon or had long abandoned playing the series...
I can't see how Let's GO will be compatible with Bank since it's using GO mechanics. If anything, GO maybe the "Bank" for Let's GO.
GameFreak has been keeping Pokemon GO/Gen 7 connectivity unused for quite a while, so it's not like they haven't come up with anything for that or anything:

GameFreak has been keeping Pokemon GO/Gen 7 connectivity unused for quite a while, so it's not like they haven't come up with anything for that or anything:

View attachment 119242
Yeah, the only thing that has not been done, as far as we know, is the process of sending Pokemon from GO to the Bank - the very middle step between GO and the Gen VII games.
Now, this is something worth considering. Do these games mean we won't see excessive Kanto pandering in Gen VIII, as the job's already done by something else?

If so, then let's embrace these games.
>The genwunners get the containment game they deserve

Also, making a fodder game to try out the switch enviroment (instead of failing horribly in their first serious game like in DP and XY) and delaying the next core game another year of development (which WON'T NEED GEN 1 PANDERING because of LGPE), while also getting potentially good scores sounds fucking great

As the game itself, I'm not really interested at all, looks like is the same game made 20 years, with only bad changes: The catching Go system is like the safari zone, but 10 times less fun and you can't leave. Also being limited to Pikachu and Eevee as starters that can't evolve (This made sense in Yellow, but here? I will be boxing them asap if I ever get the game) will make the first gym very fun

The only thing that could make considerate getting the game is a low price. If it is $30 or lower, I'll be getting it maybe, any higher than that is a big no (And it will probably end up being $60 anyways)


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IMO it should be at around the same price as Mario + Rabbids.

I mean, it's a game meant to attract people who never played Pokemon or had long abandoned playing the series...
Fyi Mario + Rabbids was 60 bucks at launch (and totally worth it btw. Seriously it was surpsisngly one of the best games of last year o_O)

Anyways, is anyone else gonna go against the spirit of this game and make competitive teams for it anyways? Yeah I know theres only unranked online play, but I can't resist the allure of smashing people with Mewtwo, ESPECIALLY if the game lacks species clause for any reason >:D

Also, I've started hoarding Kanto mons just for this game if I get it. For anyone who has Pokemon Go: the world is fucking infested with Alolan Exeggutor atm! Having a Dragon-type halfway through the game (that's when you can transfer Go Pokemon. BTW its confirmed that its a one-way transfer, and Go Park is just sorta like the pal park from DP) sounds pretty cool to me, since the only Fairies to worry about are what... Wigglytuff and Clefable?
I can understand the logic behind thinking this game will act as a containment game for gen 1 pandering that I've seen in the thread a few times, but we need to remember who are making these games. It might be logical to them to add Gen 1 pandering to Pkmn2019 because they just released a Kanto game - people will be much more familiar with Kanto after that, especially younger players who may have not even touched a Kanto game (HGSS, which only kind of count, were released in 2009/2010, and FRLG in 2004). It may just be logical to them to try to appeal to those who got back into or started the series with LGPE.

Or they might just do it because they're Game Freak.

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