Pokemon Masters

Basically so you don't have to button mash. Games with auto battles kinda take the fun away from them IMO.
Usually its in games where you need to grind through fights to gain resources, so autobattle speeds off the process instead of wasting half an hour fighting 30 youngsters or something.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
EDIT: I'm hiding this post since I don't feel it exactly fits this thread.

Not sure if it's related to Pokemon Masters directly, but the next TCG expansion looks to be also focusing on the trainers with a new mechanic/gimmick. Called "Dream League" in Japan, while they don't have any Pokemon cards called "Trainer's Pokemon" like they done with the past Gym Leader and Villain Team themed cards, the GX Pokemon do sometimes feature the trainer associated with that Pokemon in the card art (like in Vileplume GX you see Erika, Silvally GX you see Gladion, etc.).

HOWEVER there's more, last few sets introduced GX "Tag Team" cards, a GX card which featured two Pokemon with had a super powerful GX move though if they're knocked out your opponent takes 3 prize cards. It's here where they new set's mechanic/gimmick comes in. Right now we only know of two, but some (or maybe all, aren't sure yet) GX "Tag Team" feature a trainer in it associated with those Pokemon. As with other GX "Tag Team" Pokemon their GX move is powerful on its own, BUT if you played a Trainer Card associated with the trainer on that card the GX Move gains an additional effect.

GX "Tag Team" Reshiram & Zekrom features N. Their normal GX move just does 170 damage to one of your opponent's Benched Pokemon (BTW, you can only use one GX Move per game so, while certainly powerful, isn't too broken... but yeah power creep really has taken over the TCG). BUT, if you played the Trainer Card "N's Preparations" (which, if you're playing a Dragon deck, is a pretty handy card itself), you can select two of your opponent's Benched Pokemon to do 170 damage to.

GX "Tag Team" Solgaleo & Lunala feature's Lillie. Their normal GX move just does 200 damage to the Defending Pokemon (which considering their normal move does 230 with the only side effect being you can't use that move next turn, seems pretty weak). However if you played Trainer Card "Lillie's Resolve" (which is a bit of a pinch situation card so not as good as N's, though I don't really play the TCG so I could be wrong), while it still only does 200 damage, it also protects all your Pokemon from any damage and effects on your opponent's next turn. Another fun factoid, the name of the GX Move is "Light of the Goddess", lol.

And as always we have other Trainer cards named after characters from the game, like this set has Roxie and Clay. But going back to the new mechanic/gimmick, it looks like they're really focusing a lot on the Trainers of the franchise this gen which, like with my initial thoughts with Pokemon Masters, I like seeing. Pokemon may be the selling point, but the Trainers and their personalities and stories add depth and stakes to the games (and regions and locations in that region add the setting, atmosphere, and world building). And even if this is only for one TCG set to loosely tie it in with Pokemon Masters, just glad to see all the human characters we're meant to form a bondor at least experience with before they're thrown away once we're done with them are getting some more spotlight on them.
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Looks like someone at GameXplain was able to play a demo of Pokemon Masters earlier today. No gameplay footage but they discuss a few things as well as some stuff that DeNA representatives told them (don't have time to write down everything right now, sorry).

Still no release date yet. Might end up being a shadow drop like Rumble Rush at this rate.


Junichi Masuda likes this!!
Eurogamer posted their article after playing the demo.

Eurogamer preview of Pokémon Masters:
* Can choose protag hair/skin/eye colour
* Can unlock most Sync Pairs through story; some will come from live events
* Microtransactions: pay to do Scouting Missions for random Sync Pair, dupes level-up Sync Moves

* Game currency gems can be earned through challenges or paid for
* Can raise the star level of Sync Pairs with "Star Power-Up items"
* Sygna Suits are alts for existing Sync Pairs (can only use 1 Brock)
from the GameXplain video where they interviewed some DeNA reps

Didn't Go intend to have PvP all along, while in this case DeNA is explicitly saying "we don't think PvP fits in with the game" (because it's supposed to be all about co-op)
Go's PvP is only 7 months old, but they promised the feature from the get-go.

I am not interested in PvP in this case since the likely prospect of battling a copy of one of your Sync Pairs, is rather irksome.
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The V stands for VGC
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Game is live in Singapore.
Playing with an APK is impossible from France, it looks like it is region-locked atm. Using a VPN works fine.
I am not interested in PvP in this case since the likely prospect of battling a copy of one of your Sync Pairs, is rather irksome.
ye but with the raid battles your potentially fighting with a copy of a pair
Game is live in Singapore.
Playing with an APK is impossible from France, it looks like it is region-locked atm. Using a VPN works fine.
ahh that just killed my motivation to grind
Serebii updated the sync pair page with a ton of pokemon and abilities trainers have, they look pretty neat. Brendan for example cant have their speed lowered or be paralyzed.

In addition, someone mananged to make this showcasing voicelines.

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Upper Decky Lip Mints
is a Contributor to Smogon
So I've downloaded the game and I've been trying to play it but the game says its under maintenance so alas


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Looks like someone at GameXplain was able to play a demo of Pokemon Masters earlier today. No gameplay footage but they discuss a few things as well as some stuff that DeNA representatives told them (don't have time to write down everything right now, sorry).

Still no release date yet. Might end up being a shadow drop like Rumble Rush at this rate.
Quickly watched through the Preview GameXplain video and this is my takeaways:

1. As seen in the screenshots, Type match-ups have been simplified so every Pokemon has one weakness. With every trainer only having one Pokemon I guess that makes sense and would certainly be a boon for certain Types that have a lot of weaknesses. But what about resistances and immunities? Have those also been simplified to one per Pokemon as that would be a major nerf to certain Types like Steel. "But isn't this how it works in the TCG"? The TCG only has 9 Types so its a bit more forgivable for simplifying the weaknesses. But as far as I can tell this game will have all the Types so doing this may strip away what makes certain Types special (actually are special traits also gone like Fire-types immune to Burn? That is assuming Status Ailments are in the game). Maybe I'm thinking too much about this, the battles looks to be quick bouts.
2. Long time fans would probably take a lot of enjoyment from the trainers from different generations just interacting with one another.
3. Battles are live action but actions (be it using a Move or Item) require a certain amount of bars which slowly load on the bottom of the screen, similar to Final Fantasy. Said reason for this was due to co-op, didn't want players just waiting around for their partner to finish up selecting their moves.
4. Focusing on story, they're disregarding continuity as the point of the game is just to have the trainers interacting with each other. Stories are told via Chapters and there's some Chapters which is only cutscenes with no battles happening in them.
5. Game chugs when played on lower-end hardware, so if you want to play this need a decently powerful phone. Curious if the battles take this into account. If they don't and they're made using a top-end phone then lower-end players will probably hit some difficulty spikes unable to respond fast enough, but if they made it taking lower-end into account could make battles too easy with top-end players. Maybe the bars are meant to mitigate this issue, they load the same speed for everyone. This could also maybe be why there's no PvP.
6. Microtransactions is ONLY for getting Sync Pairs, everything else (leveling-up, learning new moves, earning money to buy items, etc.) is done in-game with in-game currency you can't buy. Sygna Suit characters are considered different characters, though that probably shouldn't be too surprising with the mechanics of each trainer only having one sync Pokemon.
7. Though there's no PvP they do have co-op battles which sound like they could potentially be challenging as they lost the demo co-op even with the other co-op players being DeNA staff. Either you'll need to have decently leveled Pokemon to try co-op or for some reason DeNA staff chose the co-op battle to be a later part of the game yet the co-op players using weaker Pokemon. Also each player still uses three trainers and you swap out which trainer you want to be using in the battle, sounds a bit OP as that allows for more Type coverage but then again I guess that's the point as it gives a reason to do co-op. Co-op can be done with friends or random. Shame there's no PvP though as explained above with people having different phones could give some an advantage over others. Though I do wonder if there would be a mode that just let's you set-up certain team of trainers to go up against each other, the main draw in the trainer interactions after all so this would seem like an obvious inclusion.
8. Confirmed community events and short side scenarios which focus on a trainer, obvious inclusion. Says things done with Fire Emblem Heroes could be the blueprint that they're following. To someone who played FEH (guess I'll tag Kanburi here), is there things in that game we should be worried about that may happen with Masters?
9. Took no inspirations from Pokemon GO, though didn't toss aside the idea of collaboration events (as in there will be an event that Masters and GO will have their own way of participating, but no actual crossover. Wonder if that also means the GO team leaders are out of the question for inclusion?).
10. Were vague on Galar trainers, my guess is maybe they don't know when they'll be given the okay to add them in as Pokemon Company would maybe want to keep those characters exclusive to Sword & Shield for a little while. Hopefully Pokemon Company won't be that strict and let them in just a few months after the games instead of waiting a year at release or until the next games/generation.
11. A factor for what trainers were chosen was popularity but is not sole factor (aka have to have a reason for you to keep coming back to see when they added your favorite characters), will throw in plenty of random choices in too (aka filler to make getting the trainer you want more difficult so they can make more money :P).
12. Is likely not coming to Switch since game is meant to be played vertically.

And now for the Interview GameXplain video takeaways:
1. Concept made by Ken Sugimori wanting to see trainers from across generations interact with each other.
2. Game Freak and Pokemon Company were hands off, DeNA handled most of the development. I wonder if that also meant writing the interaction scenarios.
3. Story aimed toward veteran players who know all these trainers, gameplay aimed toward newcomers with simpler battle mechanics. Obviously wanting to get as many players playing it, I think this is the way to do it. Keep the gameplay fun though have something the veteran players can sink their teeth into.
4. Player's only Sync Pokemon is Pikachu as demanded by the Pokemon Company (because it is the mascot of the series YOU WILL WORSHIP THE ELECTRIC MOUSE) though DeNA did not answer whether you can evolve Pikachu or not. Though it should be noted that Lt. Surge's Sync Pokemon is Voltorb/Electrode and Hau is Alolan Raichu, so MAYBE there's a way the player will get normal Raichu (maybe as a Sygna Suit, or have the gender you didn't pick able to be recruitable later who has a Raichu)?

Eurogamer preview of Pokémon Masters:
* Can choose protag hair/skin/eye colour
* Can unlock most Sync Pairs through story; some will come from live events
* Microtransactions: pay to do Scouting Missions for random Sync Pair, dupes level-up Sync Moves

* Game currency gems can be earned through challenges or paid for
* Can raise the star level of Sync Pairs with "Star Power-Up items"
* Sygna Suits are alts for existing Sync Pairs (can only use 1 Brock)
* Customization is always nice to have. Probably can't choose clothes but at least there's now a range or what the protag identity could be depending on how big the selection is (especially if they let you go wild with hair and eye color).
* Live events one I'm concerned about, like it is just making them easier to get this usually rare Sync Pair or it is exclusive to the event. If the latter I can imagine that leaving a bad taste in players mouths if its a trainer they like and have been waiting for.
* So you can get dupes though nice to hear they do something, though wonder if they'll have a system in place where you'll less likely get a dupe if you already have that trainer (and if you won't get a dupe of a certain trainer if you maxed out their level-up Sync Moves). Also can you not choose to level-up and instead "store" the dupe to maybe have a trainer trading feature?

Along with Apple announcing their release date as August 29th, the official site has uploaded some new videos:
Not going to comment on all of them, just some I find notable:
1. The Role mechanic is revealing as it confirms buffing, nerfing, and status ailments are an element in the game. Though, gotta say, some of the role choices are king of strange, like in this short tutorial they revealed Drake is a Supporter. Drake, Dragon-type Elite Four member who uses a Salamence, instead focuses on buffing his teammates instead of attacking at full force?
2. Evolving a Pokemon actually unlocks a special story mission, that's a neat idea since trainers only have the one Pokemon!

Serebii updated the sync pair page with a ton of pokemon and abilities trainers have, they look pretty neat. Brendan for example cant have their speed lowered or be paralyzed.

In addition, someone mananged to make this showcasing voicelines.

0:07: We're not even 10 seconds in and I can already tell these are going to make for great riffing material. My rock hard willpower indeed.
0:54: Misty you're a Swimmer trainer class not a Beauty.
1:25: Oh Erika, you pot head.
1:53: BOO! Blaine should have had his "Hope you have Burn Heal!" line!
2:03: That's what she said... oh wait she continued her quote, darn.
3:20: ... Whitney, how old are you?
3:35: Is Whitney normally this flirty? I always took her to being a strong-headed ditz character.
4:48: That's what she said?
5:27: Said the Fighting-type Gym Leader.
5:49: That's what she said!
7:45: Oh, right, I forgot fining you was Barry's running gag...
7:54: Yeah, Barry says that just as many times as in the games...
8:07: Guys, I think Roark had sniffed too much coal dust.
8:24: Gardenia, you're Erika's supplier, aren't you?
8:39: I know this a quote from the game, but still how do you not know how you became the Gym Leader? Did they just one day pluck you from where you were, put you in the Gym, and said you were now Gym Leader?
9:07: Shouldn't your quotes be more about how strong ice is and not about melting it, being an Ice-type Gym Leader?
9:39: Was Thorton supposed to sound sarcastic with that line?
9:42: What was that? Is Thorton secretly a robot and that's his powering up jingle? Bzweee
10:11: That's what she said... *dodges a brick* Okay, I'll stop.
11:39: How old is Roxie supposed to be? I don't think that voice fits her, sounds too old.
13:12: But Ramos, you are old. That's the shtick to your character, your Gym Title is "The Old Growth is still in Bloom!".
14:52: Mina were you hanging out with Erika and Gardenia again?
15:26: Thorton is a tech guy so it makes sense he sounds like a robot, what's your excuse Hapu?
15:48: Notice how all the power in her statement is drained away as soon as she adds "golfer" at the end.
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7. Though there's no PvP they do have co-op battles which sound like they could potentially be challenging as they lost the demo co-op even with the other co-op players being DeNA staff. Either you'll need to have decently leveled Pokemon to try co-op or for some reason DeNA staff chose the co-op battle to be a later part of the game yet the co-op players using weaker Pokemon. Also each player still uses three trainers and you swap out which trainer you want to be using in the battle, sounds a bit OP as that allows for more Type coverage but then again I guess that's the point as it gives a reason to do co-op. Co-op can be done with friends or random. Shame there's no PvP though as explained above with people having different phones could give some an advantage over others. Though I do wonder if there would be a mode that just let's you set-up certain team of trainers to go up against each other, the main draw in the trainer interactions after all so this would seem like an obvious inclusion.
maybe the real challenge of the game, being hard+rotating potentially forces players to spend money
type coverage isn't the main focus when you know your opponents for raids
10. Were vague on Galar trainers, my guess is maybe they don't know when they'll be given the okay to add them in as Pokemon Company would maybe want to keep those characters exclusive to Sword & Shield for a little while. Hopefully Pokemon Company won't be that strict and let them in just a few months after the games instead of waiting a year at release or until the next games/generation.
FEH included characters from 3 Houses as a cross-promotion, so some Galar trainers coming early on is possible. Especially when they're trying to get more mobile players into console.
From the Bulbagarden Forums is a list of English VAs:


Here are confirmed ones:

Misty- Ryan Bartley
Lt. Surge- Patrick Seitz
Erika- Xanthe Huynh
Lorelei- Lauren Landa
Kris- Cherami Leigh
Whitney- Sarah Anne Williams
Janine- Cassandra Lee Morris
Norman- Keith Silverstein
Hau- Laura Stahl

2 things I like to note:

1. Several VAs have worked on Fire Emblem and Pokemon, such as Cherami Leigh and Kaji Tang. Would not be surprised if the Former reprises Iris while the latter reprises Looker.

2. None of the anime VAs seem to be reprising their roles currently.

EDIT: My bad, the strucken out ones are speculated not confirmed.
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Upper Decky Lip Mints
is a Contributor to Smogon
Here's some screen shots I took off my phone

This is separate from the main story and you use this to evolve the pokemon that the respected trainer is carrying. I guess more portions of the sync story is unlocked for each character as you advance through the main story.


You pick up Rosa during the main game. It's like the 5 mission in.

Okay, so this is the layout of the main screen. You can scroll right or left about 90° in each direction. However, you can't go a full 360° which I don't get but whatever. The shop is on the left, explore is in the front, and team swapping is on the right.

If you guys want any more info or have any info lemme know and I'll give you screen shots. I'm still figuring out what the fuck I'm doing with leveling up and increasing "potential" I assume it's a lot like Dokkan Tournament but I'll see. I really hope this game has a decent difficulty curve since currently I'm typing and just having the game auto-battle

EDIT: OH also Whitney and Miltank are the very first Sync you pair you pull at the shop. Its a 100% given.


I got Roxanne! I'm looking forward to using her over stinky boy Brock and Onix
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EDIT: OH also Whitney and Miltank are the very first Sync you pair you pull at the shop. Its a 100% given.

I got Roxanne! I'm looking forward to using her over stinky boy Brock and Onix
How long does it take to go from start to pulling your first sync pair? Curious because I probably want to reroll for a decent pair.


Upper Decky Lip Mints
is a Contributor to Smogon
How long does it take to go from start to pulling your first sync pair? Curious because I probably want to reroll for a decent pair.
It takes 300 gems to get a sync pair and the tutorial only gives you like 140 so you'll have do a bit of the main story first.

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