World Cup of 1v1 - Discussion

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Robot Empress
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Hello people this is my goodbye to this world cup.

This world cup was great. I was drafted by ggopw on the condition that I tried to win, and for the most part I did. I put time into prepwork and made 5 teams for each matchup (technically I re-used one but shh). I won 2-1 and am mostly satisfied with that. This was the first time in ages that I had proper fun in 1v1 tournaments and I have TheShadowClaw to thank (among other people) for continuously bugging me to join the tour.

However, this all turned around when two of our team members ghosted, were reported and ultimately ended up banned. Initial reactions were of frustration, to be expected if you lose two of your specifically selected players. The problem here is that this frustration and the toxicity caused by it never left the scene. I've seen many things, both in the 1v1tours discord and in my team's discord (both private and public channels) ranging from witch hunts to death threats. I started receiving PMs from people asking if I'm the snake and started being publicly called out for having snaked, and to this day none of this has stopped.

So I'm sorry to my team, but I can't do this anymore. I'm leaving this world cup behind in hopes that I can find peace.

ggopw if you really need me to play as a sub or if you need me in finals, I will play, I cannot turn my back on a team that I was selected for. But don't expect me to be involved with the team and don't expect me to have the motivation I need to win.
Everyone really needs to calm down, on both sides. What is considered "ghosting" has really gotten out of hand and 1 line of speculation or joking really shouldn't be grounds for a 3 month tourban. At the same time, y'all didn't even read UOP's post. This is the kind of toxic behavior that has caused this chill homie to leave. Ghosting is ghosting and reporting it shouldn't draw ill will if it was deserved. Chill yo
Sorry for interrupting your daily dose of 1v1 drama, but I have to thank my boys from FRITA for the great exeperience I had during this wc.
While not qualifying for semifinals was certainly a bummer, I think we all did our best trying to get there.

s/o to:
TogliBabineBoeuf, who did a great job as captain despite the fact that this was his first time.

stableprince569, who helped everyone with teambuilding and believed in all of us.

Lancer Fr, for letting me show off my epic french-speaking skills and being a good presence in the team.

AltCauseImInsecure ,who killed me that one time he asked for multiple sets(jkloveu).

DenisTheMenace, who kept the dream alive by beating bale(even tho I killed it a few hours later).

XSTATIC COLD, who came to the rescue by winning those 2 games when we nedeed it most(and was actually very nice despite what people say about him)

Close, Who gave me the chance to play my first wc game.

And sub gang LaBalladeDesCieux, Winkata and Solerme, who didnt have the chance to play(like me for the most part)but still helped in everyway they could, and NotFrancy, who was unlucky during his games, but that doesnt matter bc we know hes the best <3.

One final shoutout to the host Osra, who is still hosting despite all the crititicism and drama that has happened(and theres probably more to come), and is doing a great job so far(I would have quit long ago).

And a big thanks/grazie/merci to everyone that cheered for us during our matches!
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Like all other tournaments, it is with great pleasure that 1v1 offers great tournaments like this one, thanks to :osramilk: for having led with had to impose some punishments on some players... I'm going to post a post about my italian and french teammates before I say what I really felt through this tournament.

TogliBabineBoeuf: Thanks man for being our captain, you really know how to lead a team <3. I hope you will still be our captain for the next world cup.

stableprince569: To be honest, you too, nothing to say, everything has been prepared with rigour thanks to your support, your knowledge and above all your investments within the team.

AltCauseImInsecure: Before the world cup started, we helped each other a lot, thank you for being there when I needed it most to build a good synergy in my teams.

Close: You were very busy for personal reasons but we don't blame you, you still invested yourself when you could in the team, but you know how to adapt to the situations encountered brother, still a pleasure to have helped you and more.

DenisTheMenace: One of the best in the team, now you know almost everything about 1v1, you've invested a lot, given advice to your teammates and the most important thing is that you bring a calming and positive energy to the team, thanks man!

Tom842: You meant a lot to us, you were there all the time and if your teammates needed you, I hope for the best to come for you!

XSTATIC COLD: Tu restes toujours bon mon gars. You were very busy on your side but that didn't stop you from getting a good score. Your behavior is getting better and better, but it will take even more and you have to prove yourself if you want to become a captain.

And thanks also to the substitutes who helped us to contribute and provide many tips in order to be as efficient as possible!

Now let me tell you what I must have felt through this tournament.

"Bad luck" is one of the key words I will use towards my feelings during most of my games in this world cup.
I was sacrificing my free time to prepare vigorously for the games during the world cup, and I wasn't deserved as well as I should have been. Indeed, 3 of my games were hone with an incredible determination of hax that pushed me towards defeat when I had to win. 4 victories against the France-Italy team were unfairly stolen from us by this hax which became a real scourge to fight without us expecting. PS server adopts a virus that stops growing over time. The great game has become a rare thing, it is bad luck now that has taken its place and intends to stay there for a long time to come. You don't know how my heart was torn, I can only blame the hax, this thing strikes you without warning by condemning you to a bitter defeat in the inability to do anything. Our team was purely exemplary. We had extraordinary captains, a French and an Italian. Togli and SP, I thank you for giving us your skills and knowledge as a leader. You know how to identify your players needs but unfortunately your contributions will stop here with the greatest contempt to witness an elimination due to the sole reason of bad luck. I also thank all my teammates who know how to help each other, communicate regularly... I hope that each of you will find your vocation to this community that we love so much.

Congratulations to the teams that qualified, I also strongly hope that the rest of the tournament will end in the best possible conditions.

wrong period for a wcop, during the summer such big and important tournaments should not be made in my opinion. In fact the last wcop, the signup went out the first days of September arriving to finish the whole tournament around in November. Also because then they create inactivity like for example in my case or of other users of the circuit. I don't want to take it as an excuse but personally I would have prepared and played my games better.

wrong period for a wcop, during the summer such big and important tournaments should not be made in my opinion. In fact the last wcop, the signup went out the first days of September arriving to finish the whole tournament around in November. Also because then they create inactivity like for example in my case or of other users of the circuit. I don't want to take it as an excuse but personally I would have prepared and played my games better.
Probably just depends on the person tbh. Personally, I have more time in the summer because I'm not in school.

wrong period for a wcop, during the summer such big and important tournaments should not be made in my opinion. In fact the last wcop, the signup went out the first days of September arriving to finish the whole tournament around in November. Also because then they create inactivity like for example in my case or of other users of the circuit. I don't want to take it as an excuse but personally I would have prepared and played my games better.
Oppinion like smajet, depends on when you are away and whether you have much time and when you have school holidays


formerly STABLE
Oppinion like smajet, depends on when you are away and whether you have much time and when you have school holidays
It's more likely that everyone has at least a couple hours everyday in which they are able to free themselves to play. There are a lot of people who take up to 2+ weeks of vacation during the summer, and there's basically nothing you can do in that case. Also, September is a chill month, you'll never find someone so busy that they don't have time to play during those months
It's more likely that everyone has at least a couple hours everyday in which they are able to free themselves to play. There are a lot of people who take up to 2+ weeks of vacation during the summer, and there's basically nothing you can do in that case. Also, September is a chill month, you'll never find someone so busy that they don't have time to play during those months
I mean my exams start there. With 2 per week I more likely wouldnt be able to play. And as you said you have a couple of hours per day and a deadline of three(!) weeks. And I was able to play during my vacation. Its just the decision whether you spend 20mins playing a series during your vacation(and that maybe three times, but three weeks should be enough to do that) or if you just dont and then dont complain about it.
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