Project OM Interviews (#22: Ren)

a loser

I'm a loser, baby, so why don't you kill me?
is a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Community Contributor Alumnus
  • What are the best and worst SM BH replays you have saved?
  • What are the best and worst SS BH replays you have saved?
  • What are the best and worst NDBH replays you have saved? Imagine playing this meta haha
  • Do you like sports?
  • What will you study if you go back to school?
  • Why do you think we were the only matchup in BH OMPL to do a best of three?
  • What is one BH OMPL matchup that you wish would have played a best of three?
  • If I'd managed to win the bo3 SM BH friendly we played a while back, what is at least one of the interview questions you would have asked me?
  • Is there a particular mon in SM BH that you've tried to make viable but never succeeded? If so, what held back its success?


I’m with you.
is a Community Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
Dumbest tech you’ve used that’s worked?
Dumbest tech you’ve used that didn’t work?
Most desperate tech you’ve used for the broken shit in gen8 BH?
How do you come up with the ideas for your innovative builds?
If you could ban one thing from BH (any gen/meta) that isn't broken but you would still like to see gone, what would you choose?
Have you played or considered playing any meta besides BH?
What are some similarities/differences in playing melee and mons competitively?


Take care of yourself.
is a Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnus
hey everyone thanks for the questions!
hi hi hiii can you tell the ice cube man story on forums
alright im gonna do it. for those who havent seen it this story is pretty crazy so be warned

so at the end of my senior year of high school, the school had this party for all the seniors (some ppl said it was to avoid the kids having their own parties with drugs/alcohol, which makes sense to me). we all got on a bus and we weren't allowed to use our phones on the trip (unless emergency), thought this was kinda weird but in retrospect it made sense

we went to this 1 place that was like a casino except it didn't use real money so we could play like card games and stuff without it being illegal. i remember the music was rly loud and the lights were very erratic so i could barely see or hear the dealer. anyway, after this was over they brought in a hypnotist. he hypnotized 12 people and put em in chairs at the front of the room for the rest of the class to watch. i wasnt one of the initial 12 picked but i followed along with his instructions and became hypnotized so he brought me up there to replace one of the people in the chairs who didn't want to do it.

i know u guys might be skeptical but this guy was the real deal. he could genuinely alter mental states and people's actions by just saying some words. a lot of wacky stuff went on in those chairs, i'll just say that it's a pretty good thing that no one in the audience had their phone. for 1 of the acts, he was like "you have become a superhero. tell us what your superhero name is and what your power is." my answer was "ice cube man" and my power was, quote, "i have ice cubes". after it was over a lot of the guys were like high fiving me and saying they really liked the show, so that was cool. told hba about it and zovrah gave me the "ice cube man" role, it's been on me ever since
free mray in sm?

What are the best and worst SM BH replays you have saved?
love this meta cause there are so many good games with interesting lines and a lot of different paths. its more fun now than its ever been imo
best: this was a neat game vs chessking. the key turns here are diancie being traded for yveltal. before that i'd outplayed a bit w getting rocks up and stuff, but taking out yveltal was actually brilliant for chess and gave him a route to victory aided by good calls like keeping fc chans healthy for lategame. chess made terrible pokemon like ultra and chansey look really good in this fast-paced game of trades, i was impressed by him. gen 7 bh cup vs pdt, g1. i think this is a great example of how to beat a fatter balance team, in this case by dominating the hazard war with pixilate xern while using imposter to force the opponent to be aggressive with their own xern. i kinda screwed around a bit with kyub letting it get burned, but it wasn't a super important mon in the endgame anyway especially once pdt was unable to defog without taking away his only wincon. semi-serious bo3 vs anaconja. i'd post g2 here (which he won) as well but the replay for that was unfortunately lost even though i specifically remember clicking save replay. pretty textbook with playing to set up a lategame sweep, but what made this game stand out imo was how i played around girao here i always love playing vs lazzerpenguin, esp with immortal smoke cause we always talk about all the possible lines after and it's so much fun, but this team was also really fun to use here. it's inconsistent but the matchup was good enough to allow ~mystery arceus~ to unveil itself lategame and win in a stylish fashion

worst: this is from a roomtour. my opponent had the youtuber team but made a couple modifications so it was actually really dangerous to me and the game turned out really close. my viable mons did nothing so i was forced to rely on the unviable ones lol. entertaining watch but this was such a stressful game to play this was kinda gross, also from a friendly. the team i was using was just not fulfilling or good at all, similar to the icespam except i dont even get to use cool mons like aurorus. i just couldnt do anything vs mmx longterm and had no gameplan especially cause yveltal sucked speaking of the icespam, here's it winning in a blitz roomtour except it doesn't win because i choke and don't think thru trick enough (kyuw won if he got tricked). gar getting confused from the figy berry was really funny though i dont hate om but i wonder about him sometimes
see also: any replay from before mray ban. pre-mray ban sl42 has 2 moods: popping off cause breaker got a good matchup, and getting mad cause breaker got a bad matchup
What are the best and worst SS BH replays you have saved?
best: ok huhshrug actually did outplay here, ive seen him win from much less impressive playing so that was a bit refreshing for me. buttons it was fun to play around with drum null here, pretty neat mon although i wish the team was just a bit more consistent pretty epic game, this is what the semis game vs hl wouldve looked like if he didnt bring an actually good team

quick claw chronicles this was just a really boring game. even if My Prejudices did eventually pick up a win, this game kinda embodies many of the issues i have with ss bh. playing rps for 100 turns is fine on its own, but when offense is bad and that's the only way to play, it's stupid. on the other end of the spectrum, here's this game. although i was glad to take home the w for my team at the end of the day, this game was just brutal for me. it was really just about 40 minutes of absolute stress and feeling a lack of control or understanding over the game. i had no idea where the accumulated advantages from both sides were coming from. even mamp clicking x at the end was completely out of the blue for me cause i saw etern lava plume as something i possibly couldnt handle. in retrospect i think i played it really well, but for me this is where fun and competition diverged. this was iirc g3 vs andyboy in seasonal. im not about to claim that he didnt outplay me or that there was nothing i could've done in like builder, but this just felt really hard to play for me with zekrom just being near unbeatable lategame no matter what i did. i think one of the ugly truths of bh is that sometimes the "optimal" stuff isn't used a lot in environments like friendlies, but when it is used in high-stakes games it can lead to a one-sided mess, like that ompl 7 game where i lost to mamp's specs ray + shed cause my counterplay was spectral ice beam chans.
What are the best and worst NDBH replays you have saved? Imagine playing this meta haha
ok so a few days ago i created natdex bh wishkiller and instantly ran into dimrah on ladder. he was using stall so the game lasted like 220 turns. he was like 10 turns away from winning with judgment fireceus when the server crashed so i didnt lose any elo. dont have the replay for obvious reasons but that was by far my best natdex bh experience
Do you like sports?
not really, my dad and brother (2 years younger than me) followed the nba playoffs a lot more than i did. i like playing very casually with my friends/brother and a while back i did fencing for a couple years which was fun.
What will you study if you go back to school?
my original choice was computer science cause im really interested in artificial intelligence + game design which both use it. that said im also interested in math as a whole as well as some other stem things like chem so i might consider those as well
Why do you think we were the only matchup in BH OMPL to do a best of three?
we are both very handsome and wished to have more time to admire each other
What is one BH OMPL matchup that you wish would have played a best of three?
maybe the week vs df shock? idk. i went into that ompl with the mindset that bo3 is better, but in practice it was nice having less stressful games and less unique teams to have to come up with (although that applies to both sides tbf, so if you can get it working youre in good shape). theres definitely a case to be made for bo3 though and theres prob an alternate universe where i faced off with pdt in a bo3 that was awesome
If I'd managed to win the bo3 SM BH friendly we played a while back, what is at least one of the interview questions you would have asked me?
yo being honest i was gonna ask you questions anyway but just procrastinated directly to hell so my bad on that 1 lol. starting is definitely the hardest thing to do when writing up interview questions for me, once i have my brain in that space of writing em up its much easier. anyway heres some questions i got

how would you describe your own playstyle?
what culture shifts did you notice in the bh ladder between gen 7 and gen 8?
in gen 7 bh, what do you think is the most traditionally "wall"-like mon that you would run without a recovery move? like where would you draw the line
did you really call user What How a "cringe beta cuck" when asked about a potential right-wing bias in the balanced hackmons council?
how do you be cool in natdex bh?
is there any bh player that you actively dislike? (you dont have to specifically name them)
what are your thoughts on the future of bh/oms? do you care whether or not the community grows?
Is there a particular mon in SM BH that you've tried to make viable but never succeeded? If so, what held back its success?
the one that definitely comes to mind first here is naganadel, i really liked his design (i even have a plushie) and all the other ultra beasts had at least some development, so i wanted to give it a serious try. used sets like specs adapt and dazzling tg but neither really worked (i almost beat lance with tg tho cause he sacked 2 mons to it but then he got 2 1 turn sleeps lategame to win which was very frustrating).

outside of that, got a few guys. mawilite mawile stands out as a mon that kinda works on some teams, but has a lot of issues with lack of bulk and speed and getting stopped by steels/don/imposter depending on ur coverage. at best the mon kinda works. lunala is also a mon i tried with qd dazzling, but it's just so hard to make it work when you absolutely have to set up first (unlike gar) and your opponent knows that. also played around with some xurk sets but didn't really get anywhere, hes slow and bad and resists nothing. finally, magic bounce articuno looked really cool on this 1 team, but it kinda didn't really work in practice, although snow warning is a fine set imo so idk if that counts. in general most of the guys i try are viable somewhere, although sometimes not on the initial team, like bugceus and aurorus

something that might surprise you is a couple years ago i had no idea how to use pdon cause i hated running breakers that got walled by anything. i actually requested a team w it in secret santa and got this very slow team with moldy rocks/judgment resh + anchor don + 4 walls (link). it was still very confusing to me but i was able to work things out eventually
Dumbest tech you’ve used that’s worked?
if you have higher standards for "worked" it's probably a game like this, where my stupid tech worked and everyone just stopped taking the game seriously (game vs sugarhigh in ompl7 is prob also a decent example). outside of that heres some really, really stupid stuff ive used recently out of context

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Entrainment
- Extreme Speed
- U-turn
- Recover

espeed has won me 2 separate games out of less than 10 total with this team. pretty good track record id say

Volcarona @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Mystical Fire
- Roost
- Acid Spray

very funny set. mystical fire is for xern, acid spray is for xern, rocks are for everyone else. this guy is mainly a kyuw improof but he can get things done in his spare time, like beat xern

the dog (Houndoom-Mega) @ Choice Band
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pursuit
- V-create
- Knock Off
- Ice Hammer

the dog. niche is that you pursuit trap fire/fairy/psychic mmy. he has base 90 attack which is hilariously bad but you can pretend he doesn't if you click the funny cb tc stab 180 power move.

Shaymin @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Grass Knot
- Leech Seed
- Power Gem

hooh is typically the only guy that can threaten this offensively and defensively simultaneously, so you run coverage especially for him. leech seed is surprisingly strong if you land it on a steel or something that wants things to go a bit differently than they currently are
Dumbest tech you’ve used that didn’t work?
Darkrai @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Mild Nature
- Knock Off
- Venoshock
- Will-O-Wisp
- Thunder

this guy. this guy right here. it looks like it has coverage but it actually doesnt, you lose to ogre, gira, zyg, and many others

Firefly Phenomenon (Arceus-Fire) @ Buginium Z
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Sunsteel Strike
- Megahorn
- Swords Dance

"i wanna use bugceus, bug stab is cool especially boosted, but he has to beat xern! i'll just sacrifice recovery to run coverage for him and shed. good thing there are no other pokemon in the game, and if there were they would never resist bug"
Most desperate tech you’ve used for the broken shit in gen8 BH?
zamac. never wanted to use st*el types again but alas they have forced my hand

(my prejudices probably takes the cake, in ompl for smash it was scarf snow warning kyuw + scarf zekrom. in general i havent been building seriously too frequently cause it isnt very rewarding for me. imagine building a team and it loses to zekrom anyway. shoutouts my prejudices)
How do you come up with the ideas for your innovative builds?
- what unique things does this mon do?
- are these unique things worth running this slot? (basically, slow mons and ones with less defensive utility/longevity get punished here)
- he might be good in the builder but is he good in the game? like when you send him out, what situations can you expect to encounter? how much can your opponent restrict this guy?
- if you run into a bad matchup with the mon, how reliably can you cover it with the team? have noticed this is a lot harder in gen 8 but in gen 7 you can go crazy with this, like moldy spikes miracleseed vcreate kart making up for basically all of kyuw's offensive issues
- how well do the mons that synergize well with this synergize with each other? a great example of this is any of my good shed teams where you can take any 2 mons and they have meaningful interactions, another good example imo is this team. ph thunder/sap ogre obv has issues with like pdon regenvest and gira. the next 2 guys girao and wigglytuff interact well w this, +atk smash gira can provide a strong offensive check to fat dragons, even prank variants thanks to core, and weaker regenvesters like ogre hate dealing with strong spectrals, while defensively you counter pdons meant to stick around and beat mmx. wigglytuff can underspeed pretty much every regenvest, imposter proofs girao, gives secondary ph xern counterplay, switches into core and gira in general, and provides rain for ogre which massively helps it vs soft checks like ph xern, normals, zyg, and yveltal. you can go further with the other 3 mons (dynamics like duskmane potentially landing toxic on pdon and being improofed by ogre) but im sure you get the point by now. the point is, most ideas are garbage by themselves and need good building to actually shine
- in case that was too much, becoming more experienced with the meta will help you determine which ideas are good and which ones are bad. what you see in tournaments are only the very best ideas, 1 in 30 or even 50 and i can't tell you how many ideas get rejected subconsciously. i don't have inherently better ideas i don't think, i just think about bh more. don't try super hard if it isn't fun though, bh isn't for everyone
- in general, my building process aims to balance out everything. running 3 fire weak mons and then having a gira or ff slapped on doesnt really work for me because not only can you run into bad matchups (chicken vs gira, 50% of pokemon in the game vs ff), you have much less flexibility in how you get to play when you're forced to be going into this mon every time. it's much more comfortable when you can afford to lose a mon or two and still have a mostly functional and structurally sound team after. build around not losing the game, instead of not losing pokemon
- bh gives you a looooooot of freedom. use it even if it doesnt work or sounds incredibly stupid. even i still have a ways to go in sm bh building
- just build it's fun as hell when u dont lose
If you could ban one thing from BH (any gen/meta) that isn't broken but you would still like to see gone, what would you choose?
good question. probably drum if im being honest. it feels a lot like standard tiers bp in that it's a very inconsistent strategy, but i've lost to it after making close to zero mistakes in the game just cause of the specific matchup it got. sleep/smash/species spam are kinda similar to this imo but not quite as bad.
Have you played or considered playing any meta besides BH?
i started out as a classic hackmons player back in 2014 cause it was funny and i liked beating ladder players with shuckle and jolteon and i also liked beating ladder players in general (couldnt do this in ou). after that i moved to maining ou in 2016 and trying to get into the tournament scene, i still do smogtours on occasion and typically lose at about r3. have tried a few old gens and built some meme teams for mnm and camo. overall, though, bh is just a lot more fun for me cause i'm already good at it to the extent that i'm aware of a vast pool of things i don't know. all ou would provide for me is funny trophy and more people congratulating me on things, which doesn't really seem worth the effort of playing wish teleport meta
What are some similarities/differences in playing melee and mons competitively?
i wouldn't necessarily say the skill cap is higher in melee, i think the skill cap in mons is waaaaay higher than lots of people think and i believe both are out of our reach. that said, the skill pool in melee is much deeper, even though most melee players are pretty casual they can still get things done, and the overall playerbase is just much bigger than over here. as for gameplay wise, i don't really understand melee super well if i'm being honest, but one notable difference i see is that in melee, your level of control over your character until you die for the last time makes it feel much more free, which sounds good on paper but can be rough when you lose, while in mons you can get away with piloting teams that require only a basic understanding of the metagame and achieve some decent success even without exerting that same level of control. on the fundamental rps level though the games feel quite similar. socially i've noticed melee players care a lot about discussing mentality and there's also the irl aspect, which i do wish mons had more of. we have a lot of cool online social stuff though so im not complaining too much

hope this wasn't too long!!!!!


karma's a relaxing thought
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
what's your favorite phineas and ferb song?

what's your ideal afternoon snack?

what's your go to comfort food?

if you could throw any one thing at any person, what would you throw at who and why?

what's your opinion on :xavgb: becoming one of the defining aspects of om culture?

blink twice to confirm you haven't been kidnapped by aliens

stuff related to ice cubes sounds like it could be a start for a cool superpower. if you could go back and change the answer you gave while maintaining the original idea (ice cubes), what would it be?

if you had a superpower in a world where nobody else had superpowers, what would it be?

the above, but in a world where people do have superpowers?

what mob did you vote for between the squid that doesn't even glow, piss cow and icelgwhelihfigijf? if you didn't vote then now's your chance to pick one

have you tried genshin impact? if so, what are your thoughts?


long day at job
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
- when is the next HEATAH FAJITA episode coming out
- what is your favorite meme that's come out this year
- what is the next best thing in national dex bh
- what is your least favorite team that you've made since gen 7 bh was replaced by gen 8 bh
- we meme'd around with mix and mega and camomons but do you have any plans to branch out to other metagames at least semi-seriously
- head?
- what is your evaluation of the "funny man" series (sets similar to fvm such as unfunny volcano man, xman, wild kratts, and I'M PLAYING WITH MY)
- is double majin itself actually good or am i just slapping broken mons on those teams
- what other games do you play/have you played besides mons/touhou/smash/minecraft
- what is your gamer™ setup
- how has coronavirus affected you
- what

Last edited:


pleading and afraid
is a Site Content Manageris an official Team Rateris a Top Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a CAP Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributor
Hello! I am glad that you enjoyed Ping Pong this much and that it of course grew on you!
Onto the questions:

Do you enjoy the way Pokemon, as a franchise, is moving forward? (games being released hastily, multiple DLCs cut-down of Dex only to later bring it back)
Where would you like to travel in the world once COVID isn't an issue, budget constraints aside?
Worst meme you've posted and/or enjoyed?
Do you think OMPL moving from Bo1 to Bo3 would make any metagame better?
Would you rather be Zovrah or Pazza for a week?
You mention wanting to go into game design. What sort of games would you hope to make?
Why did she take the fucking kids, half my money and all of my heart and soul leaving me an empty husk of a person, wandering the streets aimlessly, hoping that I'll find something that gives my life even the slightest bit of meaning while I distract myself day in and day out with things that once brought me joy but now do nothing to stimulate me in any way, shape or form; hoping that I'll one day find some semblance of meaning so that my heart is unlike my pockets (filled with monsters)?
love this meta cause there are so many good games with interesting lines and a lot of different paths. its more fun now than its ever been imo
best: this was a neat game vs chessking. the key turns here are diancie being traded for yveltal. before that i'd outplayed a bit w getting rocks up and stuff, but taking out yveltal was actually brilliant for chess and gave him a route to victory aided by good calls like keeping fc chans healthy for lategame. chess made terrible pokemon like ultra and chansey look really good in this fast-paced game of trades, i was impressed by him. gen 7 bh cup vs pdt, g1. i think this is a great example of how to beat a fatter balance team, in this case by dominating the hazard war with pixilate xern while using imposter to force the opponent to be aggressive with their own xern. i kinda screwed around a bit with kyub letting it get burned, but it wasn't a super important mon in the endgame anyway especially once pdt was unable to defog without taking away his only wincon. semi-serious bo3 vs anaconja. i'd post g2 here (which he won) as well but the replay for that was unfortunately lost even though i specifically remember clicking save replay. pretty textbook with playing to set up a lategame sweep, but what made this game stand out imo was how i played around girao here i always love playing vs lazzerpenguin, esp with immortal smoke cause we always talk about all the possible lines after and it's so much fun, but this team was also really fun to use here. it's inconsistent but the matchup was good enough to allow ~mystery arceus~ to unveil itself lategame and win in a stylish fashion

worst: this is from a roomtour. my opponent had the youtuber team but made a couple modifications so it was actually really dangerous to me and the game turned out really close. my viable mons did nothing so i was forced to rely on the unviable ones lol. entertaining watch but this was such a stressful game to play this was kinda gross, also from a friendly. the team i was using was just not fulfilling or good at all, similar to the icespam except i dont even get to use cool mons like aurorus. i just couldnt do anything vs mmx longterm and had no gameplan especially cause yveltal sucked speaking of the icespam, here's it winning in a blitz roomtour except it doesn't win because i choke and don't think thru trick enough (kyuw won if he got tricked). gar getting confused from the figy berry was really funny though i dont hate om but i wonder about him sometimes
see also: any replay from before mray ban. pre-mray ban sl42 has 2 moods: popping off cause breaker got a good matchup, and getting mad cause breaker got a bad matchup
where is

where is The Stakeout Pheromosa Battle of 2017


what kind
is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a member of the Battle Simulator Staff
what is your favorite 2014 ch game and why is it this

did you touch the ant

rate and remake the torterra team

what is gen 8 bh missing to make it as great as gen 7 bh

will you move to the us northeast gamer house alongside aesf and xavgb to create the wcop super team

who's the next bh prodigy that we haven't heard about yet

what's my ompl 9 draft price

what happened to silver lucarios 1-41

a loser

I'm a loser, baby, so why don't you kill me?
is a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Community Contributor Alumnus
how would you describe your own playstyle?
I feel like I'm aggressive when I need to be conservative and vice versa. Not to say I'm just horrible at making reads, but there are definitely times when I could be better. Idk if that really answers your question though
what culture shifts did you notice in the bh ladder between gen 7 and gen 8?
"Don't allow spectators" is pretty recent but still a noticeable difference in the BH ladders. Gen 7 had tons of games, even higher ladder, to spectate and watching those games helped me learn a ton and draw inspiration for my own teams. Gen 8 has next to no viewable high ladder games and I think that makes the overall ladder experience worse. Especially when you end up in one of the hidden room games against someone who won't even talk to you
in gen 7 bh, what do you think is the most traditionally "wall"-like mon that you would run without a recovery move? like where would you draw the line
I once went 2 for 3 in tour games while running no recovery Prankster Giratina, but that was on accident. I'm imagining that RegenVest and PH are off limits here, so my answer would be something like Leftovers + Shield Giratina. I think recovery on walls is there for a reason and I think Giratina with Shield moves is pretty disruptive to certain teams and could perform well enough throughout a battle. But for gen 8 bh, I did run FC Eternatus + FC Zekrom and neither had recovery but rather relied on Wish PH Snorlax and that was fun because Etern could QD.
did you really call user What How a "cringe beta cuck" when asked about a potential right-wing bias in the balanced hackmons council?
I understood only like half the words in this sentence.
how do you be cool in natdex bh?
run fat ho-oh + imposter stall teams if you want to be "cool" and "rake in wins against ladder kids"
is there any bh player that you actively dislike? (you dont have to specifically name them)
in reference to what we've discussed before, I'd like to shout out all the "wimp ladder heroes who are SUPER SECRET TEAM TESTING despite playing 0 tournaments ever in their lives" It isn't that I genuinely dislike these people, I just wish they would actually be open for a conversation about how idiotic and silly their secret teams are.
what are your thoughts on the future of bh/oms? do you care whether or not the community grows?
I'd love to see the community grow. Over this generation I've talked to several older gen players who dislike the growing ban list in BH but one thing you have to realize is how much more we have in our arsenal that didn't exist in Gen 5 and therefore takes a larger effort to create a balanced metagame. I do see some of their point though and there are certain aspects of the ban list that look closer to creature comforts than balanced tiering, but I think BH has a bright future if the leadership remains open to all ways of advancing the metagame.
My answers in bold and nice job on the meme. If that was the funny thing you were working on the other day then I say A+.

In order to not hijack your interview I'll ask you some more questions lol.
  • To clarify a question, from a spectator's perspective what BH OMPL matchup do you wish had played a bo3?
  • If you had to change your smogon username (for like the 5th time) what would you make it? Reverting isn't an option
  • Out of the following artists, which one(s) have you listened to and/or like the most? Kanye West, Run the Jewels, Taylor Swift, Vampire Weekend, The Beatles, Fleet Foxes, Tyler, The Creator. (These are some of my favorites so I recommend them if you haven't)


Take care of yourself.
is a Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnus
what's your favorite phineas and ferb song?
and who's that? OH! IT'S MR. MVP! SIMP!!!!!
what's your ideal afternoon snack?
carrots. i eat a lot of carrots, just go to the store and buy like 12 for $3 and then just eat em raw. they're pretty good. outside of that i like fruits like oranges and bananas as well as stuff like dried cranberries, banana chips, and cheez-its
what's your go to comfort food?
maybe ramen, that's always good. outside of that my family gets a lot of veggie protein stuff that i can just bake for like 10-20 mins for some nice low effort and good food.
if you could throw any one thing at any person, what would you throw at who and why?
i would throw a live eel at pazza, i think his reaction would be humorous
what's your opinion on :xavgb: becoming one of the defining aspects of om culture?
its a shame cause bonsly is actually a really cool and good pokemon design so it becoming part of an image sample-based 2020 late stage irony hellscape meme makes me die a little inside i mean haha funny zoomed in rock type mix and mega player
blink twice to confirm you haven't been kidnapped by aliens
i refuse to blink twice because i remain kidnapped by aliens......the salienes of SCOIETY............they have stolen an integral part of my soul (my generaetd surplus value)................any freethinkers with me refuse to blink
stuff related to ice cubes sounds like it could be a start for a cool superpower. if you could go back and change the answer you gave while maintaining the original idea (ice cubes), what would it be?
it'd be cool if i could freeze water into ice cubes, then be able to change the form of the ice to create whatever i wanted. like if i needed to get across some water i could make a boat out of ice. has some limitations w the ice melting so it might need a bit more of a buff idk
if you had a superpower in a world where nobody else had superpowers, what would it be?
maybe just being able to break the laws of physics, but just a little bit. i mean the kind of stuff that would turn me into an urban legend. outside of that, maybe immortality or just being really smart sounds nice. i would totally take immortality if offered it
the above, but in a world where people do have superpowers?
superpower of having takes that are just hot enough to get people talking. no matter what your power is you gotta deal with my hot take. i would probably get assassinated if i tried to do politics but if i stuck to a less serious topic that would be pretty funny
what mob did you vote for between the squid that doesn't even glow, piss cow and icelgwhelihfigijf? if you didn't vote then now's your chance to pick one
i didnt vote but i probably would pick iceman, he sounds pretty neat. strays are ok but theyre just not unique enough as a mob, i feel like the cold areas need something a step up to really set em apart. then again it doesnt feel super vanilla-y
have you tried genshin impact? if so, what are your thoughts?
i havent tried it, the bar for trying new games is so high for me at this point that it takes something truly groundbreaking + friends who play it for me to maintain interest in something. i'm not completely opposed to it skimming over it though, gacha isnt a dealbreaker for me and it looks fairly deep esp with potential future updates. if youve got a smogon related server or other group feel free 2 invite me
- when is the next HEATAH FAJITA episode coming out
maybe we could get it done whenever we call next (tomorrow works for me). i could try to pull together all my coolest and wackiest teams and face you in a ridiculous best of 7 where the winner changes the loser's smog avatar for a week or something lol. def dont think this works solo though, i hate recording things by myself, even for the brewing machine vid in progress i tried to do some practice takes and it just didnt really work.
- what is your favorite meme that's come out this year
probably pogg*rs/poggas. feel like that meme paved the way for many other good memes such as Ga
- what is the next best thing in national dex bh
lo pixilate mmy with like photon/boomburst/coverage/probably sap. u 2hko the scales resist and win later, best on more spammy teams. other than that i can see ph normals being very strong here cause facade covers so much by itself
- what is your least favorite team that you've made since gen 7 bh was replaced by gen 8 bh
probably this one. the team has so many incredibly cool sets and dynamics like xern + gar, subpass arc, and project heat, but its ruined by resh and cress being garbage. it's not just bad, it's disappointing.
- we meme'd around with mix and mega and camomons but do you have any plans to branch out to other metagames at least semi-seriously
since i'm on bh council i do feel an obligation to stay around and at least try to innovate or enact tiering action if dlc2 is still bad. maybe i can take these other metas more seriously in the future but i know the danger of trying to maintain skill at multiple meta simultaneously so i dont plan on trying that at the moment
- what is your evaluation of the "funny man" series (sets similar to fvm such as unfunny volcano man, xman, wild kratts, and I'M PLAYING WITH MY)
these guys are just really weird, i'm not used to the way they function as both wispers and wallbreakers. i cant be mad at any set that has wisp cause of how good it is as a move and i do think i havent been considering these pokemon enough, but their functionality is still so foreign to me.
- is double majin itself actually good or am i just slapping broken mons on those teams
double majin is good cause from an opponent's perspective, it's just a giant block of stats with no easy way around it other than with good wallbreakers (specs mons, rain/sun). if you can cover those you're in a pretty good position vs mostly everything. ph + unaware is def the best setup i think.
- what other games do you play/have you played besides mons/touhou/smash/minecraft
a bit of terraria but was hard for me to keep focus on it. game kinda demands constant progression which im not super into
the lisa rpg series is fantastic and no one else seems to have heard of it. need 1 of you guys to play it cause i really cant do it justice with words alone
hollow knight at zovrah's request, the playthrough as someone whos pretty bad at platformers was fun but i got to pantheon and kinda lost energy/motivation to get thru the challenges. was very proud of myself for getting thru everything up to the next few endings tho
battle for wesnoth is kinda fun although im bad at it. game is cool in an atmospheric sense as well as a playing sense
- what is your gamer™ setup

shoutouts to this dude right here i bought him for $6 in japan. you can put any marble in his hand and it fits perfectly. dragonman is very shiny and cool and really helps me get thru the day

- how has coronavirus affected you
see above

if im being honest not being able to go to melee locals sucks a lot. rollback is obv great but my connection isnt quite good enough to make it work. also id probably be hanging out with friends more than i am now
Hello, I am in the market for a frog but don’t know where/what kind of frog I want to get a frog from. I would like the frog (not for sexual reasons) to NOT be purple. If ANY of you approach me with a frog that happens to be purple expect to be BLOCKED IMMEDIATELY. Any information is helpful and thanks in advance for the people who may help me on my journey to acquiring my dream pet. :slight_smile:

Omg lol I am becoming an addict to Gen 7 BH.
I started like everyone, just like an interesting habit, playing a game or two with sample teams to have some fun before going to sleep. But now it turned into a problem. Everytime I am not sleeping I am playing SM BH, and I dont sleep because I play SM BH. Every spare second I have free in my life I am playing SM BH. Everything I know I learned it through applying SM BH metagame knowledge into the real world.. I broke with my gf for playing SM BH all the time and I failed all my exams because I wrote about my Mega Banette teams on them instead of doing them. I havent hung out with my other 2510 girlfriends in two months because I find it more boring than playing SM BH with anaconja. I am afraid I cant leave this addiction without a strong solution. It is already decided but i want to share it with someone. I am going to take off my eyes so I stop playing SM BH. I even know how to do it with a heated spoon, information that I got from an SM BH ladder game with a weird edgy teen. Yeah sure, it wont be easy, but I need solutions. Goodnight my people it will be probably the last time u see me around because I, SuperSkylake, wont see you around.

What if you, however, just use Suicune with Magic Bounce? Primal Groudon is defeated, and then that proves that even with Desolate Land and V-Create, its most powerful set is walled by none other than a water dog. While my dog who loves to drink water in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT VERY LOUDLY would be excited to hear this, I am sure anyone hoping to ban PDon due to being “overpowered” would simply stand slack jawed before sitting-down... ultimately corrected into submission.

will do the rest tomorrow lol


Take care of yourself.
is a Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnus
Do you enjoy the way Pokemon, as a franchise, is moving forward? (games being released hastily, multiple DLCs cut-down of Dex only to later bring it back)
this might sound kinda weird but i dont hate rushed games 100% of the time, for example xy had a lot of missing content and i still had a lot of fun w that, but i really would just love to get a game with both the modern 3d charm and a pretty good amount of polish on it. from a competitive standpoint, dlcs were rather dreadful and the singles balancing has been a bit lacking. that said i don't mind the current metas suffering, there were bound to be balance issues with any new meta and in general it's really hard for me to be discontent when i have past gens to mess around with
Where would you like to travel in the world once COVID isn't an issue, budget constraints aside?
hard to say for sure, i took a trip to japan in spring 2019 but it was only as awesome as it was cause of the people i was with. dont think i could make that work now unless i had some really cool people to go with, but if i did itd be fine regardless of the place. that said i might wanna go to europe, other parts of asia, or africa cause i've never been to those continents, would b nice to get that complete change of pace
Worst meme you've posted and/or enjoyed?
i continue to laugh at touhou memes despite the fact that every time i enter a touhou related discord server i regret ever learning about this game. also my sense of humor is dead. heres an example

Do you think OMPL moving from Bo1 to Bo3 would make any metagame better?
im thinkin maybe in super developed metas it'd make cheese less powerful and building is less of an issue cause ideally you have some actually good teams by then. like remember that 1 spl oras game between blunder and cbb? think bo3 would promote games like that and not just running inconsistent stuff
Would you rather be Zovrah or Pazza for a week?
pazza. i could not survive the zovrah lifestyle with the ultimate>mons life choice and im going for the extremely online build here. plus pazza is more based (zovrah will also admit this)
You mention wanting to go into game design. What sort of games would you hope to make?
so i spent most of today reading various blogs and watching videos about game design. my dream game is like open world mons but instead of turnbased it runs on a physics engine so u can use charizard flare blitz to break through a wall or something. also i think it'd be cool to have a game that had absolutely no concrete rules and gave you a completely new perspective every time. both of these sound equally unfeasible and i've never been the type to put in the work but a man can dream
Why did she take the fucking kids, half my money and all of my heart and soul leaving me an empty husk of a person, wandering the streets aimlessly, hoping that I'll find something that gives my life even the slightest bit of meaning while I distract myself day in and day out with things that once brought me joy but now do nothing to stimulate me in any way, shape or form; hoping that I'll one day find some semblance of meaning so that my heart is unlike my pockets (filled with monsters)?
maybe you shouldve done more drugs. like meth. just to spice up the relationship. remember, this is 100% your fault and you should continue blaming yourself
where is

where is The Stakeout Pheromosa Battle of 2017

what is your favorite 2014 ch game and why is it this
im just looking at that battle and watching how much material i lost for 0 gain when i couldve just been switching around 100% of the time. truly 2014 sl42 at his finest
did you touch the ant
i did touch the ant, and as a result i remember to always respect women
rate and remake the torterra team
i dont like this team very much

heres the updated version for use on the gen 8 ladder
what is gen 8 bh missing to make it as great as gen 7 bh
tiering and analyzing metagames is hard, i cant say one way is the definitive best way of looking at it but i have some different approaches to this question

- lack of pokemon that are consistently good: this is really hard to deal with for me. the list of pokemon that can consistently do things every time they come in feels way too short. hazards not being a guaranteed measure of progress is so rough for pokemon like my sludge moldy dynamax cannon/ep/wisp/tspikes etern which barely does enough to justify losing to guys like darmz. prevalence of ice scales is so rough too. last gen you could run any special ph user (besides xern theres stuff like ogre, mmy, even guys like resh) and appreciate the luxury of not hard losing to anything besides the strong but very exploitable regenvest. same goes for triage, which is dead this gen. as for guys like zacc, darm, and misc intrepid sword? enjoy losing to the wrong fc and needing 3 support mons to do anything and not lose to imposter + dynamax. even something as strong as zekrom will realistically have strong and widespread counterplay if people actually make an effort.

- lack of reward for innovation: there arent a lot of pokemon in this game, idk if this is the root cause or if this is just inevitable with newer metas in general. either way, think it was mamp who said that playing bh is about making your own counterplay to stuff. i've only felt like i actually got rewarded for this when it was defensive in this meta, like the dedenne team. offensively the game only really allows you to make something that can beat a very specific amount of pokemon and lose to everyone else, which will inevitably turn out bad cause you can practically pick and choose 4 fat mons from the top 20, decide who gets fc/scales/prank/ph/psea, slap boots on em, and make it work. although the current meta offensive mons feel inconsistent, when innovating all you find is something that's even more inconsistent.

- inertia getting rewarded: this kinda ties in to my earlier points as well as specifically focusing on boots/court change combined with fc scales. anything but a concentrated and dedicated attack (in both the building and playing phases) feels negative on hit. "kind of attacking" is much less viable especially as a primary strategy. the best ways to make progress involve all-out attacking and using your fat guys to make the opposing fat guys hate being there, which are not mutually exclusive and typically are used on the same team to create the only viable archetype.

i don't think this is intrinsic to gen 8 and in fact i did notice several of the same issues with earlier gen 7. meta kinda sucked when stuff like pdon and water bubble was running around i was just too bad to acknowledge this lol
will you move to the us northeast gamer house alongside aesf and xavgb to create the wcop super team
you mean my games finally get predicted by viv in omwc? count me in
who's the next bh prodigy that we haven't heard about yet
for natdex bh id definitely say look to the sr cord for good players, most mainstream bh players have barely touched the meta so theyve just run over the meta uncontested. i think that if there's a big natdex tour there's a very real possibility that starter-level players will get shut out cause of the weird meta, but it fits the whole "sr playstyle" really well i'd say. in sm bh, XxSevagxX and Onyx Onix 7 are cool rising players imo, they're getting some postgen experience and although they arent really near the level of the greats just yet, they have basically infinite time to prepare so if this goes on expect to see them get somewhere.
what's my ompl 9 draft price
what happened to silver lucarios 1-41
you may not think it but ive been constantly getting internet name changes for my entire life. i went thru the first 41 silver lucarios at a rate of about 3 per year until i settled on the 42nd one and read hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. this book temporarily opened my third eye to the fact that naming myself after silver lucarios made me look too much like a furry, so in typical virgin fashion i conformed
To clarify a question, from a spectator's perspective what BH OMPL matchup do you wish had played a bo3?
this is a tough one, there were so many cool players to watch and i would love to see a bo3 for all of em. maybe you vs pdt, although i think the one you had was already pretty good bar the hax, itd be really neat to see another round of that imo
If you had to change your smogon username (for like the 5th time) what would you make it? Reverting isn't an option
ok this is extremely hard to answer. realistically probably dragonquestcasino but ive had so many alts, pokemon nicknames, set names, and memes that i could choose from and claim in the blink of an eye (dragonquestcasino itself was chosen on a complete whim off a random youtube video) so really familiarity is the only thing keeping me to a name at this point
Out of the following artists, which one(s) have you listened to and/or like the most? Kanye West, Run the Jewels, Taylor Swift, Vampire Weekend, The Beatles, Fleet Foxes, Tyler, The Creator. (These are some of my favorites so I recommend them if you haven't)
i dont really listen to any of these regularly as for the last 6 months i have been working on my backlog of zovrah-recommended songs JUST KIDDING LOOOOOOL anyway i've heard some of their songs in passing, esp kanye, and theyre pretty solid but branching out and finding their other work is a bit too much to ask of me atm
do you feel blessed after seeing this image?
he looks very nice, iwll set him up wtih the frind POG FISH / POGGERS FISH

- Sent from my Cybernetic UPS Truck®


It's a starstruck world
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Hello Interviewers, Interviewees and Inter..readers? and welcome back to OM Interviews! Today we're interviewing the doubled up dubber himself...

download (23).jpg


Hello Mubs, and welcome to OM interviews! How are you doing today!

Oh I'm fine. Nothing much happening with me today.

Understandable, it's kinda locked up and locked in everywhere. Starting off, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got into pokemon!

I'm a 15 year old Black Muslim from the US, Specifically New England. I'm the son of Nigerians who Immigrated to the US in the 80s and 90s. I'm also Junior in High School, looking to pursue a career in CS / Software, and I've also picked up basketball as of recent. As for how I got into Pokemon, I watched the BW anime religiously back when it was airing in 2012. I heard about this site called Pokemon Showdown back in late 2014 and I've been on it since. Made a smogon account in early 2018 around the time I became COPPA legal and have been playing oms ever since.

Coppa Legal Mubs at it again


What are your favourite OMs? Any teams you'd like to share from them?

As many people know, I'm a 1v1 player (started in Gen 6) along with being 2v2 leader. I used to play a lot of BH back in late Gen 6 - Early Gen 7 but quickly realized I was unvaible at 6v6 singles so I switched back to 1v1. I sadly don't really have any teams on my current device, but here's one of my ancient SM 2v2 teams that got me into the metagame: It features a Double Intimidate core (ignore the Hyper Cutter on Mega Mawile), a very effective Special Tank in Misty Seed Tapu Fini, along with Scarf Victini as a glue. The teams pretty bad nowadays but I picked up a good amount of wins with it back when SM 2v2 was OMoTM.

Speaking of 2v2, you've done a lot for getting 2v2 off the ground it was left on into being a pretty solid metagame. What do you think is the most important thing you've done for 2v2?

Hard decision. It's probably the choice between convincing 1v1 staff to give us a room or establishing our tournament base with the 2v2 Doubles Premier League that we did back in May. Ultimately I'd probably have to go with the room. It gave the 2v2 community a place to play the metagame consistently (with room tournaments) along with being the key factor in developing our playerbase. I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who's been active in the room and other hubs of discussion, really appreciate it.

What are your thoughts on the current 2v2 metagame? How does it differ from the 1v1 metagame?

It's too early to tell how the metagame will ultimately be, but I like it so far. It's much better than the SS 2v2 metagames we've had before it, which left much to be desired. As for how we differ from 1v1? We are the doubles version of the 1v1 metagame, but adding another pokemon on the field does change how its played quite a bit. For example, things seen in typical Doubles tiers, such as Fake Out and Intimidate, are quite popular in 2v2, along with other moves such as Trick Room and Ally Switch.

Thoughts on the new DLC additions (specifically the new legends)? How do you think they will fare?

I think the new DLC additions will increase the Power Level of the metagame quite a bit. For example, Regidrago has found a place on tailwind teams for its ability to do immense damage with Dragon Energy, and Regieleki has found its place on Electric Terrain teams due to its Transistor-boosted Rising Voltages. I've also heard from some people that Glastrier has found a niche on Trick Room builds.

How have you approached tiering 2v2?

In the beginning of the generation, our banlist was tied to Doubles OU, with a few bans and unbans here and there. After the community got together in favor of separating from the DOU banlist, we've done our bans and unbans independently, usually by council vote or suspect test.

And how have you looked at your bans? Is there a common thread in what makes pokemon broken in 2v2?

We've generally just gone with the general tiering norm, looking into what the community thinks is worth suspecting and discussing within our council whether it should or should not.

And what do you think your next steps for 2v2's growth is? Any future projects planned?

I've been somewhat of a workaholic when it comes to planning, and I have a lot planned for the future. As for stuff that's happening soon, our next premier league is in a week, and with the permaladder we've gotten recently, we possibly could be able to get a "Sets for the Smogon Dex" project up. Long-term, I'm working towards establishing 2v2 C&C, having 2v2 in a major team tournament, and hopefully attaining a public room.

What are some of your best memories in OMs and 2v2?

Probably playing in OM Snake Draft along with getting 2v2 a room.

Moving away from 2v2, what are some hobbies you have that aren't pokemon?

I mentioned before that I just recently got into Basketball, I've been having fun with that. I also a very bad coder and a track runner.

And how are enjoying those? Anything you've accomplished?

It's been nice. I haven't accomplished much as of recent, but I did make states for the 200 meter run in track.

Anyone you'd like to shout out before we end?

Shoutout the 1v1 and 2v2 community, and /j 2v2!

Finally, anything you'd like to say to the readers?

As always, thanks for reading and have a nice day. Mubs out.

Feel free to ask more questions below!
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how do you like your steak
Well done is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.

Thoughts on Snomunism?
The ideal government system, but I'm not sure how it would work in practice.

if u could ban 1 user from 2v2 who would it be


take all my data, what will you find?
is a Site Content Manageris a Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
I have a few questions of my own!

1. Itchyfoot gender guess? oo

2. What Pre-Crown Tundra 2v2 mons do you link are better after the release of the DLC?

3. Who is the cutest 2v2 staff member?

4. Free KyuB? y/n

5. If you were to free 1 2v2 discord emote in the 1v1 discord, what would it be? Why?
sapnap and thirtyvirus r gonna haunt you bro...

1. Mubs in or out? (ik this was answered in OP where you said mubs out but the answer might have changed)

2. How many girlfriends do you have?

3. Where did Pokesartoolcay come from?

4. How do you pronounce Pokesartoolcay?

5. What should I get a namechange to AND should I get a birthday change to my real birthday(the real year)?


6. Who is your favorite girlfriend that you have
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I do things (sometimes)
is a Community Contributoris a member of the Battle Simulator Staff
sapnap and thirtyvirus r gonna haunt you bro...

1. Mubs in or out? (ik this was answered in OP where you said mubs out but the answer might have changed)

2. How many girlfriends do you have?

3. Where did Pokesartoolcay come from?

4. How do you pronounce Pokesartoolcay?

5. What should I get a namechange to AND should I get a birthday change to my real birthday(the real year)?
particularly interested in 2 and 4, i think he explained 3 in a thread a while back
E: oh and 1, the important question
Whats your fav thing to order at a restaurant
Gotta go with a cheeseburger.

When do you plan to drop 3v3 Triples?

1. Mubs in or out? (ik this was answered in OP where you said mubs out but the answer might have changed)
I have recently found out that you can be in and out at the same time.

2. How many girlfriends do you have?
Cannot disclose that information

3. Where did Pokesartoolcay come from?
Pokes (Pokemon) art (are) oolcay (cool) made it in 2016.

5. What should I get a namechange to AND should I get a birthday change to my real birthday(the real year)?
Alexx assuming Alex is taken

6. Who is your favorite girlfriend that you have

1. Itchyfoot gender guess? oo
uh.. idk.

2. What Pre-Crown Tundra 2v2 mons do you link are better after the release of the DLC?
Trick room setters like Porygon2 and Oranguru.

3. Who is the cutest 2v2 staff member?
Legally required to say PartMan

4. Free KyuB? y/n
5. If you were to free 1 2v2 discord emote in the 1v1 discord, what would it be? Why?
because he do be out tho.

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