SPOILERS! General Pokémon Anime Discussion

Greninja: yay
Paul: nay. Thought we were free of that overrated angst machine. Oh well, as long as Ash is allowed to win handily. I am sure since they already contrived Iris to Champion status, they will contrive Paul with Mega Evolution even if it isn't plausible at all with his last appearance.


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is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Back to another topic, on to talking about yesterday's Journeys episode.

The gist is that Leon had a World Coronation Series match against...Flint! Ash didn't really interact with him at all, but Flint went with Infernape against Leon's mighty Charizard. As expected from the unbeatable Champion, Flint lost. With that in mind it is kinda funny that Flint of all people is in the Master Class considering now he's gotten beat down by a Champion not just once, but twice, considering Cynthia wiped the floor with him back towards the end of DP, and now he's been beat by Leon in this series.

Anyway, Goh goes to the Wild Area and catches some Galar Pokemon, and meets up with Sonia again. Meanwhile Ash meets up with Leon and manages to witness his training with his Pokemon...as it turns out, Leon basically loves playing and interacting with Pokemon in addition to training, battling, and whatnot, and it also turns out he and Ash are much alike. Really ties into Leon's characterization in Sword and Shield, as he's the Champion who is the most akin to a Pokemon protagonist, which by all means Ash is in the anime. So much so that Sonia in the episode even tells Goh that Leon is very much a "Pokemon freak" which immediately brings Ash to mind ahaha. The episode ends up with Leon and Ash uniting with Sonia and Goh in the evening after Leon's, well, horrible sense of direction.

Simple episode, but it characterizes Leon really well. Another thing that strikes as interesting is how he describes his position as the "unbeatable Champion", and his thoughts on it. The Evolutions special series' first episode characterized him really well in this regard, but the Journeys series puts a different spin on it. He describes himself as being scared that because he never lost a Pokemon battle in his life, that it possibly meant he had no further room to improve and become even stronger. And that scared him. But he realized he still can become even stronger after the whole Eternatus situation, in which he was no match for that monstrosity, and in a sense, that gave him a new sense of excitement in realizing he still has even greater heights to pursue, greater levels of strength to attain. The other thing is that Ash himself is eager to one day challenge Leon...now let's see how that pans out as the series goes on!

As for next episode...it's all about Thwackey. They will apparently meet a bunch of Thwackey, which Goh's Grookey will meet, and I suppose Rillaboom will show up too. I don't think Grookey will evolve anytime soon but seeing its mid evo finally debut will be a nice treat, to say the least.


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is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Today's episode in Journeys just aired.

It's another Chloe centric episode, with her meeting the one Eeveelution she had yet to meet: Sylveon. And as it turns out, the person who Chloe met for today is someone we all know, whose return people have been anticipating for some time now. Guess who's appeared again today?




Super happy to see her again, and I haven't got around to actually watching the episode yet (waiting for the subs to come out) but from what I'm hearing they handled her return really well, and I'm happy to see her having come so far. Even though it is one episode thus far, maybe we're in for her to show up again later this year! I mean Dawn made three returns in JN thus far, so Serena could show up a few more times or so as the year goes on.

Big thing worth noting is that she has a completely new outfit: this one is actually based on clothes you can get in X and Y the games! No wonder they were hiding the fact that she was gonna be back!

Also: Her Braixen evolved into a Delphox! Super happy to see that she finally has a Delphox after all this time!

Surprised they had it in them to hide her return until now, but soooooo soooooo happy to see her again and I'm glad to see she's come so far in her journey in Hoenn!!!


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is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Apologies for "double posting", though since it's been a week since my last post I guess it won't matter much, but I do have a bit more to say anyway.

Anyway, gonna kill two birds with one stone for this post, first last week's episode and now yesterday's episode, which was an unusual and unique beast because it was a Team Rocket centric filler.


First, last weeks episode, which was of course, Serena's first reappearance since XY, and the "Chloe meets Sylveon" episode. This one really went in on a mix of XY rep and ORAS rep: this month is really the Gen 6 rep month since the two episodes beforehand were all in on Clemont and Bonnie, now this one has Serena but it takes place in Hoenn since as we know that's where she went after she left Kalos, where she's been partaking in Contest Spectaculars (the ORAS name for Contests). Chloe goes here since she gets information from Kiley (the first Eeveelution trainer she met) that a Trainer with her Sylveon (who as we all know is Serena herself) gaining quite a bit of attention in Contests at Lilycove City, and runs into...Lisia, who is scouting potential coordinators/performers to partake in Hoenn's Contests, and immediately "recruits" Chloe in a similar manner to how she recruits you into Contests in ORAS. After this, Eevee immediately senses a Sylveon's presence and they run into Serena who is practicing for the upcoming Contest show with her Sylveon.

With this we see a lot of change with Serena's character since the end of XY. Serena aimed at the end to become a more giving, inspiring person to others and it really does seem like she's come into being that, as we see her taking a more mentor like role to Chloe with their interactions, similar to how Aria was like to her in her early days as a Performer, meaning her character has really come full circle and it was really nice to see. Serena definitely has become a lot more mature and wise in how she carries herself, and she's much more confident and self-driven than before, really having come into her own since the end of XY. It was really nice to see her take the role of really giving Chloe the confidence and push when Chloe wasn't so sure of whether she could pull off a good performance in that Contest Spectacular.

Chloe also pulled off her own performance with Eevee and it led to a funny situation back at the Cerise lab where her father, Professor Cerise, was in complete shock at seeing his own daughter on stage and was nervous through the whole thing. Chloe herself managed to pull off a good performance though, pulling from all the experience she's gained so far. Serena and Lisia did the final Master Rank Contest performances, with Serena pulling one with her Delphox (yes, it's a Delphox now), Pancham, and Sylveon, and later Lisia doing one with her Altaria which she also Mega Evolves during the performance. Incidentally, both of them tie for first place. Serena really has come far!

Funnily enough Ash doesn't interact with Serena until the very end of the episode, as he's distracted by Wallace beforehand who challenges him to a battle since he's well known as a high level Trainer who is at the top of the Ultra Class in the World Coronation Series. Wallace is funny this time around as he gets pissed when Ash doesn't remember him but remembers Steven. I suppose unlike other canons where Wallace and Steven are boyfriends, this time they are bitter exes who are currently not getting along very well xD. With that in mind Ash wins, but at the end Goh catches Altaria and both of them catch up with Chloe, and Serena briefly calls out to Ash and the two are happy to see each other again, but their interaction is brief as the ship Ash, Goh, and Chloe leave on sets sail soon, but not before the two manage to tell each other about their goals and are rooting for each other, and Serena will be rooting for Chloe too! Notably, tying in with how Serena carries herself in a more mature fashion this time around, she's also much more composed and much less shy around Ash, no blushing or awkwardness at all around him.

Also as a final note, they really went in on Chloe and Serena being girlfriends! The sapphic energy between them is off the charts


Anyway, gonna also briefly talk about what happened with yesterday's episode. It was a filler, that involved Team Rocket making a radio show. Originally it was to recruit Team Rocket grunts but then they lost sight of the way and just made it a bona fide fun radio show, and it was really funny lmao. Turns out even Brock was tuning in as it got popular, and both Ren and Professor Cerise were in on it! Cerise even went in on asking them how to approach his daughter (Chloe) since she's spending more time with her Pokemon than on him, which was revealed at the very end of the episode. Funnily enough Jessie, James, and Meowth's advice was to become a Professor on Pokemon for his daughter...which was the case with Cerise lmao. Not a lot, but it was one of the funniest filler episodes we've had in a while ahaha.

Next week's episode is gonna be about Chloe's Yamper and a big Cerise Park-centric episode that Suicune is gonna be involved in. After that...the episode after next week is gonna be the return of Greninja! Certainly a few episodes to look forward to.
It was great to see Serena return. Best Poke-Girl finally arrived to Journeys. And Sylveon too.

Extremely clever on how they handled the Ash/Serena reunion. Serena departed on some telling words that would be hard to maneuver around but they found a way without undercutting her proclamation. Pretty clever. The anime can be smart when it is trying.


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is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Oh yeah I'm like a week late on posting this but we know more details on the PLA animated series. Here are the tweets

Basically, the web series is scheduled to start on May 18th, later this month, and it's a three episode long series. Its name in English is "Hisuian Snow". The protagonist's name is Alec, and he apparently has a Hisuian Zorua.

Seems pretty short, but let's see what it can deliver!


Shared:Power Little Knight
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No way... ALAIN?!! This is going to be hype as hell. I have no idea why Paul isn't fitted in there though, I wonder what they're planning with his return.
Paul is most likely going to be part of a training arc, would be nice to see some more rivals come back too, at least Gary is already a recurring character.
The M8 seems really hype, for anyone autistic enough to follow this series for so long like me cant wait to see how this goes, really want this to be the series finale but that may be too much to ask to our overlords at TPCi.
Also bring back Ash's Charizard and give him mega Y, we need as many charizard as possible on this, for the memes, mostly.

No way... ALAIN?!! This is going to be hype as hell. I have no idea why Paul isn't fitted in there though, I wonder what they're planning with his return.
They should've dropped Iris for Tobias. Cowards. :P

Given that the Alola league winner didn't even get announced as such and currently has no Alolan mons on his team, I hope they diversify the champions' teams by adding a few Alolan mons. Gonna be kind of boring if half of the teams have Charizards, Dragonites, Metagrosses, and Lucarios. :P They already gave Cynthia Kommo-o since she has it in Masters apparently, so give Steven his Alolan Sandlash from Masters, and toss Turtonator and/or Drampa onto one of the dragon trainers. And give Alain Marshadow, they have the same fashion sense and I want to see my favorite gloomdweller get to actually do something in this continuity. :P


On to new Horizons!
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Ash vs. Raihan was a damn solid battle, really enjoyed that one and seeing Raihan pull his weather shenanigans was great. It was also awesome to see Lucario pull off the Aura-Bond-boosted super sized massively powered Aura Sphere that it learned from its time training alongside Greninja in the previous episode to pull a powerful finishing blow in the end.

Anyway, as this thread has already been getting at, the Masters 8 has been settled. I expected it to be mostly Champions, but Alain being there is a surprise. I still must wonder why he is there, considering he wasn't originally much of a serious battler, so it'll be interesting to learn why he's there. Since Greninja is likely being set up for a potential next appearance...maybe Ash vs. Alain rematch with Ash-Greninja vs. Mega Charizard X once again? I would be eating good if we get that!

Masters 8 seems like it'll be a tournament format with three rounds (eight participants->four->two for quarterfinals as R1, semifinals as R2, and finals as R3). Assuming Ash reaches his endgame and battles Leon, this means Leon will be the finals, and this also means Ash has two battles before he reaches Leon. In other words, he has three battles for the Masters 8 tournament.

My guess? His three Masters 8 battles will most likely be Alain, Cynthia, and Leon, with Leon as the finale. Alain because he is one of Ash's most prominent rivals and the only one he hasn't defeated in a battle, Cynthia because 1. We have Sinnoh games as some of the Gen 8 games 2. Cynthia is the most popular Champion ever and 3. Cynthia has shown up a lot in JN so far, and was revealed to be in the 8 a long time ago, so this one is gonna be a huge deal, plus Cynthia all the way back in DP was looking forward to the prospect of battling Ash someday and Ash too, so this one's definitely in the cards, and of course Leon was Ash's ultimate aim from the start of this series and he's the "unbeatable" strongest Champion of all.

Of course, what I'm saying here is speculation, but this is what I think is the most likely scenario. Iris is probably out the door since he already beat Iris beforehand and unless they wanna rob Ash of the chance to battle Leon, they're not gonna let Iris get defeated by Ash a second time. Of course, I'm open to other possibilities happening as we learn more later on down the line but my guess is that Ash's final three World Coronation opponents will be Alain, Cynthia, and Leon. Leon is all but guaranteed and the former two have some setup to make them Ash's opponents for the tournament.

It'll be interesting to see how the actual Masters 8 tournament pans out, this'll be hype!

Oh and by the way, for Goh fans, next episode is a Project Mew mission taking place in Hoenn. It'll be a "Battle Royale" where Project Mew challengers all battle each other with one on top. Don't know what the aim is but supposedly this will decide who gets to go on to become Chaser. It'll be an interesting episode...certainly, and Horace is also involved so we'll see how that pans out!


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
They should've dropped Iris for Tobias. Cowards. :P
Not to mention where are other previous League Champions like Harrison, Tyson, and Virgil? Plus I don't think we didn't see any Frontier Brains or any other non-League trainers that were in the games. While I get the mentality of not wanting Ash only battling important characters from the games... actually, no, I don't get it. Or at least, if they're gonna have non-important NPCs from the games why didn't they stick with already existing trainers Ash had met previously?

The premise of the Coronation was there was 10k competitors. Yet, before the the Masters Rank, they've only shown Ash battle with 15 trainers on screen. Now some of these were important characters like Korrina, Flint, Bea, Marnie, Volkner, Drasna, and Raihan... but then we have these random trainers like Kricketina, Rinto, Dozer, Tony, Visquez, Hayden, & Lob. Okay, some of these were just few minute battles before focusing on the main battle/plot of the episode, but some were the main opponent of the episode. Notably Kricketina, Rinto, and Visquez. Visquez is most notable here because she was standing in for Lt. Surge. Hey, writers, how about instead of Ash battling Visquez which no one cares about, have Ash battle Lt. Surge (and Pikachu vs Surge's Raichu). Instead of Kricketina who you only had cause you wanted to play with Kricketune, have it be Aaron who just so happened to be training a Kricketune. Instead of it being Rinto who was observing Ash and later used a Gallade to battle him, maybe have it be Wally. Or, since they were in Kanto and Rinto was the one who told Ash about his synchrony problem with his Pokemon, maybe pull a surprise pull and have it be AJ (and show his Sandshrew had evolved into a Sandslash).

And not all cameos needed to be big. Have more tournaments happen and fill them with a few previous trainers Ash have battled. Ash and them would share a quick "nice to see, doing good, let the best trainer win" just as the battle is about to start, but then after Ash wins the battle they can vanish with it implied they just moved onto their next battle (maybe at most showing them in the background doing their own thing). Heck, probably could even do this with some Gym Leaders just to have them cameo.

And this all comes back to the Master 8. I get having the Champions, especially trying to have one representing each region (Ash for Alola (probably should get some of his Alolan mons...), Lance pulling double for Kanto & Johto (hence his ace being the Shiny Gyarados from the Lake of Rage instead of Dragonite)). But, as I said, makes it feel too predictable and no purpose in having all the previous battles. Alain was a nice surprising pull, but just shows they could have done more. I would say drop Iris (since Ash battled her already), Diantha (she's too busy acting to compete, maybe even had an episode where Ash & Goh (& Chloe) run into the filming and do a days work as background extras), and Steven (is involved in a major archeology discovery which they could have based an episode on) and instead have Tobias (one of Ash's most notorious challenges and a League Champion who uses Legendaries), Palmer (to get some Frontier representation), and maybe another random pull. Like, imagine if it was revealed Gary had been secretly competing his way up? Or have it be Gladion who was also competing while on the search for his father. Something to mix it up so it's not all Champions.

Gonna be kind of boring if half of the teams have Charizards, Dragonites, Metagrosses, and Lucarios. :P
I did have a bit of a laugh with two of the ace mons shown being Charizard plus Ash having his he can call up and Lance possibly could also having one. Sadly I doubt we'll see Ash's Charizard, though maybe they would also have Lance use a Charizard and have it Mega Evolve into Y (since Alain uses X) just so Leon can show how super powerful his Charizard is and defeat both Mega Charizards (cause the only way you're showing your Charizard is stronger is by it defeating other Charizards).

We've already had the Dragonite fight between Ash's and Iris's and don't think there would be any point having Ash's Dragonite fight Lances, so I say if Ash battles Lance he could switch Dragonite out for one of his reserves. Iris's Dragonite vs Lance's Dragonite needs to happen though, if Iris is gonna be the ultimate Dragon Master she's gonna need to defeat THE current Dragon Master in an OG dragon all-out battle.

Only Ash and Cynthia have a Lucario and they could easily have Cynthia use another Pokemon as we haven't seen her use a Lucario. Though if she did use a Lucario I guess it would maybe be the "ultimate" challenge for Ash's Lucario to test its might against. *shrug*

Someone has a Metagross aside Steven... OH, right, Alain. Yeah, honestly there's no rivalry there (Alain didn't use it when he battled Steven previously) so they could have Alain use something else.

Masters 8 seems like it'll be a tournament format with three rounds (eight participants->four->two for quarterfinals as R1, semifinals as R2, and finals as R3). Assuming Ash reaches his endgame and battles Leon, this means Leon will be the finals, and this also means Ash has two battles before he reaches Leon. In other words, he has three battles for the Masters 8 tournament.

My guess? His three Masters 8 battles will most likely be Alain, Cynthia, and Leon, with Leon as the finale.
Sadly very likely the case. Also they probably not gonna do full battles either... which in that case they should make it a round robin at the very least. Not all matches need to be dragged out, all of them are Champions so it wouldn't be too much of a surprise if one has the Type advantage they could end a round in a few attacks (aka leave the longer rounds between notable Pokemon like the aces). And it would build up Leon if he defeated everyone (including Ash initially). Then after the round robin have the two who won the most have the final battle which would be Ash (who would have won all his non-Leon battles with some quick situation adapting & out-of-the-box strategies) and Leon (who would have won all his battles with just sheer power).
A round robin and type matches ending early would make some sense in a real life setting (I mean not by much real life tourneys really like single & double elimination) and not an anime with a presumably limited time table that wants to have distinct forward progress while also generally ignoring type advantage unless its Dramatic (TM) so all battles shown really come down to the time they want to commit vs how much they want to upsell someone. Alain's Charizard is not going to land a series of flamethrowers on Steven's Mega Metagross (& the rest of his team) and come out of this victorious

A traditional 8-man single elimination tournament has 7 matches, a round robin would have 28. The former means we can have primary focus on Ash as he goes against theoretically-stronger opponents for 3 matches, and then have slightly smaller check ins on Leon's 2 other matches, and then have smaller check ins on the other 2 matches (if at all).
The latter would require seven matches for Ash AND 7 check ins for Leon and then we still have 14(!) left over. Not to mention in a round robin its a lot harder to have a big fancy "final bout" without really bending over backwards with the seeding and point distribution (& would be lamer tbh) or tacking on an extra final bout which oh boy that's another match now.
It's a ton of battle time dedicated purely to wanting Ash to fight everyone and then you have to skim real hard if not outright skip over a fuck ton of other matches. Anime already has a problem showcasing everything it wants to in its normal Leagues, we don't need to exasperate it
Last edited:

Fusion Flare

i have hired this cat to stare at you
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In the midst of this pure fanservice of a series, the end seems to be in sight. Here are my thoughts.
Honestly, Masters 8 isn't too mindblowing. You got your final boss Leon, then you got all the other champions, with Alain there for some fan closure on the whole XY league fallout. It's nice and stuff, but i'm just happy about one thing.


He isn't here.
I am so glad they just left that guy in the dust. No rematch, no nothing.
He's just left the way he always was. Some cheap foil to stop Ash from winning the League.
I'm glad he doesn't get some stupid fan closure like Alain does, because he doesn't deserve it.
He deserves nothing but the pitch-black void of obscurity.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
He deserves nothing but the pitch-black void of obscurity.
Do you mean the Dark Void of obscurity? :p
Pitch-Black works too as that's Darkrai's category, the "Pitch-Black Pokemon".

I can understand the sentiment about Tobias, though would also be funny if he had gone against Leon and to see his entire team of Legendaries just get completely rekt.
In the midst of this pure fanservice of a series, the end seems to be in sight. Here are my thoughts.
Honestly, Masters 8 isn't too mindblowing. You got your final boss Leon, then you got all the other champions, with Alain there for some fan closure on the whole XY league fallout. It's nice and stuff, but i'm just happy about one thing.

View attachment 424037
He isn't here.
I am so glad they just left that guy in the dust. No rematch, no nothing.
He's just left the way he always was. Some cheap foil to stop Ash from winning the League.
I'm glad he doesn't get some stupid fan closure like Alain does, because he doesn't deserve it.
He deserves nothing but the pitch-black void of obscurity.
Too bad they included Ash, though, that cheap foil to stop Faba from winning the Alola League. ;)

I never had any issue with Tobias, to me he was just the purest representation of that formative Pokemon experience: getting curbstomped by somebody that rolled up with a bunch of legendaries when you were just out there playing with your favorites. The writers had to do it at some point. :P

Since I was pointing out the show neglected to mention Ash's Alola league winner status, apparently the title for an upcoming ep at least acknowledges it (though not in the context of the Masters tournament):

serebii.net said:
In The Anime Department
Pokémon Journeys - News

A new Episode Title have been released via Japanese magazines. These episodes are due to air on May 20th, May 27th and June 3rd respectively. The first episode features Ash & Goh meet Lillie in Galar after hearing of a mysterious Pokémon in the Crown Tundra. The second episode has Ash return to Alola to participate in the Battle Royal against Kukui and various others. The third episode features the final trial mission for Project Mew
Episode 1200: Lillie and Mohn: A Reunion on the Tundra!
Episode 1201: A Triumphant Return! The Alola Champion!!
Episode 1202: Last Mission! Get Regielki & Regidrago!!
If there's one thing Shonen taught me, it's that a good Tournament arc is one that can make a good show out of matches without the "Big 2" (i.e. the characters you're expecting to see in the final match). Naruto's Chuunin exam, for example, the most memorable match for a lot of people there is almost unanimously the preliminary Rock Lee vs Gaara match, a fight involving a side-character and an at-best Secondary antagonist, because it put all eyes on a character no one thought much of prior and the respective performances are what made both characters memorable/stand-out in their plot.

Basically, just because Ash is only going to battle 2 trainers and then Leon doesn't mean they will (or at least that they shouldn't) skimp on the other participants in the tournament. This series is the Fan-Service installment with all the familiar faces or Game characters finally showing up (much as I liked her, you can't tell me Drasna would be first pick if the fan-service was strictly the anime-shilling variety), so I would hope they don't throw the opportunity for so much of it to the wayside just because Ash or Ash's final boss Leon isn't a direct participant in all of it.

No way... ALAIN?!! This is going to be hype as hell. I have no idea why Paul isn't fitted in there though, I wonder what they're planning with his return.
Because Paul has no business being in the top 8. His best canon finish was top 8 in Sinnoh. His finish in his three other leagues were never mentioned but I would wager they weren't higher. Iris has no business being there either. Her jump to Champion was ridiculous based off where we last saw her. But I understand adding her because of the game connection.

Alain was a League champion. Of course, there are six/seven/right/nine/etc league champions every "year" but Alain actually beat an Elite Four member in battle. It is clear that Journeys is continuing the trend of not portraying Elite Four and Champions as untouchable aces.

I would have swapped out Iris for Alder. It would have been nice to see Alder kick some butt again. He only had a showing against Trip.

Actually, they should have put Trip in the Top 8 just to troll the Paul and Alain fan boys. That would have been epic.

As for Tobias, his absence just reinforces what a plot device he was.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Basically, just because Ash is only going to battle 2 trainers and then Leon doesn't mean they will (or at least that they shouldn't) skimp on the other participants in the tournament. This series is the Fan-Service installment with all the familiar faces or Game characters finally showing up (much as I liked her, you can't tell me Drasna would be first pick if the fan-service was strictly the anime-shilling variety), so I would hope they don't throw the opportunity for so much of it to the wayside just because Ash or Ash's final boss Leon isn't a direct participant in all of it.
And that thought was the reason I setup the matches as I did above:

Ash VS Alain: Obvious, out of all the other trainers that Ash lost to Alain is probably the one fans would most want to see. PokemonCrusader is right that Tobias was just a plot device solely made to defeat Ash as at that point Ash had made a pretty powerful team (only "weak" point being Gible and it was even able to win a few a match). Alain was likely made for the same reason, though this time having some forethought they decided to give Alain a character arc so he's now just another random last minute character introduced to beat Ash, using him to also give Lysandre a strong trainer to act as his second/muscle (until Alain betrays him). Also many felt the Ash vs Alain match was BS, Alain winning due to plot reasons and because of Charizard popularity. We're likely to get Mega Charizard X vs Ash-Greninja again this time with Ash & Greninja winning (though hopefully they show that Alain has gotten a few more tricks).

Cynthia VS Diantha: I always saw Diantha's design as sort of being an anti-thesis to Cynthia's. White clothes more focused at the top instead of black with focus on the bottom (also Diantha's clothes are plain cut while Cynthia has furry trimming), short black hair instead long blonde hair, & Diantha is more of a public figure being a famous actress while Cynthia is more reclusive being a folklorist. You could even say their aces are also meant to be foils, Cynthia's is a dragon with great physical strength while Diantha's is a humanoid fairy with great magical & mental power (also Gardevoir's Japanese name is Sirknight, and who slays a dragon in folktales but a sir knight?).

Iris VS Lance: Iris's goal has always been become a dragon master, and Lance is essentially THE dragon master of the Pokemon world or at least one of the top ones, so Iris defeating him is a step toward her goals.

Leon VS Steven: ... And unfortunately that leaves Steven out, meaning he's just the first victim of Leon's. But it should still be an impressive battle, Steven has shown how strong his Shiny Mega Metagross is so would be good fodder to Leon's Charizard (this could also work with Alain being Ash's first opponent, after seeing Leon defeat Steven they could have Alain being stunned and tells Ash how his Charizard (which Ash & Greninja would barely defeat) could barely faze Metagross (and that it also was able to take on Primal Kyogre)).

Ash VS Cynthia: As ScraftyIsTheBest said, they've set up Cynthia more than Diantha, plus we just had two Sinnoh-based games, so Cynthia is likely winning and be facing Ash. Nothing else to really to say here, though maybe this would be a quick chance to bring up Tobias and learned how he faired against the Sinnoh League.

Iris VS Leon: And with Iris defeating Lance, that's really the end of her reason being here. The only thing I can think that could be done here is that Leon just sweeps Iris which Charizard, another moment of intimidation for Ash who'll remember that he & Iris equally exchanged blows in their battle. And with Ash having battled Cynthia, maybe have Cynthia tell Ash that she and Iris had previously battled before the Masters Class and their battle was also an exchange of blows.

Which of course all leads up to the main match of Ash VS Leon.

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