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  • Erm no... Still didnt get my Poke yet... Last night when I hit my Delay I went to my Journal and there were no Adjacent Pages! So there was no way I was doing 2000+ Flips when I only needed to do 1000 lol and I couldnt hit it after :( Sometime later this week ok? If not COKTAL has the same Azelf =/
    Lol NVm as soon as I was about to give up on the next try I hit my Delay! XD Just need to do about 1000+ Flips and I can Trade =)
    Hey Bozo we might have to trade some other time, Ive been trying for an hour now to hit my Delay and I havent ;__; And im about to give up for the night, sorry :(
    Ill VM you when I can trade, thanks!
    Ok there you can see me VM's now I believe =)
    And yes ill be finished sometime today, I replied fully in your thread as well
    hmmm..... will you be finished the rng-abuse today? i'd prefer to trade for both at once, as its the azelf i need mostly.
    Hey Bozo, I can Trade over the Raikou now but I cant trade over the Azelf now, if your ok with that let me know or if you would rather wait untill the Azelf is Available?
    My Azelf is on my other Platinum Cart and right now on that Cart im busy with an Abuse and it needs traded over still =/
    Lol, everything I said.

    I'm surprised I even remembered my Serebii password after so long. It's funny how I started a commotion on both sites by bringing it up here!
    Thats so crazy... 3 crits in a row from Gliscor. The battle Frontier cheats so much lol
    Heh, that's cool how you mentioned the PM in the thread (better not mention what I said or else!!! lol). I love seeing Terry T's quote in your sig. It was me who brought that post to Smogon's attention, but I only found it thanks to ungulateman!
    Hey man I saw your Hax vid on Youtube. I have to ask if you destroyed your DS after those incidents xD That has got to be gay
    Alright big Bozo! I think you might have heard that pokemon 5th generation was officially I think I want to do a cool servey with various trainers. so I ask you,what 10 pokemon would you like to see evolve or get a different form?!
    Awesome! It's almost like reading a book but having to wait for each chapter to be written... suspenseful.
    That's a relief to know - I've actually logged in several times recently, only to see if you'd replied or not! Well anyway, I imagine you wrote a good response before it got lost in cyberspace... I appreciate that you're going to the effort of recreating it.

    Lol! That's quite amusing... shame you didn't write it in large, bold text! At least you know that was incorrect - most people on the internet don't know grammar at all.
    Well, I'm back now. I'm sorry it doesn't seem to have worked out this week, but I didn't expect my wife to break her foot while jogging :/ Well, I guess we'll have to wait another week to trade.
    I'm sorry, but I've got to take care of some family stuff and won't be available for a few hours. Tomorrow might be better, if that works for you.
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